Herman Cain sexual harassment

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Woman No. 4 Accuses Herman Cain, Will Go Public

She has hired high-profile lawyer Gloria Allred

(Newser) - Yet another woman—this would be the fourth so far—is coming forward to accuse Herman Cain of sexual harassment, and she’s hired high-profile lawyer Gloria Allred to help her do it. The new accuser will appear with Allred at a press conference this afternoon, Radar Online reports. This...

Pretty Much Everyone Figures Cain Is Over

Poll numbers will decline on their own, rivals assume

(Newser) - Herman Cain was, at least until recently , still at the top of the polls despite the sex-harassment claims against him—so why aren’t his fellow Republican presidential candidates jumping all over the story in an effort to hurt his numbers? Because they’ve already written him off—and Democrats...

Herman Cain&#39;s Support Slips

 Herman Cain's 
 Support Slips 
new poll

Herman Cain's Support Slips

New poll shows big dip after sexual harassment accusations

(Newser) - So maybe multiple sexual harassment accusations are a bad thing after all. After reports last week that Herman Cain's support had risen in the face of accusations that he harassed women at the National Restaurant Association, now it looks like they're taking a toll. Cain's favorable ratings...

Jon Huntsman to Herman Cain: Time to Talk About the Sex Harassment Allegations
 Huntsman to Cain: 
 'Fess Up 'In Total' 

Huntsman to Cain: 'Fess Up 'In Total'

But candidate goes easier on Cain's China gaffe

(Newser) - A member of the Huntsman clan is calling out Herman Cain today, and the former pizza exec had probably better be glad that it's Jon Huntsman and not his daughters : The former Utah governor told Meet the Press today that Cain should disclose everything he knows about the sexual...

Cain to Media: Don't Even Go There

Candidate dodges harassment questions after friendly debate with Gingrich

(Newser) - Herman Cain emerged from a 90-minute debate/love fest with Newt Gingrich last night with a clear message for reporters who wanted to question the candidate about the sexual harassment allegations dogging him: "Don't even go there," he told the media after the Tea Party-sponsored debate. "Where’...

Cain Accuser Cites Multiple 'Advances,' Won't Go Public

Attorney releases statement from her

(Newser) - This probably qualifies as good news for Herman Cain: One of his female accusers said through her attorney today that she will not come forward publicly to speak about her sex-harassment allegations. But her statement confirms that she got a settlement from the National Restaurant Association after complaining "about...

Herman Cain's Poll Numbers Climb Amid Sex-Harassment Scandal

 Cain's Numbers 
 Climb Amid 
wapo-abc poll

Cain's Numbers Climb Amid Scandal

Republicans shrug off sex-harassment allegations

(Newser) - Herman Cain’s sex-harassment allegations don’t seem to have taken much of a toll on his poll numbers. Some 23% of Republicans support Cain’s nomination, putting him in a virtual tie with Mitt Romney, who is at 24%, a Washington Post -ABC News poll finds. That's the...

Cain's Next Move: Sue Politico?

Rep says he is considering legal action against site

(Newser) - As Herman Cain’s sexual harassment allegations keep piling up , his campaign is considering unspecified legal action against the publication that started it all. “This is likely not over with Politico from a legal perspective,” a Cain rep tells the Washington Post . But Politico’s executive editor says...

Radio Host: Cain 'Inappropriate' With My Staff

Steve Deace suggests candidate is 'compromised in his private life'

(Newser) - This week isn't getting any easier for Herman Cain. A conservative Iowa radio host's claim that the candidate made remarks to two female staffers that were "professionally awkward if not inappropriate" is beginning to receive national attention. Steve Deace, who hosts a syndicated 2-hour show and played...

Cain's Other Harassment Settlement: $45K

That's a bit more than the 'maybe three months' salary' he indicated

(Newser) - Herman Cain’s sexual harassment settlements weren’t as modest as he’s made them out to be. First the New York Times found that one settlement was an unusually high $35,000 , and now Politico has discovered that the other was an even heftier $45,000. Both figures are...

Cain Blames Story Leak on Rick Perry Adviser

But Perry's team suggests Mitt Romney is to blame

(Newser) - So who's behind the Politico scoop about Herman Cain's sex-harassment allegations? Cain thinks he knows: one of his former political advisers who now works for Rick Perry. Cain tells Forbes that he briefed Curt Anderson about the allegations in 2003 when Cain was in the midst of an...

Third Woman Complains About Herman Cain

She tells AP that he made inappropriate remarks in the 1990s

(Newser) - Drip, drip, drip: A third woman is complaining about Herman Cain's behavior when he led the National Restaurant Association in the '90s, reports AP . Unlike the other two, this former employee did not file a complaint and get a settlement. But she said "Cain made sexually suggestive...

See Ya, Herman: It 'Was Fun While It Lasted'

Cain was just a 'passing fancy' anyway: Maureen Dowd

(Newser) - Herman Cain seems to have gotten lost in a "verbal corn maze" trying to talk his way out of these sex-harassment allegations, writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times . (What's the real-world distinction between an "agreement" and a "settlement" again?) Sorry, Cain believers, he's...

One Cain Accuser Paid $35K
 One Cain Accuser Paid $35K 

One Cain Accuser Paid $35K

Woman received year severance after 'uncomfortable encounter'

(Newser) - One of two women who accused Herman Cain of sexually harassing them while he was head of the National Restaurant Association received a year's severance pay, the New York Times reports, citing sources with direct knowledge of the $35,000 payment. The woman left the lobbying group in the...

Trump Rips Jon Stewart's 'Racist Rant' on Cain

'He should apologize for horrible attack on African-American community'

(Newser) - A furious Donald Trump blasted comedian Jon Stewart's "racist rant" concerning sex harassment accusations by two former National Restaurant Association workers against Herman Cain. "It's not what he said, but the way he said it," fumed Trump on a video chat. "The tone of...

Cain: I Never Changed My Story
 Cain: I Never Changed My Story 

Cain: I Never Changed My Story

Krauthammer accuses candidate of 'Clintonian' language

(Newser) - When Herman Cain appeared on Fox News last night his fellow conservatives didn't go easy on him. Asked why his account had apparently changed after sexual harassment allegations first surfaced, the candidate denied modifying his story, AP reports. When "I first heard the word ‘settlement,’ I...

Cain Accuser Wants Permission to Speak Out

She seeks release from confidentiality agreement in settlement

(Newser) - Exactly the news Herman Cain didn't want to hear today: One of the two women who accused him of sexual harassment wants to go public, reports the Washington Post . The woman wants the National Restaurant Association to release her from a confidentiality agreement that was part of her settlement,...

Cain&#39;s Policies Are the Real Scandal

 Cain's Policies 
 Are the Real 
Eugene Robinson

Cain's Policies Are the Real Scandal

Eugene Robinson finds them 'unworkable' and 'goofy'

(Newser) - Herman Cain hit the first major crisis of his campaign in Politico’s sexual harassment story , and "far-right blowhards immediately played the race card," writes Eugene Robinson in the Washington Post . Ann Coulter said liberals were "terrified of strong, conservative black men" while Rush Limbaugh said Cain’...

Rove to Cain: You Knew for 10 Days This Was Coming

So why in the world was his campaign so poorly prepared?

(Newser) - When it comes to Herman Cain's sexual harassment mess, many conservatives are crying racism . Not so, Karl Rove. In an appearance on Fox News last night spotted by the Hill , Monica Crowley asked the Republican if Cain "should be prepared for more of this because he is a...

Cain Was Already Struggling With Woman Voters

Women's group asks candidate to explain allegations

(Newser) - Herman Cain was in trouble with women voters even before sexual harassment allegations surfaced, the Washington Post finds. Recent polls found Mitt Romney to be around 10 points ahead of Cain with female votes. In Iowa, where the two are neck-and-neck, 26% of men support Cain and 18% support Romney,...

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