
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

US Puts $10M Bounty on Heads of 2 Americans

Jehad Mostafa, Omar Shafik Hammami helping al-Shabab in Somalia

(Newser) - There may not be any American militants on the kill list , but that doesn't mean the US isn't hunting any. The State Department is offering up to $5 million apiece for information leading to the capture of two American members of al-Shabab, it announced yesterday. The US will...

France Thinks Hostage Dead After Botched Somali Raid

But his captors dispute the claim

(Newser) - French commandos launched a raid in Somalia today to free a hostage held since 2009, but it appears to have ended disastrously: The French government says the hostage, identified as Denis Allex, was killed during the raid by his al-Shabab captors, reports AP . The militant group, however, claims that Allex...

Gunmen Kill Somali Man, 100 Arrested

Ahmed Nure Awdiini was a prominent businessman

(Newser) - It's not the kind of math you see every day: A prominent Somali businessman was assassinated in Mogadishu, and more than 100 people have subsequently been arrested for questioning, reports the BBC . Gunmen reportedly fired at Ahmed Nure Awdiini outside his office, striking him in the chest. Awdiini led...

FBI's Newest Most Wanted Terrorist Is From ... Alabama

'Rapping Jihadist' Omar Shafik Hammami believed to be in Somalia

(Newser) - The latest addition to the FBI's most wanted terrorist list hits close to home. Alabama native Omar Shafik Hammami, 28, was indicted in 2007 for allegedly providing material support to terrorists and labeled a terrorist a year later, reports the LA Times . He was seen rapping in a recruitment...

Kenya Attacks Somali Militants' Last Stronghold

Al-Shabab being pushed out of Kismayo

(Newser) - Kenyan military forces have claimed victory after a pre-dawn beach landing on the last port city held by al-Qaeda-linked militants in Somalia. The operation to seize Kismayo, al-Shabab's last major stronghold, met minimal resistance, the Kenyan military's top spokesman says. The attack "began five days ago with...

Police: Blasts at Home of Somalia's New President

One person killed, but president is safe

(Newser) - Two explosions near the gate of the temporary home of Somalia's new president killed at least one person today, according to police. A police corporal said he was guarding the Somalia immigration department near the Jazeera Hotel when the blasts occurred. An official inside Jazeera Hotel, who asked for...

Widow of London Bomber Training Female Terrorists

Called 'white sister,' Lewthwaite connected to terror around East Africa

(Newser) - The 28-year-old widow of one of the terrorists in the 2005 London transit bombings is now living in Somalia, working with al-Shabaab militants and recruiting and training female terrorists, reports the Telegraph . Samantha Lewthwaite, who is known as "Dada Mzung" or "white sister" in Swahili, has been in...

US: Yes, We're Fighting in Somalia, Yemen

Obama acknowledges battles against extremists there

(Newser) - For the first time, President Obama has publicly acknowledged the United States has engaged in "direct action" against al-Qaeda-affiliated groups in Somalia and Yemen, telling Congress in a letter that the militants pose terrorist threats to "the United States and our interests," reports the New York Times...

Al-Shabab Puts Bounty on Obama's Head: 10 Camels

But only 10 chickens and 10 roosters for Hillary Clinton

(Newser) - The US placed bounties on the heads of several top al-Shabab commanders last week, and the Somali militants were so impressed that they're now copying the tactic. Of course, their payouts aren't quite as impressive as the $3 million to $7 million the US is offering. "Whoever...

Denmark: We Busted 2 Would-Be Terrorists

Somali-born brothers overheard discussing methods and targets

(Newser) - Danish intelligence officials say they've arrested two brothers who were plotting an unspecified terrorist attack. The brothers, ages 18 and 23, were born in Somalia, but have spent most of their lives in Denmark and are Danish citizens. Authorities say they were overheard discussing methods, targets, and types of...

33 Injured in Kenya Blast
 33 Injured in Kenya Blast 

33 Injured in Kenya Blast

Al-Shabab has threatened such an attack in the past

(Newser) - An explosion ripped through a building full of small shops in downtown Nairobi today, injuring at least 33 people, including a woman who blamed the blast on a "bearded man" who left behind a bag shortly before the detonation. Police officials first indicated the explosion could have been caused...

Somalia's Olympic Head Killed in Blast

At least 10 dead, dozens wounded

(Newser) - At least 10 people, including the presidents of Somalia's Olympic committee and the country's soccer federation, were killed in a blast at the national theater in Mogadishu today. The suicide blast occurred during a ceremony at the theater, which was closed as Somalia's civil war began and...

Ex-US Soldier Busted Trying to Join Somali Militants

Md. man flew to Kenya in attempt to join al-Qaeda-linked group

(Newser) - A former US Army soldier is in federal custody for a half-baked plan to join al-Shabab militants in Somalia. Prosecutors say Craig Baxam, 24, decided he wanted to live under Sharia law and tried to make his way to Somalia from Kenya carrying a Koran and a few hundred dollars....

Terror&#39;s New Home: Africa
 Terror's New Home: Africa 

Terror's New Home: Africa

Islamist network stretches across continent, taking refuge in Sahara

(Newser) - On Christmas day, a car full of explosives plowed into a Catholic Church in Nigeria, killing dozens of people . A radical Muslim group named Boko Haram proudly claimed credit, saying it was trying to kill Christians. As recently as 2009, Boko Haram was a local Nigerian group, bloodily crafting a...

Israeli Group to Twitter: Ban Hezbollah or We'll Sue

Letting terror groups tweet is illegal, law center says

(Newser) - Terrorist organizations banned in the US should also be banned from Twitter, says an Israeli legal group threatening to sue the San Francisco-based company. Shurat HaDin—which says its mission is "bankrupting terrorism, one lawsuit at a time"—warns that allowing groups like Hezbollah and al-Shabab to use...

Somalia's Rising Woe: Mass Rape

Aid workers can't remember the last time so many women were being raped

(Newser) - Add another item to Somalia's long list of woes: A country wracked by violence and famine is also seeing a frightening rise in rape, reports the New York Times , which recounts the findings of aid workers and the tales of victims. The sexual abuse is occurring at the hands...

Militants: Somalia Suicide Bomber Was an American

University of Minnesota student disappeared in 2008

(Newser) - Somali militant group al-Shabab says a 22-year-old suicide bomber who killed "scores" of African Union soldiers in an attack in Mogadishu on the weekend was an American who grew up in Minneapolis, reports the New York Times . The AU has confirmed that two suicide bombers attacked their base but...

US Flying Armed Drones Out of Ethiopia Base

Ethiopia denies US presence, Air Force doesn't

(Newser) - Not only has the United States built a network of military drone bases in East Africa , it is flying its armed Reaper drones out of a base in southern Ethiopia on secret missions against al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist groups from Somalia to Yemen, reports the Washington Post . The Ethiopian government is denying...

Kenyan Bar Hit With Grenade Attack

Officials fear Somali militants to blame

(Newser) - At least 12 people were injured early today when someone hurled a grenade into a small bar in Nairobi. Speculation is rampant that the attack might be the work of Somali militants retaliating against Kenya’s incursion into the country last week, but so far officials are not publicly blaming...

Kenyan Troops Invade Somalia
 Kenyan Troops Invade Somalia 

Kenyan Troops Invade Somalia

Official says they're targeting suspected kidnappers al-Shabab

(Newser) - Kenyan troops crossed the border into Somalia yesterday in an attempt to crack down on militants suspected in a rash of kidnappings, residents say. A Kenyan official confirms to the BBC the country’s troops are targeting al-Shabab, the Somalia group suspected of crossing the border and seizing four Europeans...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>