
Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>

N. Korea May Use Journos' Trial to Make Overtures to US

(Newser) - The day after its defiant second test of a nuclear device, North Korea allowed its two American prisoners, Current TV journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee, to call home. It was such an unusual act for the repressive state, that experts think it may be a signal that North Korea...

Ambassadors: Rich People in Useless Jobs
Ambassadors: Rich People in Useless Jobs

Ambassadors: Rich People in Useless Jobs

If posts are just plums for political donors, why have them?

(Newser) - Barack Obama opted for politics as usual in his ambassador appointments yesterday, writes David Rothkopf for ForeignPolicy. Like recent predecessors, Obama turned to deep-pocketed campaign donors; hence Japan, the world’s second-largest economy, will deal with a tech lawyer whose sole qualification seems to have been his ability to raise...

US Plans Giant New Embassy in Pakistan

$1B project planned to boost US diplomats in region

(Newser) - The US is planning to invest $1 billion in building a bigger diplomatic presence in Pakistan and Afghanistan, including a huge new embassy in Islamabad, McClatchy reports. The Obama administration is seeking $736 million from Congress for the embassy and permanent housing for American officials in Pakistan’s capital—further...

Partners of Gay, Lesbian Diplomats Win Full Benefits

Clinton memo skirts Defense of Marriage Act

(Newser) - The State Department will offer same-sex partners of American diplomats all the benefits given to married spouses, reports the New York Times. An internal memo from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton addressed to a gay and lesbian Foreign Service organization outlined the changes, which would ensure diplomatic passports, access to...

Biden Visits Lebanon Ahead of Elections

(Newser) - Vice President Joe Biden visited Lebanon today to reinforce US support for the government ahead of key parliamentary elections. The vote in two weeks could see a pro-Western majority ousted by a coalition led by the Iranian-backed militant group Hezbollah. Biden is the highest-ranking US official to visit Lebanon in...

US Reporters Languish in North Korea

Regime shuts out diplomats, refuses dialog with Washington

(Newser) - While media and diplomatic pressure on Iran seems to have won the release of Roxana Saberi, two other reporters held captive in North Korea for nearly two months are receiving far less attention, the Wall Street Journal reports. The plight of Euna Lee and Laura Ling has been overshadowed by...

Diplomatic Obama Our Own Spock
 Obama Our 
 Own Spock 

Diplomatic Obama Our Own Spock

Cool-headed 'cultural translator' appeals to Star Trek generation

(Newser) - With the release of Star Trek tomorrow, we’ll be seeing a lot of Spock again—but we’ve been watching his earthly counterpart all year. President Obama is our own version of the charismatic half-Vulcan, writes Jeff Greenwald for Salon. His cool head and appealing intellect tie him to...

A Doubting Washington Greets Karzai
 A Doubting 
 Greets Karzai 


A Doubting Washington Greets Karzai

Afghan president has 'plateaued,' diplomats say

(Newser) - Nearly eight years after the fall of the Taliban, Hamid Karzai comes to the White House today to meet an administration distinctly unimpressed with his governance of Afghanistan. In interviews with two dozen Washington officials, the Washington Post finds anger and frustration with a president overseeing a weak and corrupt...

US Wants Informal Chat on Cuba Ties
US Wants Informal Chat
on Cuba Ties

US Wants Informal Chat on Cuba Ties

Casual discussions could pave road to 'open relationship'

(Newser) - The US is inching toward loosening relations with Cuba on the heels of President Obama’s Latin American trip, the New York Times reports. Cuban diplomats are set to meet informally with US officials to “test the waters,” an administration official said, mulling future talks over migration, drug...

Obama's Apologies Create a Sorry Situation: Rove

No reason for contrition in GOP pundit's mind

(Newser) - Barack Obama has finished his "international confession tour," and Karl Rove can’t figure out what it was supposed to accomplish. After his public apologies on two continents, "our adversaries rejoiced," Rove writes in the Wall Street Journal. David Axelrod swears this will yield “very,...

Fidel: Raul's Overture Was 'Misinterpreted'

Ex-prez puts a chill on warming relations between US, Cuba

(Newser) - What President Obama took to be a historic overture from Cuba was actually just a misunderstanding, according to Fidel Castro. The former president—apparently enraged by suggestions that Cuba make concessions in return for improved US-Cuban relations—wrote in his online column that Obama "misinterpreted" his brother Raul's statement...

Chavez Reappoints Ambassador to US
Chavez Reappoints
Ambassador to US

Chavez Reappoints Ambassador to US

Venezuelan president looks to better relationship with Obama

(Newser) - Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez has reappointed an ambassador to the US, reports the Wall Street Journal. Pending approval from Washington, the post will be the first exchange of diplomats between the two countries since Venezuela ejected its American ambassador last year in solidarity with Bolivia. The move is yet another...

Old-School Diplomacy Sinks in 'Age of Pirates'

US faces leaders not 'ready' or 'able' to talk things out

(Newser) - The Obama administration wants to talk to countries like Afghanistan and North Korea—but you can’t make a deal with leaders who aren’t ready or able to make one, Thomas Friedman writes in the New York Times. The US is trying to employ classic diplomacy in an “...

US May Drop Nuclear Condition for Iran Talks

Country may be allowed to continue enriching uranium after talks begin

(Newser) - The Obama administration is considering dropping the long-standing US insistence that Iran shut down its nuclear facilities before talks begin, insiders tell the New York Times. The proposal—which represents a major policy shift—would allow Iran to continue enriching uranium for a period during talks, possibly in return for...

Defiant Ahmadinejad Blasts US, UN
 Blasts US, UN 

Defiant Ahmadinejad Blasts US, UN

In lengthy interview, Iranian Prez gives his opinions on Obama, Iraq, Europe

(Newser) - The diminutive leader of Iran has a big ego and is a big talker: in a lengthy interview with Der Spiegel, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad talked a lot—about his feelings for President Obama, his beef with Iraq, and other international issues—but in the end, avoided answering many of the...

Obama Speaks Softly, Carries ... You Know the Rest

President trades macho for cool

(Newser) - President Obama didn't swagger through his European road trip, but that doesn't mean he isn't ready to play hardball. "If George W. Bush was a cowboy, Obama is a group hug," writes Kathleen Parker in the Washington Post. The contrast between Obama, who's still establishing his presidential persona,...

Iran to Obama: Let's Talk
 Iran to Obama: Let's Talk 

Iran to Obama: Let's Talk

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said today that he’d welcome talks with the US, if Barack Obama’s overtures are sincere, the AP reports. “The Iranian nation welcomes a hand extended to it should it really and truly be based on honesty, justice and respect,” the Iranian president said in...

Obama in Turkey: US Not at War With Islam

(Newser) - President Obama addressed the Turkish parliament today, and used the opportunity to extend an olive branch to the Muslim world, the New York Times reports. “The United States is not, and will never be, at war with Islam,” said Obama. “America’s relationship with the Muslim world...

Lugar to Obama: Reach Out and Touch Cuba

Senator slams embargo, calls for policy shift, new envoy

(Newser) - As members of Congress move to rethink US-Cuban relations, Sen. Richard Lugar is urging President Obama to take firm action, including initiating direct talks, the Washington Post reports. The Indiana Republican says the US embargo on the country “undermines our broader security and political interests in the Western Hemisphere,...

In the Shadows, Hillary's Power Grows
 In the Shadows, 
 Hillary's Power Grows 

In the Shadows, Hillary's Power Grows

Retiring secretary of state has won Obama's admiration

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has kept a low profile at the G20 summit, ceding the spotlight to Barack Obama and Tim Geithner, and when she and the president travel to NATO summit and EU meetings over the next few days she may not utter a single word in public. But while the...

Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>