Scott Dekraai

3 Stories

Salon Shooter Sat on Beach Before Massacre

'I know what I did,' he told arresting officer

(Newser) - Newly released police and court documents provide details on the salon shooting spree in Seal Beach, California, last month that left nine people dead and another seriously wounded. "I know what I did," suspect Scott DeKraai, 42, told the officer who pulled him over shortly after the massacre....

Salon Shooter's Wife Said He'd Threatened Her

Scott Dekraai suffered from PTSD following a boating accident

(Newser) - Michelle Marie Fournier was scared of her ex-husband, telling friends that he had abused her, threatened to kill her, and once held a gun to her head. “She told me, ‘I can’t believe I got involved in this. He is not right … He’s going to...

Suspected Salon Shooter in Bitter Custody Dispute

Witnesses say Scott Dekraai apparently targeted ex-wife

(Newser) - Tragic details are emerging from the shooting that left eight people dead and one critically wounded yesterday at a Seal Beach salon. Police have identified the alleged shooter as Scott Dekraai, 42, who they say was wearing body armor when they apprehended him a half-mile from the scene. Dekraai was...

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