North Africa unrest

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Angry Syria Rebels to US: 'All We Get Is Words'

America should be offering more help, they say

(Newser) - Anti-American sentiment is growing in Syria, where rebels are increasingly frustrated that the US is not giving them more support. "All we get is words," says a Free Syrian Army spokesperson. The Syrian opposition says it does not want direct military intervention, but it has asked many times...

As Aleppo Shelling Continues, Rebels Get More Daring

But Syrian rebels may be making progress

(Newser) - The battle for Aleppo has been going on for more than two weeks now, and the fighting spread to new parts of Syria's biggest city today. Government troops have been shelling the parts of the city the rebels control, but the opposition continues to attempt to expand its hold,...

Syrian PM Defects: Rebels
 Syrian PM Defects: Rebels 

Syrian PM Defects: Rebels

But government claims Riad Hijab was fired

(Newser) - The Syrian opposition is claiming a big defection to its side: Prime Minister Riad Hijab. Hijab, who became prime minister two months ago, would be the highest-level defection of the uprising so far, the AP reports. An opposition source tells CBS that Hijab and his family are already out of...

Assad AWOL as Executions Rumored in Aleppo

Free Syrian Army gains anti-aircraft missiles

(Newser) - As the battle for Aleppo grinds on in Syria, President Bashar al-Assad's location remains a big question mark. Today, to mark Armed Forces Day, Assad published a message in the military's magazine encouraging his troops. But, though the president has been seen on TV, he has not appeared...

Syria: Here's When We'd Use Chemical Weapons

Not against rebels, but possibly against 'external aggression': official

(Newser) - Despite recent reports that Syria may be preparing to use its chemical weapons, a foreign ministry spokesperson today tried to assure the world that they will not be used on the Syrian people—officially acknowledging for the first time that the country actually has such weapons, reports Reuters . "Any...

Russia Halting Arms Exports to Syria

Meanwhile, Annan and Assad 'agree on approach' to conflict

(Newser) - Russia will stop selling weapons to Syrian authorities until the conflict in the country simmers down, a senior official says. So far, he tells Russian news agencies, Moscow has simply been sending spare parts to the Syrian army and helping with repairs, not sending fighter planes or helicopters. From here...

Clinton: Russia, China 'Should Pay a Price' on Syria

She calls for Beijing, Moscow to get involved at 'Friends of Syria' meeting

(Newser) - At a "Friends of Syria" meeting today in Paris, Hillary Clinton called in strong terms for Russia and China to "get off the sidelines" and intervene in Syria. "I don’t think Russia and China believe they are paying any price at all for standing up for...

Fires Blaze Along Syria-Turkey Border

Turkish state TV accuses Syrian forces of starting them

(Newser) - The latest trouble to hit Syria: Fires, apparently started deliberately, are blazing along the border with Turkey. Turkish firefighters are battling the flames as strong winds caused them to cross the border and spread into Turkey, the AP reports. Turkey's state-run TV blames Syrian forces for starting the fires...

Egyptian Court: Military Cannot Arrest Civilians

Court overturns decree from earlier this month

(Newser) - The Egyptian army can no longer arrest civilians, a court ruled today. The court overturned a controversial government decree, issued before this month's presidential run-off vote, that gave the military such power. It's a blow for the military as it prepares to transition power over to newly elected...

As NATO Meets, Turkey Blasts Syria as 'Open Threat'

Turkish PM Erdogan issues a warning to Damascus

(Newser) - Turkey is hardening its stance against Syria, even as NATO meets today to discuss Syria's downing of a Turkish jet last week. Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned in an address to his parliament that Syrian troops would be considered an "open threat" if they come near his...

Egyptians Again Pack Tahrir Square

Protest against military rule

(Newser) - Once again, thousands of Egyptians are protesting in Tahrir Square, this time against the military's power grab following the country's first free presidential election. Muslim Brotherhood members and supporters chanted, "Down with military rule," and are expected to be joined by secular groups later today. But...

Wily UK Blocks Russian Helicopters Bound for Syria

Insurance withdrawn for MV Alaed cargo vessel

(Newser) - Following a request from Washington , the UK has moved to block Russia from delivering refurbished attack helicopters to Syria. London's Standard Club withdrew the insurance for the Russian cargo vessel allegedly carrying the copters, the MV Alaed, as it was about 50 miles off the north coast of...

Russia May Not Actually Be Sending New Copters to Syria

Officials say Clinton was likely referring to repaired helicopters

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton came out swinging against Russia Tuesday, accusing it of sending attack helicopters to the Syrian government , but US officials tell the New York Times the helicopters in question might not actually be new shipments. More likely, they are being returned to Syria after Syria sent them to Russia...

1.5M Syrians Need Food, Shelter: Red Cross

Fighting has turned local as many lack basics

(Newser) - As the crisis in Syria shows no signs of abating, the Red Cross warns that 1.5 million people lack the very essentials: food, water, shelter, power, and sanitation. Tens of thousands in the country have either moved in with other people or are living in public buildings, and about...

Syria Heads to the Polls
 Syria Heads to the Polls 

Syria Heads to the Polls

But opposition decries elections as sham

(Newser) - Even as violence continues in Syria despite last month’s ceasefire, voters today headed for the polls for a parliamentary election that the government insists is a sign of political reform. But the opposition calls it a sham: "All of this is a theater show,” one man tells...

UN: Syria Ceasefire in Place by April 12

Syrian troops have reportedly started withdrawing

(Newser) - Fierce clashes continue to erupt in Syria, even as the UN's deadline for a ceasefire looms a week from today. Kofi Annan's peace plan requires Syrian troops to withdraw from towns and cities by April 10 , and the UN expects both sides to stop fighting within two days...

Intervening in Syria Riskier Than Libya: US Officials

Military intervention would likely require long, dangerous mission

(Newser) - Using the US military to intervene in Syria would be much more complicated and dangerous than the military intervention in Libya was, senior Pentagon officials say. President Obama asked the Pentagon for preliminary military options following increasing pressure from Republicans including John McCain , the New York Times notes. However, the...

Syria: 89% Approved New Constitution

West not convinced, though much of opposition may have boycotted

(Newser) - Syria's new constitution was backed by more than 89% of voters, the nation's Interior Ministry announced today, even as violence continues to rage across the country and the West decries the referendum as a sham . The Interior Ministry claims that more than 57% of Syria's 14 million...

Yemen Votes to Oust Saleh
 Yemen Votes to Oust Saleh 

Yemen Votes to Oust Saleh

Abed Rabbo Mansour al-Hadi voted in as new president

(Newser) - Yemen came together after a year of unrest today, voting out President Ali Abdullah Saleh in favor of his former vice president, Abed Rabbo Mansour al-Hadi. The New York Times reports that turnout in the capital, Sanaa, appeared high and spirits were similarly high, despite the fact that the election...

Syrian Troops Step Up Homs Bombardment

Activists say 50 people have been killed so far today

(Newser) - Syrian troops resumed their shelling of Homs this morning, with the BBC reporting near-constant explosions in the restive city. Some rebels are reportedly returning fire (though a BBC correspondent describes their efforts as a "futile gesture"), and Reuters reports that 50 people have been killed today. According to...

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