public unions

Stories 21 - 39 | << Prev 

Judge Temporarily Blocks Wisconsin Union Law

District Attorney requested order, claiming GOP broke open meetings law

(Newser) - A Wisconsin judge issued a temporary restraining order today blocking the state's new and contentious collective bargaining law from taking effect. The judge's order is a major setback for Gov. Scott Walker and puts the future of the law in question. Dane County Judge Maryann Sumi issued the order, which...

'Financial Martial Law' Passes in Michigan

Bill passes House, goes to governor

(Newser) - Michigan’s House yesterday passed a controversial bill that will install state-appointed emergency financial managers in troubled cities, giving each the power to do whatever is necessary to balance budgets—including breaking union contracts. One Senate Republican recently promised that the managers would only be sent to communities in need...

Wis. Republican Left District to Live With Mistress: Wife

And she'll sign the petition to get him fired

(Newser) - Protesters who showed up at the home of a prominent GOP Wisconsin state senator got a little scoop from his wife: Not only was Randy Hopper not home, she said, he also doesn't live there anymore, and in fact doesn't live in his district—owing to the fact that he's...

Wisconsin Democrats Return, Join Mass Protest

Tens of thousands march in Madison again

(Newser) - The 14 Democratic state senators who fled Wisconsin nearly a month ago returned from Illinois today, reports the Wisconsin State Journal . They were given a heroes' welcome by tens of thousands of pro-union protesters who again converged on the state Capitol in Madison. "It is so good to be...

Let the Fallout Begin: Wisconsin Bill Is Now Law

Governor Scott Walker quietly signs measure curbing union rights

(Newser) - Wisconsin's month-long drama came to a quiet end this morning as Gov. Scott Walker signed into law the bill curbing the power of unions. The bigger fight isn't over though: Next come expected court challenges and maybe recall elections for the Republicans who pushed the measure through, reports the Milwaukee ...

Wisconsin Assembly Gives Final OK to Anti-Union Bill

Protesters ratchet up demonstrations in Madison

(Newser) - Scott Walker's plan to strip public sector unions of most collective bargaining rights is all but a done deal, as the Wisconsin Assembly approved the measure as expected today. It now goes to Walker's desk for a quick signature into law, reports the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel . Not that opponents surrendered...

Ezra Klein: In Wisconsin, the System Worked
 In Wisconsin, 
 the System Worked 
ezra klein

In Wisconsin, the System Worked

Ezra Klein: Republicans fought legislative trickery with their own

(Newser) - Critics are calling Scott Walker's legislative end run around AWOL Democrats in Wisconsin last night an affront to democracy. But it's "certainly as legitimate as the Democrats fleeing the state to deny the Republicans quorum," writes Ezra Klein in the Washington Post . Think of it this way: Democrats...

Chris Christie Fails Fact Check

'New York Times' examines popular governor's statements

(Newser) - Chris Christie is a pretty popular guy these days, in part because he has a reputation as a straight shooter. But the New York Times took a look at some of his recent statements, and concluded that “some do not stand up to scrutiny.” For example:
  • Christie said

Wisconsin Senate Passes Anti-Union Measure

GOP's surprise move strips workers of most collective bargaining rights

(Newser) - Republicans in the Wisconsin Senate voted today to strip nearly all collective bargaining rights from public workers after discovering a way to bypass the chamber's missing Democrats. The measure now goes to the Assembly, which is expected to approve it tomorrow. The Senate requires a quorum to take up any...

In Emails, Scott Walker Offers Deal on Union Rights

Wisconsin governor softens stance in emails to Dems

(Newser) - Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has told his state's missing Democrats that he's willing to make some changes to his plan to sharply restrict collective bargaining rights for public workers, according to emails released by his office. Walker has suggested a compromise that would allow bargaining over wages with no limit...

AWOL Dems: We're Not Coming Home

Fleeing Wisconsin senators deny recent reports that they will return

(Newser) - Some Wisconsin Democrats recently seemed to imply they will return to the state even though talks with Gov. Scott Walker have broken down—but now they're now backtracking on those reports. Minority Leader Mark Miller told the Wall Street Journal the senators were considering a return as soon as certain...

Wisconsin Senate Orders Arrest of AWOL Democrats

Republicans hold their counterparts in official contempt

(Newser) - This is way more serious than yanking their photocopying privileges . Republicans in the Wisconsin Senate today declared the missing Democrats in contempt and ordered their arrest, reports the Wisconsin State Journal . And if force is needed, so be it. It's not clear whether the state constitution actually allows this, however,...

Bill Curbing Union Rights Clears Ohio Senate

Measure to curb collective bargaining now goes to House

(Newser) - The movement to restrict the power of public sector unions chalked up a legislative win today in Ohio. A measure that would ban strikes and greatly restrict collective bargaining rights cleared the state Senate by a 17-16 vote, reports the Columbus Dispatch . It now goes to the House, where Republicans...

Most Americans Back Collective Bargaining

While only one-third are firmly behind unions, most wouldn't cut benefits

(Newser) - According to a new poll, the nation is still on the Wisconsin protesters' side: 60% of Americans oppose weakening the collective bargaining rights of public unions, while 56% oppose cutting public employees' pay or benefits. Even so, only one-third of those surveyed in the New York Times /CBS News poll...

Walker to Missing Dems: You Have 24 Hours to Return

Otherwise, 'more painful and aggressive spending cuts'

(Newser) - Gov. Scott Walker has a message for the 14 Democrats who fled Wisconsin: Come back by tomorrow and vote on the controversial budget bill, or "the state loses out on the chance to refinance debt, saving taxpayers $165 million this fiscal year," says his rep in a statement...

Bloomberg: Cut Labor Costs, Not Union Rights

Governments can benefit from collective bargaining, he writes

(Newser) - As states like Wisconsin face crippling budget deficits, it’s fair for them to scale back on labor costs—but not labor rights, Michael Bloomberg writes today in the New York Times . What needs updating is “government’s relationship with unions,” not the unions themselves. “Organizing around...

Wisconsin Budget Fight Spawns Culture War

Can we keep things sane in Wisconsin? ask Brooks and Collins

(Newser) - The Wisconsin budget crunch was once an issue worth debating—but Scott Walker has made it about much more than money, writes Gail Collins in a New York Times conversation with David Brooks. Now, “it’s about crushing enemies. Unions. Government programs. Abortion.” Brooks is more sympathetic to...

Americans Really Like Public Unions

 Actually Like 
 Public Unions 
Poll Results

Americans Actually Like Public Unions

In survey 61% favor collective bargaining

(Newser) - National Republicans might want to think twice before backing Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's law cracking down on public unions. A new USA Today/Gallup poll shows that a sizable majority of Americans—61%—would oppose a law limiting public unions' collective bargaining rights if it were introduced in their state.

Public Sector Unions a 50-Year Mistake: Jonah Goldberg
 Public Unions 
 a '50-Year Mistake' 

Public Unions a '50-Year Mistake'

Jonah Goldberg: They've been a bad idea from the start

(Newser) - Protesters in Wisconsin complain the governor is out to kill unions made up of government workers, to which Jonah Goldberg responds: Hallelujah. Remember, he writes, we're not talking about private sector unions here—those played a needed role in protecting imperiled workers, like coal miners. By contrast, "do you...

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