9/11 memorial

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Adults Will Have to Pay $24 to Enter 9/11 Museum

Making it one of NYC's priciest museums

(Newser) - A somber visit to New York City's planned Sept. 11 museum will also be an expensive one. The board of the National 9/11 Memorial and Museum yesterday voted to charge adults a $24 admission. That places it among the city's priciest museums (the Guggenheim is at $22, MoMA...

Hidden in World Trade Center Steel: a Face?

Some museum workers apparently call it the 'Angel of 9/11'

(Newser) - You might not believe it, but it's pretty wild all the same: From the wreckage of the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers emerged two pieces of "impact steel"—twisted remnants of the exact spot of the North Tower where the plane hit, per experts. One of...

9/11 Families Fume Over Visitor Fees at NYC Memorial

'Money is the bottom line here,' says victim's mother

(Newser) - Anyone planning a trip to the 9/11 Memorial in New York City will have to pay $2 per advance ticket—and victims' families are none too happy about it, the New York Post reports. "I don’t want the American public to have to pay a dime to pay...

Images From Today's 9/11 Ceremonies

President marks 11th anniversary

(Newser) - President Obama honored the 11th anniversary of the September 11 terror attacks today, observing a moment of silence at the White House and laying a wreath at the Pentagon before visiting graves of recent war dead from Afghanistan and Iraq at Arlington National Cemetery. "Our country is safer, and...

Pols Avoid Ground Zero as Cost Debate Rages

Obama, Romney put negative ads on hold

(Newser) - For the first time, no elected officials will speak at Ground Zero on the anniversary of the September 11 attacks, the AP reports. While many hailed the change as a separation of 9/11 from any sort of political agenda—"The fact that the politicians will not be involved, to...

Booted From This Year's 9/11 Ceremony: Politicians

They'll be excluded from speaking, foundation says

(Newser) - On Sept. 11 this year, the names of the victims of the 9/11 attacks will once again be read aloud at Ground Zero, but there will be silence from politicians. The foundation that controls the 9/11 memorial has told victims' families that the reading of names will be "the...

NYC Teens Trash 9/11 Memorial
 NYC Teens Trash 9/11 Memorial 

NYC Teens Trash 9/11 Memorial

...and one tries to bring in bullets

(Newser) - During a class trip to the 9/11 memorial, New York City junior high students were on less-than-charming behavior, hurling trash and other items into its reflecting pools. "Kids were throwing baseballs in the pond thing," one student tells the New York Daily News . The education department is investigating...

New Thorn for 9/11 Families: Ground Zero Museum Delay

Financial dispute means it won't open this year

(Newser) - Families of 9/11 victims are dismayed that a financial dispute has indefinitely delayed completion of the museum at Ground Zero. The museum, a companion to the 9/11 memorial, was supposed to be finished by this year's 11th anniversary, but officials now say that's not possible. The holdup stems...

9/11 Memorial Worry: Suicides
 9/11 Memorial Worry: Suicides 

9/11 Memorial Worry: Suicides

NYPD fears an overcome visitor will take life in the sunken pools

(Newser) - The New York Times today takes a look at a potential problem that, as of yet, has mercifully not come to pass: suicide at the 9/11 memorial. The article focuses on the fears of the NYPD, and is spun off of comments Commissioner Raymond Kelly made to Esquire yesterday about...

9/11 Memorial Shuns Muslim Hero

They don't want Muslim names on plaque: Mom

(Newser) - As the World Trade Center burned on Sept. 11, a young police cadet rushed to the aid of victims—but you won't see his name on the 9/11 memorial's list of first responders. And even though his body was discovered amid debris from the north tower, Mohammad Salman...

9/11 Victim's Name Misspelled on Memorial

Family of Jeffrey Schreier finds typo

(Newser) - The engravers at the new 9/11 memorial in New York City aren't quite done: The family of victim Jeffrey Schreier has discovered that his name was spelled incorrectly, reports the New York Post . It reads "Jeffery" instead of "Jeffrey." Schreier was one of the Cantor Fitzgerald...

Now Open to Public: 9/11 Memorial Plaza

But you'll need an advance pass to enter

(Newser) - Ten years after the tragedy, the 9/11 memorial is finally opening to the public today. At 10am, several thousand people will be welcomed through the gates onto an eight-acre plaza studded by white oak trees and a pair of reflecting pools, nearly an acre in size, that stand where the...

Obamas, Bushes Pay Respects at Ground Zero

Moment of silence at 8:46, moment first plane hit

(Newser) - President Obama opened a sun-splashed day of solemn remembrance today by honoring the 9/11 dead with a visit to ground zero, bowing his head at the cascading pools of the North Memorial Pond created in the footprint of the demolished north tower of the World Trade Center. Obama, hand in...

Bloomberg Under Fire for Clergy-Free 9/11 Ceremony

Mayor 'pretending we're a secular society': Southern Baptist leader

(Newser) - This Sunday’s 9/11 memorial ceremony in New York City won’t include any speakers from the clergy—and both religious and political figures aren’t happy about it. “We’re not France,” says a Southern Baptist leader. “Mr. Bloomberg is pretending we’re a secular society,...

New York Unveils 9/11 Memorial Flag

Andrew Cuomo presents banner to appear at Ground Zero

(Newser) - Gov. Andrew Cuomo has unveiled New York state’s official September 11th Memorial Flag, to be displayed at the Ground Zero memorial as well as the state Capitol, the Albany Times-Union reports. At a press conference today with the National September 11 Memorial & Museum, Cuomo said the flag “...

Algorithm Arranges Names on 9/11 Memorial

Order reflects 2,983 personal and professional relationships

(Newser) - The 9/11 memorial at Ground Zero will be dedicated this weekend, and Scientific American explains how planners used a complex algorithm to figure out how to arrange the 2,983 names of victims. They're not alphabetical but instead grouped by sets and subsets of personal and professional relationships. For...

DC Suffered, Too, on 9/11
 DC Suffered, Too, on 9/11 

DC Suffered, Too, on 9/11

We seem to forget 184 died in the Pentagon attack

(Newser) - Tickets for the opening of the 9/11 Memorial in New York City sold out nearly instantly, and are heavily booked already for much of the month. The Pentagon Memorial , on the other hand, is nearly always open—if you're willing to make the long hike through an underpass beneath...

White House: Here's a Guide to Observing 9/11

Releases guidelines for public commemorations

(Newser) - As the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks approaches, the White House has issued guidelines for public commemorations and official statements to government officials both in the US and abroad. The domestic guidelines are much shorter than those issued overseas, including to American embassies and consulates worldwide, the New York ...

9/11 Memorial App Puts Twin Towers Back in Skyline

Project aims to recreate classic image for those who never saw it

(Newser) - A smartphone app currently in the works will offer a view of the New York City skyline as it once was. The app will tell you how to aim your phone toward Ground Zero; it then superimposes an image of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center as they...

Stewart Crucifies Atheists Over 9/11 Cross Fight

Think of it as a metal T-shaped thingie, funnyman advises

(Newser) - Jon Stewart has a question for the atheist group suing to block the cross at the 9/11 memorial : "Why do you give a shit?" The cross is "an artifact found at Ground Zero that has come to mean something to people," said the Daily Show host, who...

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