Syrian uprising

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Syria: Israeli Strike a 'Declaration of War'

Israel deploys missile defenses to northern border

(Newser) - Syria is firing back figuratively at Israel after airstrikes today struck targets in and around Damascus, calling the attack "a declaration of war. This is not something that is (new)," a deputy foreign minister reports CNN . "We dealt with this on several occasions, and the retaliation was...

McCain: Obama&#39;s &#39;Red Line&#39; Written in &#39;Disappearing Ink&#39;
McCain: Obama's 'Red Line' Written in 'Disappearing Ink'

McCain: Obama's 'Red Line' Written in 'Disappearing Ink'

Blasts White House for giving Assad 'green light'

(Newser) - John McCain blasted President Obama's handling of Syria today, reports the National Review , slamming his "red line" on chemical weapons as having been "written in disappearing ink.” The red line, he told Fox News, was really "a green light to Bashar al-Assad to do anything...

Israel Bombs Site in Syria
 Israel Bombs Site in Syria 

Israel Bombs Site in Syria

It's the second time this year

(Newser) - Two ominous developments in Syria overnight:
  • Israel airstrike: Israel bombed a site within Syria for the second time this year, reports Reuters . Official details are scarce, but the Israeli strike reportedly hit a warehouse that contained high-tech missiles, though not chemical weapons. Israeli officials feared that Bashar al-Assad was sending

US Intervention Won&#39;t Fix Syria
US Intervention
Won't Fix Syria

US Intervention Won't Fix Syria

Fareed Zakaria: We risk getting stuck in another civil war

(Newser) - To hear White House critics like John McCain tell it, the US can't intervene in Syria fast enough. The atrocities, he says, "are on a scale that we have not seen in a long, long time." Has he forgotten about Iraq so quickly? wonders Fareed Zakaria at...

Syria Videos Cite 'Toxic' Attack

Apparent doctor calls for medicine in clip

(Newser) - After Chuck Hagel cautiously acknowledged potential Syrian chemical attacks, a batch of new videos appears to support the claims. The YouTube videos, via an account linked to Syria rebels, show apparently injured men on IVs and oxygen masks alongside others described as doctors, the New York Times reports. The clips...

Hagel: Syria Likely Used Chemical Weapons

Defense secretary says sarin gas probably used on 'small scale'

(Newser) - Have we crossed the red line? US intelligence has concluded with "some degree of varying confidence" that Bashar al-Assad's regime has used chemical weapons, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel told reporters in Abu Dhabi today, per the AP . The determination apparently came within the past day, and the White...

Syria Fighting Destroys 12th-Century Minaret

Both sides trade blame over shelling of mosque in Aleppo

(Newser) - An ancient minaret at a mosque in Syria has been reduced to a pile of rubble, reports AP . Insurgents are blaming the government, and the government is blaming insurgents, but either way the minaret of the 12-century Umayyad Mosque is history. The mosque is located in Aleppo's Old City,...

Israel: Syria Has Been Using Chemical Weapons

Ally says use has been 'continuous,' puts pressure on US

(Newser) - An Israeli official has offered the country's firmest assertion yet that Syria is using chemical arms, calling the evidence "quite clear," the New York Times reports. "The regime has increasingly used chemical weapons," says Brig. Gen. Itai Brun, the military's leading intelligence official, adding...

200 US Troops Headed to Jordan—and It's a Big Deal

LAT explains it's the first acknowledged step toward military involvement in Syria

(Newser) - Some 200 US troops are headed to Jordan, where some US troops are already stationed. So why is this deployment notable? How it's being played:
  • The Los Angeles Times pulls no punches in its explanation: "The move marks the first deployment that Pentagon officials explicitly described as a

US, EU Ready to Step Up Aid to Syrian Rebels

But President Obama insists on keeping aid 'non-lethal' for now

(Newser) - The United States and several leading EU states appear poised to increase non-lethal aid to Syrian opposition groups, adding equipment such as body armor and night-vision goggles, reports the Wall Street Journal . Arms, however, remain off the table, as President Obama fears they could fall into the hands of al-Qaeda-affiliated...

Syrian Jihadis Pledge Allegiance to al-Qaeda

But powerful al-Nusra denies reports of official merger

(Newser) - The head of Jabhat al-Nusra, a jihadist group at the forefront of Syria's civil war, has pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda honcho Ayman al-Zawahiri. What that means isn't exactly crystal clear at this point. While Al-Qaeda in Iraq says the groups have merged under the snappy title of the...

6K Dead Make March Syria's Bloodiest Month

Death rate hits 200 per day as conflict grinds on

(Newser) - The death rate in Syria's civil war is accelerating, with more than 6,000 deaths making March the deadliest month of the conflict that began more than two years ago. The deaths include hundreds of women and children as well as a large number of rebel fighters and government...

Feds Charge US Army Vet Who Fought in Syria

Eric Harroun faces serious WMD charges after joining foes of Assad

(Newser) - It sounds pretty serious on the surface: A US Army vet admits fighting alongside an al-Qaeda group, and the feds have charged him with conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction outside the US. But the details about Eric Harroun's case are a little less frightening. The 30-year-old...

Syrian Opposition Chief Quits, Blasts Global Support

Mouaz al-Khatib says 'international parties' wrongly push for dialogue with Assad

(Newser) - The leader of the Western-backed Syrian opposition coalition resigned today, citing what he called the insufficient international support for those seeking to topple President Bashar al-Assad. Mouaz al-Khatib, a respected preacher who has led the Syrian National Coalition since soon after its creation in November, said in a statement on...

Kerry to Iraq: Stop Weapons to Syria

US continues to push Iraq to inspect Iranian flights

(Newser) - John Kerry dropped in unannounced on Iraq today, the first visit by an American secretary of state in four years, and he used the opportunity to continue prodding Nouri al-Maliki to slow the Iranian weapons that flow through his skies and into the hands of Syria's Bashar al-Assad. “...

'Uncountable' Syrians Seek Refuge in Roman Caves

Villagers hide from government forces underground

(Newser) - Terrified of attacks by government forces, an untold number of Syrian villagers have found an odd refuge: Roman caves. These squatters in Syria's northwest typically stock their caves with bedrolls, blankets, and kerosene lamps; one villager even put in a wood-burning box stove. But he says his children are...

CIA Increases Help to Syrian Insurgents

Agency providing intelligence to certain rebel groups

(Newser) - The US military might not have plans to intervene in Syria anytime soon, but the CIA is a different story. The agency has actually increased its aid to insurgents of late, mostly in the form of passing along intelligence about the Syrian army, reports the Wall Street Journal . The move...

House Intel Chief: I Think Syria Used Chemicals

Assad blames rebels amid much confusion

(Newser) - So did Bashar al-Assad cross the "red line" that could trigger US involvement by using chemical weapons on rebels in Aleppo? Or did the rebels use them? Or neither? Confirmation remains elusive after an attack today that Syria's official news agency says left more than 30 dead and...

Chemical Weapon Fired in Syria: Report

Rebels blame regime, regime blames rebels; no verification yet

(Newser) - Both the government and rebels in Syria say a chemical weapon has been fired—but each side blames the other, the AP reports. Official Syrian news said "terrorists" (its term for the rebels) blasted a rocket "containing chemical materials" in Aleppo province today, killing 15, mostly civilians. Meanwhile,...

Syria Warns It May Strike Lebanon

Assad's regime says rebels are crossing back and forth over border

(Newser) - With Syrian militants crossing back and forth across the northern Lebanon border, the Syrian foreign ministry has told Lebanon to put a stop to it or else face military strikes, reports Reuters via the Christian Science Monitor . "Syrian forces have so far exercised restraint from striking at armed gangs...

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