global economy

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Is the US Dollar All Spent?
 Is the US Dollar 
 All Spent? 

Is the US Dollar All Spent?

(Newser) - Sick of relying on the US dollar, critics around the world want it replaced as Earth's top currency, Michael Schuman writes in Time. A panel of UN economists and a top banker in China have called for a new unit—like the IMF's Special Drawing Units—to stabilize the global...

Surprise: G20 Had More Substance Than Hot Air
Surprise: G20 Had More Substance Than Hot Air

Surprise: G20 Had More Substance Than Hot Air

(Newser) - Unlike most economic summits, the G20 talks have delivered more than just a promise to talk some more in the future, Steven Pearlstein writes in the Washington Post. The meeting may not have been the turning point declared by President Obama, but the market-boosting measures agreed upon represent a more...

G20 Measures 'Necessary, But 'No Guarantees': Obama

(Newser) - President Obama touted the resolutions of the G20 summit today in London, saying swift and muscular action was needed to reverse the global economic downturn, the AP reports. Steps like the injection of funds into the IMF and the creation of a global regulatory body “were necessary,” he...

G20 Unveils $1T Plan to Boost Global Economy

(Newser) - The G20 leaders have agreed to a plan to pump $1 trillion into the world economy, British PM Gordon Brown announced today; the agreement will also tighten global financial regulation and crack down on secret tax havens. The plan calls for:
  • The money available to the International Monetary Fund to

G20 Should Bail Out the Poor: Kristof
 G20 Should Bail Out 
 the Poor: Kristof 

G20 Should Bail Out the Poor: Kristof

(Newser) - While world leaders waste bicker, the global economic crisis hurts more than your 401(k), Nicholas Kristof writes in the New York Times. The crisis will cause another 22 children to die every hour in 2009—and that’s the World Bank’s best-case scenario. So it’s really discouraging when...

Geithner Predicts Big Things at G20

Confident Treasury chief expects 'global stimulus' plan

(Newser) - Treasury chief Tim Geithner made time in London for a series of TV interviews in which he expressed confidence that the global economy has turned the corner. He told Bloomberg that he sees "encouraging signs" of recovery and said policy makers at the G20 summit will make sure the...

Obama Meets With Hu, Plans Visit to China

(Newser) - President Obama and Hu Jintao of China met today at the G20 summit in London and agreed to close cooperation on issues ranging from the economic crisis to global security, Time reports. Obama will travel to China later this year. Meanwhile, high-level representatives will meet in Washington during the summer...

Climate, Financial Crises Two Sides of One Coin

(Newser) - The key issue behind both the global economic and climate crises is exactly the same: “mispricing risk,” Thomas L. Friedman writes in the New York Times. “We have been mispricing risk in both arenas,” he contends, “producing a huge excess of both toxic assets and...

Sarkozy: World Growth Must Come First

French prez urges G20 to work for better kind of capitalism

(Newser) - Today's G20 talks must focus on restarting global growth through a better-regulated form of capitalism, Nicolas Sarkozy writes in the Washington Post. The international financial system needs urgent restructuring, writes the French president, and confidence cannot be effectively restored unless reforms are carried out with a greater sense of morality...

G20 Protest Draws 35K to London Streets

(Newser) - Security patrols for next week's G20 summit, take note: A protest in London today drew an estimated 35,000 people, about three times as many as expected, the Guardian reports. Organizers of the march—a coalition of unions, church groups, and charities—are pushing for movement on “jobs, justice,...

'09 Airline Losses Likely Worse Than Post-9/11

Companies to lose $4.7 billion in economic crisis

(Newser) - World airlines will lose $4.7 billion this year, and revenues will plummet $62 billion—worse than after 9/11, a top industry association said. The grim estimate is almost twice what it was in December and reflects “the rapid deterioration of the global economic conditions,” said the International...

Obama to G-20: We Must Act Fast on Crisis
Obama to G-20: We Must Act Fast on Crisis

Obama to G-20: We Must Act Fast on Crisis

Responds to Europe's stimulus reluctance with global op-ed blitz

(Newser) - President Obama published an op-ed piece in more than 30 newspapers worldwide today, urging the G-20 nations to take immediate, bold action to fix the economy. “The United States is ready to lead,” he wrote in the Los Angeles Times, among others, “and we call on our...

Unable to Fix Economy, Hungary's PM Steps Down

(Newser) - Hungary’s Socialist prime minister will step down so that a leader more adept at managing the country’s dire economic straits can take over, Reuters reports. “I hear that I am the obstacle to the cooperation required for changes,” Ferenc Gyurcsany told a meeting of his party....

Geithner Urges G20 to Pump Up Global Economy

Treasury seeks billions to help IMF prop up struggling nations

(Newser) - Tim Geithner is calling on the other G20 nations to help the US get the global economy back on its feet, the Washington Post reports. The Treasury secretary, who leaves for a G20 summit tomorrow, said in a briefing yesterday the administration plans to ask Congress for another $100 billion...

The Next Economic Victim: Globalization
 The Next Economic 
 Victim: Globalization 

The Next Economic Victim: Globalization

Plunging exports, protectionism undercut 'golden age'

(Newser) - World trade has quadrupled since 1982, but economic woes are eating away at globalization’s “golden age” as exports fall, foreign workers head home, and governments seek to protect their own, the Washington Post reports. “The collapse of globalization is absolutely possible,” said a US economist. “...

US Will Collapse by 2010: Russian

(Newser) - The “collapse of the American dream” is complete, says a Russian scholar, and President Obama will declare martial law and the US will splinter into six regions by the end of 2010, the AP reports. Igor Panarin, the dean of Russia's Foreign Ministry school, cited school shootings, the prison...

EU Meets Over Economic Crisis

Protectionism concerns weigh on leaders

(Newser) - European Union leaders have begun an emergency meeting about the economic crisis amid fears of protectionism among nations, the BBC reports. The Brussels summit comes after French President Nicolas Sarkozy said he would bail out France’s auto industry if it didn’t send jobs out of the country. “...

Brown Calls for 'Global New Deal'
Brown Calls
for 'Global
New Deal'

Brown Calls for 'Global New Deal'

At Berlin meeting, British PM says world needs $500B rescue

(Newser) - The world needs to unite on a "global New Deal" to end the economic crisis, Gordon Brown said yesterday at a European summit. The British prime minister, who is chairing April's meeting of the G20, joined colleagues from France and Germany to call for a major overhaul of the...

Global Plunge Panics Economists

Markets dive worldwide as new figures point to intractable slowdown

(Newser) - The markets' global plunge yesterday was testament to a new, scary fact, writes the Washington Post: the world economic crisis is getting even worse. New figures show the economies of Japan, Britain and Germany contracting at their fastest in decades, while emerging markets like Russia and Brazil are tanking, and...

Geithner Gets Warmer Reception at G-8 Summit

(Newser) - This was no Roman holiday for Timothy Geithner. But after crashing global markets with a botched rollout of a bank rescue plan, the new Treasury secretary earned better reviews from global finance officials meeting in Rome. Geithner appeared more assured at a news conference here following two days of G-8...

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