
5 Stories

Woman Dies in Parking Lot After Dentist Pulls 16 Teeth

April Walters had several health problems but had been cleared for procedure

(Newser) - She was sick with several chronic conditions, but 46-year-old April Walters of Michigan had been cleared to have 18 teeth pulled last week. Now her family is looking for answers after she died in the parking lot of the dentist's office following the procedure. Walters suffered from sarcoidosis, asthma,...

Revolutionary Robespierre Gets a Modern Diagnosis

Doctors think he suffered from auto-immune disorder sarcoidosis

(Newser) - The guillotine ended the life of French revolutionary Maximilien de Robespierre in 1794, but the 36-year-old might not have been long for this earth anyhow, a new study suggests. Doctors think he suffered from an auto-immune disorder called sarcoidosis in which the body attacks its own tissues and organs, reports...

'The World Just Got a Little Less Funny'
 'The World
 Just Got a
 Little Less 

'The World Just Got a Little Less Funny'

Friends lament comedian's loss

(Newser) - Hollywood has woken up to a world without Bernie Mac, who died early today from complications of pneumonia. Here’s what the stars who knew him are saying, reports E!:
  • George Clooney: “The world just got a little less funny. He will be missed dearly.”
  • Chris Rock: “

Mac's Illness Spotlights Sarcoidosis

Immune disorder could be behind comedian's hospitalization

(Newser) - Bernie Mac is in the hospital, and although his publicists deny it, the pneumonia for which the comedian's being treated may have something to do with sarcoidosis, the Chicago Tribune reports. The rare immune system disorder has been in remission since 2005.

Woman's Death the First Linked to 9/11 Dust

NYC medical examiner connects WTC exposure to fatal illnesses

(Newser) - Felicia Dunn-Jones is being added to the list of 9/11 victims—the first death officially linked to dust from the collapsing towers.  Killed in 2002 by sarcoidosis exacerbated by the deadly dust, she was initially rejected from the list for lack of evidence. But the cause of death is...

5 Stories
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