National Cathedral

11 Stories

National Cathedral Replaces Images of Robert E. Lee

Dedication ceremony christens racial justice theme in stained-glass windows

(Newser) - The landmark Washington National Cathedral unveiled new stained-glass windows Saturday with a theme of racial justice, filling the space that had once held four windows honoring Confederate Gens. Robert E. Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. The new windows depict a march for justice by African Americans, descendants of the...

At National Cathedral, a Notable New Face

Bust of late Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel joins other icons in Human Rights Porch

(Newser) - Elie Wiesel is joining Rosa Parks, Mother Teresa, and Eleanor Roosevelt in Washington, DC—on the National Cathedral’s Human Rights Porch. His bust, carved by stonemason Sean Callahan using medieval techniques, will be the cathedral's first image of a modern Jewish person, the New York Times reports. Wiesel,...

National Cathedral Rings Bell for 30 Minutes Straight

To mark the COVID death toll

(Newser) - The bell tolls went on and on and on—an audible reminder of the toll of the coronavirus pandemic. Over 30 minutes Tuesday, the Washington National Cathedral rang its 12-ton bell 300 times , with each toll representing 1,000 Americans who've died of COVID-19. The cathedral—which is also...

Welcome Find in Cathedral's Crypt: 5K Respirator Masks

They're being donated to 2 area hospitals

(Newser) - Key medical equipment that's in short supply amid the coronavirus pandemic is being funneled to hospitals from all sorts of unexpected places these days. The AP reports veterinary hospitals are donating their own supplies, with the North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine in Raleigh sending two full-service...

National Cathedral: Confederate Windows Have Got to Go

Rev. Hall never noticed them before this week

(Newser) - The nationwide movement to get rid of Confederate flags has turned up a few in surprising places—including Washington's National Cathedral, where the dean says he only recently discovered it appears in two stained-glass windows, and he wants them gone. The Rev. Gary Hall says the windows, which feature...

Two More DC Landmarks Vandalized With Green Paint

Woman arrested after Washington Cathedral defaced

(Newser) - And the plot thickens: A woman has been arrested after green paint was found splattered around the Washington National Cathedral today. This is the third DC landmark vandalized with green paint in recent days— the Lincoln Memorial was hit last week , and a statue outside the Smithsonian Castle was found...

National Cathedral Opens Doors to Gay Weddings

DC church will use new Episcopal rite for same-sex marriage

(Newser) - The Washington National Cathedral, where the nation gathers to mourn tragedies and celebrate new presidents, will soon begin performing same-sex marriages. Cathedral officials say the church will be among the first Episcopal congregations to implement a new rite of marriage for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender members. As the nation'...

America Bids Farewell to Neil Armstrong

First man on moon praised at DC memorial service

(Newser) - Astronauts, politicians, and members of the public crowded Washington National Cathedral yesterday to say a final farewell to Neil Armstrong, who will be buried at sea today. "He's now slipped the bonds of Earth once again, but what a legacy he left," former Treasury Secretary John Snow...

Virginia Once Again Rattled by Quake

But this is a tiny one: a magnitude of just 2.4

(Newser) - It's been nearly a year since a dateline of "Mineral, Virginia," made some earth-shaking news , but the town worked its way back into the press in the wee hours of this morning: A very minor earthquake rattled the same Virginia area that bore the brunt of last...

Crane Falls, Smashes Into National Cathedral

Only one person hurt, and not critically

(Newser) - The National Cathedral got a message from on high today: “Run!” A construction crane toppled over there today, smashing into the Church House and the Herb Cottage, along with five parked cars, the Washington Post reports. The area was experiencing high wind at the time, with gusts hitting...

Quake Damaged Washington Monument, Natl. Cathedral

Both closed indefinitely after cracks found

(Newser) - Officials tallying up the damage from yesterday's shocking East Coast earthquake discovered hits on the Washington Monument and the National Cathedral. National Park Service workers found cracks near the top of the 91,000-ton marble monument, which has been closed indefinitely to protect the public, reports AP . Three of...

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