National Health Service

Stories 21 - 36 | << Prev 

GOP Gunning for Obama Health Nominee

Blocking appointment is one way to re-open health care debate

(Newser) - Republicans have their knives out for Donald Berwick, President Obama's nominee to run Medicare and Medicaid. Berwick, a pediatrician and Harvard prof who runs a nonprofit aimed at cutting hospital errors, as well as costs, is a fan of Britain's single-payer health National Health Service, they note; he once declared...

Brits Outraged Over Organ Donation Without Consent

Health secretary apologizes after organs removed without consent

(Newser) - Computer errors affecting the National Health Service's organ-donor registry led to the removal of organs from 21 people who had not given consent, and the UK health secretary has ordered "a review to find out why this has happened." The error in recording the preferences of 800,000...

Finally, a Hospital Gown That Covers Your ...

Fashion designer makes modest and 'fabulous' garment for England

(Newser) - A fashion designer has completed a noble project for England’s National Health Service by building a better—and less revealing—hospital gown. The “aspirational” garment will debut in 2011 and features modest “entrance points” instead of an open back. Ben de Lisi clearly understood the problem. “...

Brit Health Service Endorses Wii Fit

First-ever video game supported by NHS

(Newser) - Turn on the boob tube and get fit. That's the message from the British National Health Service, which is endorsing Nintendo's new Wii Fit Plus video game. It's the first time ever the service has endorsed a video game and it's sure to raise criticism from some health experts, reports...

Brit Transsexual Sues for Health Service Boob Job

Plaintiff claims refusing surgery is a violation of human rights

(Newser) - A transsexual denied breast enlargement surgery by Britain's National Health Service is suing, claiming the denial violates her human rights. The plaintiff—who has undergone hormone treatment and lived as a woman for the last decade—says the surgery is essential to her identity as a woman.

UK Teen Dies After HPV Vaccination

14-year-old has 'rare but extreme reaction'; batch quarantined after others report trouble

(Newser) - A 14-year-old British girl died yesterday after receiving the vaccine against human papillomavirus, and the National Health Service has quarantined the batch after three other girls reported unpleasant side effects. Her school is telling parents the girl had a “rare but extreme reaction” to the shot, which is commonly...

Why I Love Britain's Health Care System
Why I Love Britain's
Health Care System

Why I Love Britain's Health Care System

(Newser) - US conservatives are doing their best to turn Britain’s National Health Service into a cautionary tale. Author Stephen Amidon was nervous as well when he moved to Britain; how good could free care be? But the birth of his first child taught him to love the system, he writes...

Obamacare Isn't 'Socialist Hellhole,' It's Switzerland

Krugman: White House plan not all that radical

(Newser) - Investor's Business Daily made a howler when it said the British physicist Stephen Hawking "wouldn't have a chance" under the UK's health care, but for Paul Krugman, the "vile and stupid" editorial missed the point. Obamacare doesn't look like the British system, in which government runs hospitals...

Brown Answers US Health Attack on Twitter

PM, wife hit back at Republicans bashing UK's health service

(Newser) - When a few Republicans called Britain's National Health Service "evil" and "Orwellian," the UK's Twitter users erupted. The hashtag #welovetheNHS has been trending for days now, at one point crashing the site. Yesterday the campaign got a high-profile supporter: Gordon Brown, who tweeted: "NHS often makes...

British Health Care Would Kill Hawking...
British Health Care Would Kill Hawking...

British Health Care Would Kill Hawking...

...say foes of reform, forgetting that Brit physicist lives in UK

(Newser) - Opponents of health care reform should be careful how they use the terrifying example of Britain’s socialized system. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution stumbled upon an editorial on Investors Business Daily that asserts that “people such as scientist Stephen Hawking wouldn’t have a chance in the UK, where the...

Health Care by Computer Has Failed in the UK
Health Care by Computer
Has Failed in the UK

Health Care by Computer Has Failed in the UK

(Newser) - Like all liberals, President Obama likes big, controlling systems. Like British politicians, he hopes to manage health care with a nationwide supercomputer. As Britain failed, so too will the United States, Fraser Nelson and Irwin M. Stelzer write in the Weekly Standard. Not only has Britain's medical database failed after...

Orgasm a Day Keeps Doc Away: Brits on Sex Ed

(Newser) - A brochure being circulated by Britain's National Health Service advises that children be taught more positive lessons about sex as part of a healthy life, along the lines of "an orgasm a day keeps the doctor away," reports the Daily Telegraph. The leaflet, entitled Pleasure, says sex should...

Health Group Posts Graphic YouTube Vid of Birthing Teen

(Newser) - A British National Health Service trust posted a controversial staged video on YouTube showing a teenager giving birth amid a pack of yelling high schoolers as a way to scare girls about pregnancy, reports the Daily Mail. The video shows a teen, played by an actress, giving birth on a...

Doctor Shortage Could Hurt Obama Health Care Plans

More primary care physicians are needed to serve aging population, uninsured

(Newser) - President Obama's ambitious plants to expand health care for millions of currently uninsured Americans while simultaneously meeting the needs of aging boomers, may be stymied not only by politics-as-usual but a shortage of primary care physicians, the New York Times reports. Officials are weighing several options, including increasing Medicare payments...

Poor Kids Missing Out on Multivitamins

Well-heeled kids take them, poor need them

(Newser) - Vitamin supplements can combat kids' dietary deficiencies, but tend to be taken by those who least need them, reports Time. A five-year study found that a third of US children take supplements—but those kids are much more likely to be white, with higher incomes, healthier diets, and better health...

UK to Patients Who Smoke: Put That Out

National Health Service imposes four-week window before surgery

(Newser) - Smokers in Britain must kick the habit for at least four weeks before undergoing routine surgery or the National Health Service will deny them the operations, the Daily Mail reports. Doctors will use blood tests to enforce the new policy, which could affect up to 500,000 smokers awaiting procedures...

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