Arab protests

Stories 321 - 332 | << Prev 

Saudi Arabia: King Abdullah Orders Handouts Amounting to $37 Billion in Apparent Effort to Head Off Protests
 Saudi King Hands Out $37B 

Saudi King Hands Out $37B

But some say they want reform, not money

(Newser) - Saudi Arabia has escaped, so far, the protests raging throughout the Arab world—and King Abdullah wants to keep it that way. He returned to his country today after a three-month convalescence in Morocco, where he was recuperating from back surgery, and before he arrived state media announced a...

Libyan Ambassador to UN: It's 'Genocide'

Deputy UN ambassador urges Moammar Gadhafi to step down

(Newser) - Libyan ambassadors in at least seven countries—including the UK and India—as well as Libya's Justice Minister have resigned in protest over the hundreds of deaths caused by the Gadhafi regime as it attempts to cling to power, reports the Guardian . "What's going on in Libya is a...

'Jasmine Revolution' Comes to China; Protesters Nabbed

Police trying to stamp out demonstrations

(Newser) - Jittery Chinese authorities wary of any domestic dissent staged a show of force today to squelch a mysterious online call for a "Jasmine Revolution"—the same name given to the Tunisian protest movement—with only a handful of people joining protests apparently modeled on the pro-democracy demonstrations sweeping...

North Africa Unrest: Protests Spread to Morocco
 Thousands March in Morocco 

Thousands March in Morocco

Some target parliament, prime minister in calls for constitutional reform

(Newser) - The protests sweeping across the Middle East and North Africa have made their way to Morocco, where demonstrators took to the streets of the capital today. An organizer estimates more than 5,000 people attended, demanding a new constitution, among other things; police put the number at less than 3,...

North Africa, Middle East Protests Heat Up: Unrest Continues in Yemen, Bahrain, Libya, Iran, Iraq
 Protests Engulf Middle East 

Protests Engulf Middle East

Even Iran, Iraq seeing continued unrest

(Newser) - Unrest continues to spread through northern Africa and the Middle East, with protests rocking Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, Iran, and even Iraq. The latest from yesterday and today, from the New York Times , BusinessWeek , and AFP :
  • In Bahrain, the death toll after a surprise police attack on protesters rose to five.

Bahrain Police Attack Sleeping Protesters; 5 Dead

At least 200 injured in surprise attack on protest camp

(Newser) - Bahraini security forces launched a vicious surprise attack on pro-democracy protesters camped out in a square in the capital in the early hours of this morning, the Los Angeles Times reports. Witnesses said most of the protesters, including women and children, were asleep when riot police stormed Pearl Square, firing...

Iranian Lawmakers: Execute Opposition Leaders

Hardliners call for leaders to face trial, death penalty

(Newser) - Inspired by Egypt , tens of thousands turned out yesterday for an opposition rally in Iran—leading some lawmakers to take an especially hard line against opposition leaders today, calling for them to stand trial and be put to death. Pro-government legislators chanted, "Death to Mousavi, Karroubi, and Khatami,"...

Police, Protesters Clash in Bahrain

At least 14 injured, according to Al Jazeera

(Newser) - Bahrain organized its own “Day of Rage” today, where protesters—inspired by the uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia—clashed with police around the capital. Shops closed, cars stayed off the street, and police were heavily armed in anticipation of the protests, sparked by a Shiite Muslim majority that says...

Mideast Scrambles as Protests Spread

Some use carrots, other sticks to respond to growing unrest

(Newser) - Mubarak has stepped down in Egypt, but other states around the Middle East and North Africa are scrambling to keep the lid on their simmering populations, trying combinations of reforms and crackdowns, reports the Los Angeles Times . Algeria responded to protests Saturday with thousands of police officers, and Iran has...

Yemeni Police Block Protesters, Using Batons

Witnesses report harshest response yet from authorities

(Newser) - Police today took their harshest stance yet against anti-government protesters in Yemen, blocking hundreds of them from marching on the presidential palace today. Police hit protesters with batons and protesters threw rocks, witnesses say. Reuters reports four people were injured. About 1,000 people were at a demonstration in Sanaa,...

US Foreign Policy in Arab World Needs Overhaul
 US Foreign Policy 
 in Arab World 
 Needs Overhaul 


US Foreign Policy in Arab World Needs Overhaul

Better intelligence needed, less realpolitik, fear of Islamism

(Newser) - With Hosni Mubarak finally out of power in Egypt, "It's a new day in the Arab world," writes Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times —and hopefully here, as well. "The truth is that the United States has been behind the curve not only in Tunisia...

Protests Spread to Sudan
 Protests Spread to Sudan 

Protests Spread to Sudan

Smaller than Egypt or Tunisia, but discontent growing in Sudan

(Newser) - For two weeks, calls for the Sudanese to join the growing wave of protests around the Arab region have been going up on Facebook. “Our brothers in Tunisia did it and so did our brothers in Egypt," said one message. "It is about time for us.”...

Stories 321 - 332 | << Prev