TransCanada Keystone XL pipeline

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Company Gives Up on Keystone XL Pipeline

Republicans attack Biden while environmental groups rejoice

(Newser) - More than a decade after the project was launched, and months after President Biden pulled a permit to block it, the company building the Keystone XL pipeline has called the whole thing off. TC Energy Corp. made the announcement Wednesday, saying the decision was made with the government of Alberta,...

Biden Gets Energy Chief Whose Focus Is Green
Biden Gets
His Energy

Biden Gets His Energy Chief

Senate confirms Jennifer Granholm, an advocate of cleaner cars

(Newser) - Former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm won Senate confirmation Thursday to be President Joe Biden’s energy secretary, per the AP . The vote was 64-35. Granholm, who served two terms as governor in a state dominated by the auto industry, will be a key player in Biden's vision for a...

Biden to Unveil Another Big Reversal of Trump

President will order a halt to new oil and gas leasing on federal territory

(Newser) - President Biden is set to announce a wide-ranging moratorium on new oil and gas leasing on US lands, as his administration moves to reverse Trump administration policies on energy and the environment, per the AP . The moratorium, expected to be announced on Wednesday, follows a 60-day suspension of new drilling...

Blitz of Biden Orders Rolls Back Trump Legacy

'There's no time to start like today'

(Newser) - President Biden moved swiftly to dismantle former President Trump's legacy on his first day in office, signing a series of executive actions that reversed course on immigration, climate change, racial equity, and the handling of the coronavirus pandemic. With the stroke of a pen hours after taking the oath...

Biden's To-Do List for First Day Just Got a New Addition

Sources say he'll yank the Keystone XL permit via executive action as soon as he takes office

(Newser) - On Saturday, a memo from incoming White House chief of staff Ron Klain to senior staff laid out dozens of executive orders that President-elect Biden is expected to sign within the first few days of his term. Not listed among them, per Politico : a plan to pull the permit for...

This Is the 3rd Big Pipeline Surprise in 48 Hours

US Supreme Court deals blow to Keystone oil pipeline project

(Newser) - The US Supreme Court handed another setback to the Keystone XL oil sands pipeline from Canada on Monday by keeping in place a lower court ruling that blocked a key environmental permit for the project, the AP reports. Canadian company TC Energy needs the permit to continue building the long-disputed...

Administration Loses Bid for More Pipelines

Case springs from environmentalists' effort against Keystone XL

(Newser) - A federal appeals court on Thursday turned down the Trump administration's request to revive a permit program for new oil and gas pipelines, an outcome that industry representatives said could delay more than 70 projects across the US and cost companies up to $2 billion. The case originated with...

Keystone XL Work Begins Near Border Despite Outbreak

Tribes, environmentalists wanted construction to wait till after the pandemic

(Newser) - A Canadian company said Monday that it's started construction on the long-stalled Keystone XL oil sands pipeline across the US-Canada border, despite calls from tribal leaders and environmentalists to delay the $8 billion project during the coronavirus pandemic. TC Energy said work began over the weekend at the border...

Keystone's 2nd Big Spill in 2 Years: 'What's Going On?'

Nearly 400K gallons of crude oil leaked onto half-acre in North Dakota on Tuesday

(Newser) - "Two cracks on a fairly new pipeline—geez, what’s going on?" That's a legitimate question to ask about the Keystone XL pipeline, a safety expert tells the Star Tribune , considering that an apparent rupture in the controversial pipeline Tuesday in North Dakota is the second major one...

Oil Pipeline Stymied Despite Court Victory

Seems it's too late in the year to start building

(Newser) - An appeals court has lifted a judge's injunction that blocked construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada to the US, but the developer has said it's too late to begin work this year and environmental groups vowed to keep fighting it, the AP reports. A three-judge...

Judge Blocks Major Pipeline, Says US 'Discarded' Facts

Orders US to conduct more thorough study of Keystone's environmental impact

(Newser) - A federal judge in Montana has blocked construction of the $8 billion Keystone XL Pipeline after criticizing the Trump administration for not properly studying its environmental impact. US District Judge Brian Morris' order on Thursday came as Calgary-based TransCanada was preparing to build the first stages of the oil pipeline...

Nebraska OKs Keystone Pipeline, With a Catch

Nebraska gives its approval, though it changes the route

(Newser) - President Trump and backers of the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline can claim a victory: Nebraska on Monday agreed to let the pipeline be laid in the state, clearing the last remaining major regulatory hurdle, reports Politico . A state panel, however, changed the route proposed by pipeline owner TransCanada, moving...

Keystone Pipeline Spills 210K Gallons of Oil

Pipeline has been shut down as crews work on the situation

(Newser) - About 5,000 barrels of oil—that's 210,000 gallons—spilled from the Keystone pipeline in South Dakota Thursday. The company that operates the pipeline, TransCanada, says in a statement obtained by KSFY that the spill "was completely isolated within 15 minutes and emergency response procedures were activated....

Keystone XL Pipeline Gets US OK, With 'Unusual Twist'

Rex Tillerson had nothing to do with State Department signoff on controversial project

(Newser) - The Keystone XL pipeline is officially a go, at least as far as the feds are concerned. Two years after then-President Obama used his veto power to block construction of the TransCanada conduit, the AP reports that a State Department permit was issued Friday to begin construction into the US....

White House: Keystone XL Doesn't Have to Use American Steel

'The steel is already literally sitting there'

(Newser) - President Trump's "Buy American" order calling for American steel to be used in American pipeline projects doesn't cover the Canadian, Italian, and Indian steel being used in the Keystone XL Pipeline project. White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said Friday that Trump's order applies to "new,...

Trump Greenlights 2 Controversial Pipelines

Keystone and Dakota Access can move forward again

(Newser) - Two controversial pipelines stopped by the Obama administration just got revived by the Trump administration. The president signed executive actions Tuesday to advance construction on the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, reports the Hill . The moves do not equate to final approval, and the next steps are a little...

Keystone Pipeline Leaks Thousands of Gallons of Oil Into S. Dakota

TransCanada denies any significant threats to the environment or public health

(Newser) - The Keystone pipeline sprung a leak Saturday, and TransCanada was slightly off in its original estimate of how much oil spilled into Hutchinson County, South Dakota—by about 9,000% or so. CNN reports the oil company originally estimated that only about 187 gallons had spilled. On Thursday, it updated...

TransCanada Sues US Over Pipeline, Wants $15B

Company also wants reversal of 'arbitrary' decision

(Newser) - See you in court, eh? TransCanada, a Canadian company hit hard by President Obama's rejection of its Keystone XL pipeline project , has filed twin lawsuits seeking $15 billion in damages and a reversal of the US decision, the New York Times reports. One lawsuit, filed under the North American...

Obama to Reject Keystone Oil Pipeline: Reports

 Obama Rejects 
 Keystone Oil 

Obama Rejects Keystone Oil Pipeline

President says it's not in the interests of the US

(Newser) - After more than seven years of debate, President Obama announced Friday he's putting the kibosh on the Keystone XL pipeline, confirming earlier reports from the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times . With VP Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry flanking him at a White House...

'Stunning' Move Made on Keystone Pipeline Request

Canadian energy company writes letter to State Dept.

(Newser) - The company behind the controversial Keystone XL pipeline from Canada to the US Gulf Coast has asked the US State Department to pause its review of the project. TransCanada said Monday a suspension would be appropriate while it works with Nebraska authorities for approval of its preferred route through the...

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