
2 Stories

Guy's First Hang-Gliding Flight Is 134 Terrible Seconds

Instructor forgets to attach man's harness to glider, he has to hang on

(Newser) - The first day of a Florida man's Switzerland vacation got a bit more adventurous than he had planned when a hang-gliding ride went horrifyingly awry. Chris Gursky's instructor failed to attach his harness to the glider, so Gursky had to hold on for dear life for 2 minutes...

Hang-Gliding Pilot Eats Evidence After Fatal Accident

Cops say he swallowed memory card after passenger fell to her death

(Newser) - Police probing a tragic hang-gliding death in Canada say the pilot involved swallowed key evidence after his passenger's death. William Orders, owner-operator of a hang-gliding company in Vancouver, was on a tandem flight with a 27-year-old woman when she became detached and fell a thousand feet to her death....

2 Stories
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