Egyptian military

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Egypt Primed for Revolution Again After 'Soft Coup'

Demonstrations called for after ruling hands power to military

(Newser) - All eyes are on Egypt today, after its Supreme Constitutional Court dissolved parliament , handing the military power in what many are calling a "soft" or "smooth" coup. "The court is not neutral," one Council on Foreign Relations scholar tells CNN . "It is very much part...

Egypt Election in Turmoil After Clashes Kill 11

Security forces do nothing to break up conflict

(Newser) - Clashes broke out in Cairo this morning between protesters railing against Egypt's ruling military council and people that those protesters described as "thugs," leaving 11 dead and more than 160 wounded. Reuters reports that the military's supporters were armed, and the New York Times says that...

Muslim Brotherhood Backs Egypt's Military—for Now

Islamist group won't call for immediate handover: interview

(Newser) - Instead of moving to quash Egypt's temporary military leadership, the Muslim Brotherhood is getting behind it, the head of the Islamist group's political party tells the New York Times . The military aims to maintain its appointed prime minister and Cabinet until the presidential election in June, but the...

Egyptian Women Rally in Cairo
 Egyptian Women Rally in Cairo 

Egyptian Women Rally in Cairo

Following Hillary Clinton speech in US denouncing their treatment

(Newser) - Hundreds of women took to the streets of Cairo today in a protest of violence against female protesters, and military rule in general, following a speech from Hillary Clinton denouncing much the same things, the Guardian reports. “Egyptian women are a red line,” they chanted. A few dozen...

Egypt: Protesters Want to &#39;Destroy State&#39;

 Egypt: Protesters 
 Want to 'Destroy State' 

Egypt: Protesters Want to 'Destroy State'

Civilian groups unify, call for military to relinquish power

(Newser) - Violent unrest continued in Egypt for a fifth day, as the military launched a pre-dawn raid on protesters in Tahrir Square, eliciting renewed criticism from domestic political leaders, the United States, and United Nations, reports the New York Times . The harshness of the military crackdown appears to be re-uniting...

Egypt Fumes Over Beaten Protester

 Egypt Fumes 
 Over Beaten 
death toll: 14

Egypt Fumes Over Beaten Protester

YouTube clip fuels anger as 14 killed since Friday

(Newser) - Video showing Egyptian troops tearing a woman's clothing before beating her unconscious is sparking a new wave of anger in Egypt. The graphic YouTube clip , along with similar images, has helped fuel the latest protests, Australia's ABC News reports. Protesters, some holding copies of a newspaper whose front...

Muslim Brotherhood Slams Egypt's Military Rulers

Group accuses military of trying to undercut civilian authority

(Newser) - Trouble is brewing between the Muslim Brotherhood and Egypt's interim military rulers. The Islamist group, which is expected to dominate the country's next parliament , accuses the military of trying to undercut the new parliament's authority and interfere with the drafting of a new constitution, the New York ...

Egypt Protests Send Economy Into Crisis

Egyptians frustrated that end of Mubarak rule has not spurred economy

(Newser) - The ongoing public unrest in Egypt is now threatening to devastate the country's economy and turn into a full-bore financial crisis, reports the AP . Continued protests, violent crackdowns, and a huge decline in tourism have driven Egypt's annual growth rate down to just 1% from its usual 7%,...

General: Egypt Carried Out 'Virginity Tests' on Protesters

Official admits Amnesty report is true

(Newser) - An Egyptian general has admitted that female protesters were forced to submit to "virginity tests" after being arrested in Cairo's Tahrir Square. The senior general defended the tests, which were carried out on women arrested a few weeks after Hosni Mubarak's ouster, CNN report. "The girls...

ElBaradei: I'm Running for President

But the constitution needs to change, Nobel laureate says

(Newser) - It's official: Mohamed ElBaradei will run for president of Egypt, he told a private television channel yesterday. "When the door of presidential nominations opens, I intend to nominate myself," the Nobel laureate said. But he also called on the military to scrap or rewrite the "superficial" constitutional...

Angry Protesters Storm Egypt's State Security

They ignore warning shots from military

(Newser) - Hundreds of Egyptian activists yesterday stormed the headquarters of the notorious State Security, long associated with human rights abuses against political prisoners, expressing frustration that the military has been slow to shut it down. The dismantling of the intelligence force was one of the protesters’ key demands, but it has...

Egypt Army Ousts PM on Facebook

Former transport minister Essam Sharaf to form new government

(Newser) - Egypt’s military has “decided to accept the resignation of Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq,” the Supreme Council of Armed Forces announced in a Facebook post today. A spokesman then confirmed the move for Al Jazeera . Shafiq, who was hand-picked by Hosni Mubarak just before his ouster, will be...

Egyptian Military 'Disappearing People'

Human rights groups report torture, unexplained detentions

(Newser) - Egypt’s military may not be quite the white knight it’s sometimes made out to be. Over the past three weeks, the military has played a role in dozens of disappearances and at least 12 cases of torture, human rights groups tell the New York Times . “The military...

Egypt's Military Promises Civilian Rule

Elsewhere: US preps aid, Hamas celebrates

(Newser) - The commander of Egypt’s air force appeared on Egyptian TV today to assure the people that the Supreme Military Council was taking over the country, but only during the transition to another civilian government, CNN reports. He also praised both the “martyrs” among the protesters, and Mubarak himself...

Protesters March to Mubarak's Palace
 Egypt Army Backs Mubarak 

Egypt Army Backs Mubarak

Military backs Mubarak plan; Obama says it's not good enough

(Newser) - Egypt's powerful military says it is supporting Mubarak's plan to hand over most of his powers to vice president Omar Suleiman instead of resigning, striking a heavy blow to protesters who called on the military to take action to push Mubarak out after yesterday's announcement. The news enraged hundreds of...

Egypt to Protesters: Military 'Will Intervene'

Suleiman says there will be a 'coup'

(Newser) - Egypt’s government has started dropping dark hints that the military will stop playing nice if protests continue much longer, the New York Times reports. In a televised interview today, Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit told protesters that “if chaos occurs, the armed forces will intervene to control the...

Rights Groups: Egyptian Army Torturing Protesters

Military accused of 'disappearing' hundreds

(Newser) - The Egyptian military says it is playing a neutral role in the protests rocking the country but the reality is very different, human rights groups tell the Guardian . Hundreds, possibly thousands of protesters have been secretly detained by the military and some have been tortured, the groups say. Some families...

US Changes Tune on Killing Egypt's Aid

Top lawmakers figure out that might not be such a bright idea

(Newser) - Many top US lawmakers are backing off their calls to cut aid flowing to Egypt, as consensus builds that the money offers necessary leverage over the Egyptian military. John McCain, who had previously said that aid cuts were “on the table,” said yesterday that it is “just...

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