Arab protests

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Syrian Death Toll Rises Above 2K

Other nations ramp up pressure on government

(Newser) - More than 2,050 people have been killed in Syria since the uprising began, according to the Syrian Observatory, and the army is continuing its crackdown on protesters. At least five civilians, including two children, were killed today around Hama, activists tell al-Jazeera . Also today, two civilian deaths were reported...

Clash Between Rival Libya Rebel Factions Kills 4

Six wounded in Benghazi fight

(Newser) - Clashes between rival factions of the Libyan rebels killed four people today in the opposition stronghold of Benghazi, deepening the worst crisis so far for the movement after its chief military commander was killed , possibly by fighters from his own side. One group of rebels overran the base of another...

Syria Kills 62 in Pre-Ramadan Crackdown

Mostly in city of Hama

(Newser) - The Syrian army raided cities across the country before dawn today, killing at least 62 people—most of them in the flashpoint city of Hama where a barrage of shelling and gunfire left bodies scattered in the streets, activists and residents said. The government is escalating its crackdown ahead of...

Libya Rebels Advance on All Fronts

They are within 80 miles of one of Gadhafi's strongholds

(Newser) - After months of an apparent stalemate, the Libyan rebels have made significant progress in recent weeks, and are now within reach of Moammar Gadhafi's southern stronghold. Sebha, full of Gadhafi loyalists and once thought to be impenetrable, is an important hub for channeling supplies to the north and is...

14 Dead in Big Syria Rallies
14 Dead in Big Syria Rallies 

14 Dead in Big Syria Rallies

Protests may be the largest yet

(Newser) - A Syrian activist says security forces have killed 14 protesters during anti-government demonstrations across the country today. The rallies appeared to be the largest and most widespread since the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad began in March. The activist, a spokesman for a group that tracks the protests, said seven...

Gadhafi: Stop, or I'll Hit Europe

US is less than terrified

(Newser) - For a guy largely on the run between NATO bombs and arrest warrants , Moammar Gadhafi struck a defiant tone yesterday, threatening in a broadcast message to take Libya's fight “to Europe, to target your homes, offices, families, which have become legitimate military targets, like you have targeted our...

Clinton: Assad Is 'Running Out of Time'

Says Syria needs democratic reforms, or there will be more violence

(Newser) - Syria's President Bashar al-Assad and his allies are "running out of time," and need to begin democratic reforms, said Hillary Clinton today, or else his government is “going to see increasingly organized resistance.” Clinton was speaking at a democracy conference in Lithuania when she targeted...

1K Injured in Egypt as Rocks, Molotov Cocktails Fly

Protesters say they want to break into, burn Interior Ministry

(Newser) - Protests raged for a second day in Cairo yesterday, leaving more than 1,000 people injured—though most only lightly, according to the Egyptian health ministry. Protesters gathered outside the Interior Ministry, hurling rocks and Molotov cocktails as police shot tear gas from behind barricades, the LA Times reports. “...

Libyan Rebels Grab Huge Arms Cache

The military base had barely been secured

(Newser) - A group of Libyan rebels seized what some Arab television networks described as the biggest arms depot in Africa yesterday, at the Ghaaa military base—not that it was particularly well guarded. Though the base had a complement of about 60 soldiers, the arms cache itself was surrounded by nothing...

ICC Seeks to Tie Gadhafi to Libya Rapes

But so far no hard evidence, prosecutor says

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi could face rape charges—if the International Criminal Court can link him to any rapes. Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo tells CNN the court is still looking for evidence and cannot yet prove Gadhafi ordered the rapes that have taken place during the months of unrest in Libya. Even so,...

Court Issues Warrant for Gadhafi on War Crimes

Libya does not recognize Hague's ICC: spokesperson

(Newser) - The International Criminal Court has accused Moammar Gadhafi of crimes against humanity and has issued arrest warrants for him and two of his top aides. The ICC presiding judge says there are "reasonable grounds to believe" that Gadhafi and son Saif al-Islam are "criminally responsible as indirect co-perpetrators"...

Public Support Turns Against Libya Action

New poll marks a near-reversal since March

(Newser) - Since the US involvement in Libya began in March, public opinion has just about reversed: 46% of respondents in a new Gallup poll disapprove of the action and 39% approve. The poll comes as the House of Representatives is expected to vote today to strip funding for the operation, though...

40 al-Qaeda Militants Stage Yemen Jailbreak

It's a bad sign in Yemen's nearly lawless south

(Newser) - More bad news out of southern Yemen : At least 40 al-Qaeda militants have escaped from a prison there, according to security officials. As bands of heavily armed militants attacked the Mukalla jail from without, the prisoners attacked their guards within, taking their weapons early today. The escapees include those convicted...

Syrian Men: We Will Marry Rape Victims

One group plans to end the brutality

(Newser) - A group of Syrian men wants to overthrow more than just the regime in their country—they also want to change the brutal practice of killing women who have been raped or, at the very least, not allowing them to marry. Upon hearing about the recent rapes of four sisters...

Tunisia Ex-Prez Gets 35 Years, $65.6M Fine

Ben Ali and wife convicted in absentia

(Newser) - Tunisia took less than a day to convict its deposed former ruler, reports Reuters, sentencing Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and his wife in absentia to 35 years in prison and ordering them to pay fines totaling $65.5 million. The convictions revolve around theft and unlawful possession of cash...

Obama, Tell Assad to Get Out
 Obama, Tell Assad to Get Out 
pj crowley

Obama, Tell Assad to Get Out

Or else the US risks losing credibility, influence: PJ Crowley

(Newser) - In response to the Arab Spring uprisings, the US has been taking the traditional diplomatic approach of “leading from the shadows, doing many things in private and saying little in public,” writes PJ Crowley in the Washington Post . But these uprisings, fueled by social media, are not quite...

Trial of Tunisia's Former President Begins

Zine El Abidine Ben Ali faces charges of drug trafficking, abusing state funds

(Newser) - Zine El Abidine Ben Ali’s trial begins today, making the former Tunisian president the first deposed Middle East leader to face trial in the wake of the Arab Spring uprisings. Ben Ali, who will be tried in absentia, faces charges including abusing state funds, drug trafficking, and illegal arms...

Saleh Not Returning to Yemen: Official

President is still receiving treatment in Saudi Arabia

(Newser) - Last week's rumors could be coming to pass ... or they could still be rumors: Yemen President Ali Abdullah Saleh will not return to his country, an unnamed top Saudi official tells AFP , adding that it is not clear if Saleh, who is being treated for injuries in Riyadh,...

US Underwriting 'Shadow' Internet

Obama administration leading efforts to help dissidents

(Newser) - One of the ways Egypt , Syria , and other regimes crack down on protesters is by shutting down telecommunications networks—but soon they may no long be able to do so. The New York Times takes a close look at the global effort, led by the US, to create “shadow”...

International Leaders Pledge $1B to Back Libyan Rebels

Gadhafi regime close to exit: officials

(Newser) - Countries that stepped into the Libyan conflict are promising $1 billion in support for the rebel cause. The pledge from nations including Italy, France, Turkey, and Australia is backed in large part by Libyan assets, notes the New York Times , but some legal considerations still stand between the money and...

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