Yemen protests

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Army Fires Rockets at Yemen Protest: Rebels

2 killed, 7 wounded in attack, say demonstrators

(Newser) - Yemen’s military fired rockets at rebel protesters in the northern city of Harf Sufyan today, killing two, and wounding 13, the demonstrators said in a statement. The AP reports that witnesses say soldiers in an army post opened fire with heavy machine guns, believing the protesters were trying to...

Yemeni President Agrees to Resign

Strikes deal with protesters to stay until end of year

(Newser) - Yemen’s president has agreed to a deal with opposition leaders that will usher him out of office by the end of the year—instead of by his previous 2013 deadline. A government official said, without elaborating, that the sides had reached “common ground” on a deal. Opposition leaders...

Yemen President Orders Forces to Protect Protesters

After two were killed in Sanaa clashes on Tuesday

(Newser) - Thousands gathered in a Sanaa square in Yemen yesterday, just one day after supporters of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, wielding clubs, tried to force them out. Amnesty International says two were killed in the Sanaa clashes late Tuesday, the capital’s first fatalities since protests began. Saleh said last night...

US Better Not Pull Another 'Mubarak'
 US Better Not Pull 
 Another 'Mubarak' 

US Better Not Pull Another 'Mubarak'

JD Gordon: America shouldn't abandon the leaders of Bahrain, Yemen

(Newser) - Here's a dissenting voice on the Mideast unrest: The US blew it in Egypt by turning its back on Hosni Mubarak and shouldn't make the same mistake with the leaders of Bahrain and Yemen, writes retired Navy commander JD Gordon. If anything, those two countries are even more important to...

North Africa, Middle East Protests Heat Up: Unrest Continues in Yemen, Bahrain, Libya, Iran, Iraq
 Protests Engulf Middle East 

Protests Engulf Middle East

Even Iran, Iraq seeing continued unrest

(Newser) - Unrest continues to spread through northern Africa and the Middle East, with protests rocking Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, Iran, and even Iraq. The latest from yesterday and today, from the New York Times , BusinessWeek , and AFP :
  • In Bahrain, the death toll after a surprise police attack on protesters rose to five.

Next Domino? Protests Now Wrack Libya

Anti-government protests swell in Bahrain, Yemen

(Newser) - Libya—home to the longest-serving member of the rapidly shrinking club of North African dictators—saw clashes between police and hundreds of protesters overnight after the arrest of a human rights activist in the eastern city of Benghazi, the Financial Times reports. Organizers have put out a call on the...

One Woman Leads the Way in Yemen's Uprising

Tawakkol Karman says prez threatened her

(Newser) - Women are second-class citizens in Yemen, yet it’s a woman leading the country's latest round of protests, the Washington Post reports. Tawakkol Karman, a 32-year-old mother of three, is the country’s best-known activist, and she organized the first protests at Sanaa University following the ouster of Zine el-Abidine...

Fights Break Out Among Yemen Protesters

Police have to separate pro- and anti-government demonstrators

(Newser) - Hundreds of demonstrators supporting Yemen’s government attacked hundreds more opposing it in the capital today, as the protests in the volatile Arab nation entered their fourth day. Government supporters fought with students who were staging a sit-in at Sana University, beating them with sticks near the main school’s...

US to Train Terrorist Hunters in Yemen

First time US has worked with the country's counterterror unit

(Newser) - Faced with an increasingly alarming threat from al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the US military will begin a new training program with Yemen's counterterrorism unit so it can move against militants believed to be plotting attacks on America from safe havens there. The effort will mark the first time the...

Yemeni Police Block Protesters, Using Batons

Witnesses report harshest response yet from authorities

(Newser) - Police today took their harshest stance yet against anti-government protesters in Yemen, blocking hundreds of them from marching on the presidential palace today. Police hit protesters with batons and protesters threw rocks, witnesses say. Reuters reports four people were injured. About 1,000 people were at a demonstration in Sanaa,...

20K Protest Yemen President
 20K Protest Yemen President 

20K Protest Yemen President

Pro-government demonstrators also rally

(Newser) - Some 20,000 protesters joined together in Yemen’s capital for a “day of rage” against the country’s president, rejecting his plan to quit in 2013, the BBC reports. Elsewhere in the city, about the same number rallied in support of President Ali Abdullah Saneh; the pair of...

Yemen's President Promises Not to Run Again

*When his term runs out in 2013

(Newser) - Yemen's Ali Abdullah Saleh took a page out of Hosni Mubarak’s playbook today, promising protesters that he would not run for reelection when his term ends in 2013. He also promised that his oldest son Ahmed, the head of Yemen’s Republican Guard, wouldn’t try to replace him,...

Anti-Government Protests Spread to Yemen

Protesters invoke Tunisia, Egypt

(Newser) - Protests inspired by the Tunisia uprising are continuing to snowball in the Middle East: Tens of thousands rallied today in Yemen, in the largest by far of a recent wave of anti-government protests. Protesters gathered in the capital Sana'a, calling on President Ali Abdullah Saleh to step down, the BBC...

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