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US Has Vast Secret Intel Operation in Africa

'Washington Post' reveals details in extensive article

(Newser) - In an extensive piece today, the Washington Post details a vastly expanded secret intelligence operation that the US military has been establishing across Africa since 2007, a surveillance network of disguised aircraft and a dozen air bases used to spy on al-Qaeda and other terrorist operations. The Obama administration has...

Al-Qaeda Websites Oddly Go Dark for 11 Days

Ex-State Department official: 'It looks like a takedown'

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda's most popular web forums have gone dark for 11 days now in what experts are calling a likely cyber attack, the Washington Post reports. "It sure looks like a takedown," said a former State Department official. If website administrators were dealing with mere technical glitches, they...

Inside bin Laden's Plan to Kill Obama

Documents reveal al-Qaeda leader also wanted Petraeus dead

(Newser) - Documents taken from Osama bin Laden's compound during the US raid that killed the al-Qaeda leader reveal a plot to kill President Obama and David Petraeus. David Ignatius got a look at the documents, which will be available to the public soon, and he reports in the Washington Post...

Our Dirty Drone War Must End

 Our Dirty Drone War Must End 

Our Dirty Drone War Must End

It may be creating more terrorists than it's killing: Gary Kamiya

(Newser) - Before 9/11, if the US president had announced that the government was going to "play God, reaching down from our high-tech heaven to kill whoever we want, whenever we want, wherever we want"—including US citizens, without a trial—the news would have been met with uproar. But...

Israel, Iran Terrorists Are Killing Scientists: Officials

Mossad funding, training People’s Mujahedin of Iran, sources confirm

(Newser) - As Iran has long claimed, Israel is indeed behind the assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists, providing financing, training, and weapons to the Iranian terrorist group that carries out the attacks, US officials confirm to NBC News . Five Iranian nuclear scientists have been killed since 2007, reportedly by the People’s...

Inside the World of Terror Convicts —Who Aren't at Guantanamo

Many terrorists serving time at US federal prisons

(Newser) - Scores of convicted terrorists are serving time in US prisons that are far from the public eye—and public outcry—of Guantanamo Bay, the New York Times reports. Aggressive prosecutors nailed most of them after 9/11, often with a preemptive strategy that relied on informants to troll for terrorists. Officials...

'Credible' 9/11 Threat Hasn't Expired: Officials

Sept. 11 may have passed, but terrorist threat hasn't

(Newser) - Three words you don't want to hear in the same sentence: credible, threat, unresolved. Unfortunately, that's the word out of the National Counterterrorism Center. USA Today reports that NCC director Matthew Olsen, along with Janet Napolitano and Robert Mueller, today told the Senate Homeland Security Committee that while...

I Apologize for Calling Tea Partiers &#39;Terrorists&#39;
I Apologize for Calling
Tea Partiers Terrorists
Joe Nocera

I Apologize for Calling Tea Partiers Terrorists

Joe Nocera: NYT columnist says he went too far

(Newser) - New York Times columnist Joe Nocera took flak for a blistering column in which he compared members of the Tea Party to terrorists, complete with references to jihad and suicide vests. Today, he issues a mea culpa. "I was a hypocrite, the critics said, for using such language when...

Palin: Obama a Hypocrite on Terrorist Rhetoric

If Tea Partiers were terrorists, he'd want to pal around with us, she says

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has resurrected her 2008 " palling around with terrorists " line of attack on President Obama for use in today's controversy. The Alaskan, defending the Tea Party from comparisons to terrorists , told Sean Hannity that "if we were really domestic terrorists, President Obama would want to...

Osama Turned to Kidnapping to Raise Cash

Al-Qaeda was increasingly cut off from funding sources

(Newser) - Even terrorists have to pay the bills, and files taken from Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad show that al-Qaeda was increasingly cash-poor and turning to kidnapping and ransom as a way to raise some revenue. The shift shows that a crackdown on al-Qaeda's funding has proven financially...

Site: Kill Terrorists With Bullets Coated in Our Pig Fat

Claims paradise-blocking bullet was used on Osama bin Laden

(Newser) - A website is pitching pig oil to coat bullets to stop shot Muslim terrorists from entering paradise—and claims Osama bin Laden was dispatched with just such a bullet. "One shot, one soul," touts the Silver Bullet site , which claims the bizarre product is aimed at triggering "...

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