
Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>

Mistress: Madoff Was Pot-Smoking Don Juan

(Newser) - "When we made love, I was on fire"—that is the frank admission by Bernie Madoff's married mistress in a new tell-all book about their years-long affair. Sheryl Weinstein, who worked for a Jewish women's group and lost her life savings with Ponzi schemer, reveals that she and...

Revenge on Skirt-Chasing NBA Retiree Gives Ad Firm a Boost

Company profits from NBA star's embarrassment

(Newser) - Reggie Miller probably did not love the “Reggie Miller Stop Pursuing Married Women” banner that flew over California beaches this past weekend, but the company that operates the aircraft is getting some free publicity out of the incident, TMZ reports. The attack on the former NBA star, commissioned by...

Women Charged With Gluing Man's Penis: 'We're Victims'

'I thought he loved me,' says one

(Newser) - The Wisconsin women charged with false imprisonment after tying a man up and super-gluing his penis to his stomach aren’t especially repentant. “If anybody is a victim in this it’s all the women that he’s dated,” Michelle Belliveau told the Today show. “They gave...

Edwards' Mistress Appears Before Grand Jury

Proceedings are secret, but likely have to do with campaign funds

(Newser) - Rielle Hunter, former galpal and rumored babymama of John Edwards, arrived at the Raleigh federal courthouse with her daughter this morning to appear in front of a grand jury, the News & Observer reports. Hunter’s video production firm was paid $100,000 for work on Edwards’ presidential campaign, and...

Women Super-Glue Privates of Cheating Hubby

Wife exacts revenge, with his girlfriends

(Newser) - Four women face felony charges after a bizarre act of revenge against a womanizing husband, the AP reports. Wendy Sewell, 43, Therese Ziemann, 48, and Michelle Belliveau, 43, all of Wisconsin, teamed up with the man’s wife to trap him at a motel, tie him up, and super-glue his...

'Abstinence' State Senator Quits After Intern Affair

(Newser) - Pro-abstinence Tennessee State Sen. Paul Stanley has stepped down in the wake of revelations that he had an affair with his 22-year-old intern, reports AP. The 47-year-old married father of two admitted the affair to investigators after his intern's boyfriend allegedly attempted to blackmail Stanley for $10,000. "Due...

Man Forced to Drink Acid in UK 'Honor Attack'

(Newser) - A London man was beaten, stabbed, and forced to drink acid in what police believe was an "honor attack," the Daily Mail reports. The victim lost his tongue in the attack and remains in critical condition. Police believe the man, who was originally Danish, was attacked because he...

Italian Paper Releases 'Tapes' of Berlusconi Escort Tryst

Man instructs woman to wait 'in Putin's bed'

(Newser) - Silvio Berlusconi’s prostitution scandal flared anew today as Italian newspaper L’Espresso released audio recordings made by the woman who claims she was paid to attend a party with the Italian PM, the BBC reports. On the recordings, a voice said to be Berlusconi’s says: “I’m...

Sanford: I Feel Like I Was at My Own Funeral
Sanford: I Feel Like I Was
at My Own Funeral

Sanford: I Feel Like I Was at My Own Funeral

'Broken' governor vows to be more 'humble' leader

(Newser) - A “broken” Mark Sanford says the fallout from his admission of an extramarital affair has been like attending his own funeral, but he’s “thankful for the perspective it has afforded.” In a column for the Greenville News, the disgraced South Carolina governor shares the life lessons...

Marital Woes Strike Ensign's Ex-Housemate
Marital Woes Strike Ensign's Ex-Housemate

Marital Woes Strike Ensign's Ex-Housemate

'Christian fellowship home' in DC was also Sanford hangout

(Newser) - Add Chip Pickering to the list of Republicans with fidelity issues: The former congressman’s estranged wife is suing his mistress for alienation of affection—in essence, destroying the Pickerings' marriage, TPM Muckracker reports. Oddly enough, Pickering lived in a Capitol Hill home that operates as a sort of boarding...

Sanford Disappeared Last Year, Too, Emails Show

Commerce secretary didn't know where to reach guv

(Newser) - Mark Sanford’s recent Argentine excursion wasn’t the first time he had gone missing: His commerce secretary didn’t know where to reach him in June 2008, either, emails reveal. “Need contact number for (Sanford) ASAP,” the secretary wrote to a Sanford staffer on the 28th—a...

Ensign: I Won't Quit, and I'll Run Again

Disgraced senator says supporters don't want him to resign

(Newser) - Sen. John Ensign says he’ll stick with his job and run for reelection despite news of his affair and his parents’ $96,000 payment to his mistress’ family, the Las Vegas Sun reports. The Republican says his supporters are telling him he shouldn’t resign, and “I fully...

Why Lover Killed McNair

 Why Lover 
 Killed McNair 

Why Lover Killed McNair

Friends, family tell of course of doomed affair

(Newser) - Within six months of meeting Steve McNair, Sahel Kazemi had fallen hard—and soon after came to the harder realization that the former NFL star wasn't actually planning to leave his wife and family for her, the New York Post reports in an extensive look at the chain of events...

Sanford Looked for Real Estate in Argentina

Governor kept evenings free, shopped around during state trip

(Newser) - Mark Sanford requested meetings with real estate agents during his state-funded trade mission to Argentina last year and rearranged his itinerary to ensure he had at least one free evening in Buenos Aires, according to emails obtained by the AP. The South Carolina governor has said the trip was when...

Ensign's Parents Gave Mistress' Family $96K

(Newser) - Yet another twist in the John Ensign scandal: The Nevada senator's parents gave his mistress and her family nearly $100,000 when their son's affair came to light, reports the Las Vegas Sun. The Ensigns gave the money to the Hamptons in the form of gifts under $12,000 each...

Ensign Blamed Wife in Letter to Mistress

Husband releases note, raises possible felony charges

(Newser) - For those keeping score, John Ensign is the senator whose affair made national headlines before Mark Sanford. He may have thought he was done with the spotlight, but the husband of his former lover is having none of it. Doug Hampton has given the Las Vegas Sun a letter that...

SC Republicans Vote to Slap Sanford's Wrist

Toothless resolution indicates gov is likely to keep his job

(Newser) - South Carolina Republicans voted to censure Gov. Mark Sanford last night, but since they didn’t call for his head, he’s likely to keep it, Politico reports. They chided Sanford for failing to adhere to the “core principles and beliefs” of the party, but said that “barring...

Jackie Told Docs to Pull Plug on Lover RFK: Book

(Newser) - Jacqueline Kennedy’s four-year love affair with RFK was so intense that it was she, rather than his wife, who made the decision to turn off his life support after he was shot, according to Bobby and Jackie: A Love Story, which hits shelves this month. The New York Post...

Why Sanford May Avoid Spitzer's Fate

(Newser) - The calls for Mark Sanford to resign are growing louder, but recent history suggests that the South Carolina governor has a chance to hold on, writes the Washington Times. While every politician who admits an affair faces calls to quit, only those who have committed real crimes are hounded from...

Kazemi Didn't Kill McNair: Angry Sis

Quarterback lied to 20-year-old lover about getting a divorce

(Newser) - Sahel Kazemi was a gentle young woman who couldn’t have murdered boyfriend Steve McNair, Kazemi’s sister Sepideh Salmani tells the Tennessean. "She was one young girl who had so many dreams that they never came true," Salmani said. "She would never kill anyone, ever. Or...

Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>