John Cornyn

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Dems Put Forward Debt Limit Measure

Senators fear White House edging toward negotiations

(Newser) - President Obama and Senate Democrats have put a long-term measure to raise the debt ceiling on the table. The legislation would boost the debt ceiling by $1 trillion, the Washington Post reports—though Dems say in order to avoid default, they might OK a short-term solution instead, even if it...

Senate Begins Work on Immigration

Its prospects may hinge on border security and one amendment in particular

(Newser) - It took a long while to get to this point, but the Senate today officially began work on an immigration reform bill, reports the Hill . The first vote was a procedural matter to take up the measure, and it passed by a whopping 84-15 vote. But all the coverage makes...

Congress: We're Not Avoiding Cliff Cuts

Democrats considering putting them off again, but many skeptical deal will emerge

(Newser) - Washington is bracing itself for a sweeping, painful set of across-the-board spending cuts, because lawmakers doubt they'll be able to come up with a deal to avert them, the Washington Post reports. While proposals are in the works to avert what's known as sequester, party leaders don't...

Marco Rubio Drops PIPA Sponsorship

Says he's worried about unintended consequences

(Newser) - Internet, you have been heard—by a couple of influential senators at least. Marco Rubio says he's dropping his support of the Protect Intellectual Property Act, of which he is a co-sponsor, Politico reports. In a Facebook post , the Florida senator says he's heard "legitimate concerns about...

Deficit Talks Deadlocked, Despite GOP Revenue Offer

Democrats say it's not high enough

(Newser) - Republicans on the deficit super committee finally budged on revenues this week, in what Dick Durbin yesterday hailed as “a breakthrough” in the talks. But Democrats swiftly rejected the GOP’s offer for $350 billion in new revenue as insufficient, leaving the committee about where it was—with less...

Graham: Afghanistan Drawdown May Kill Momentum

(Newser) - Lindsey Graham is not a fan of President Obama's plan to withdraw 30,000 troops from Afghanistan, telling a Chris Wallace-less Fox News Sunday that "He may have undercut the momentum we achieved in the last year. Things were moving in the right direction." Graham fretted that...

GOP Senate to Force Dems to Raise Debt Ceiling Solo?

They're toying with the idea of withholding all support

(Newser) - With the United States poised to crash into its $14.294 trillion debt ceiling no later than May 16, Senate Republicans are considering letting Democrats raise it all on their own, with a straight party vote, reports the Huffington Post . Republicans have been insisting on spending cuts and reforms in...

Democrats Putting Up a Fight
 Democrats Putting Up a Fight 
Election Analysis

Democrats Putting Up a Fight

Midterms aren't a done deal yet

(Newser) - Democrats may be on the ropes, but a Republican takeover of the House is hardly a done deal, according to a state-by-state analysis from the New York Times . By now, Republicans had expected to have a variety of races already settled, but Democratic incumbents are proving more tenacious than...

Franklin Graham: Islam is 'Wicked'
Franklin Graham: Islam is 'Wicked'
Sunday Show Roundup

Franklin Graham: Islam is 'Wicked'

Elsewhere: Bill Richardson says Dems are 'scared' of tea party

(Newser) - ABC’s This Week waded into some controversial waters today with a town hall discussion on Islam, and no one was more controversial than Rev. Franklin Graham (son of Billy), who called the religion “evil” and “wicked.” Quoth Graham: “They want to build as many...

Republicans Won't Retake Senate
Republicans Won't Retake Senate

Republicans Won't Retake Senate

GOP would need to stage three or four massive upsets

(Newser) - Republicans are hoping to clean up this November, but they can pretty much forget about taking over the upper chamber, David Catanese writes for Politico . The GOP needs to gain 10 seats to take over, and they have decent odds in six or seven contests. But to pick up those...

Napolitano: The Border Is More Secure Than Ever

And crime is down in border states, too

(Newser) - Janet Napolitano pushed back against immigration alarmists yesterday, even as she touted the the White House's latest efforts to secure the border. The Obama administration will deploy an unmanned aerial drone in Texas, and allow local police communities to temporarily “deploy” to assist the National Guard along the border,...

GOP Gunning for Obama Health Nominee

Blocking appointment is one way to re-open health care debate

(Newser) - Republicans have their knives out for Donald Berwick, President Obama's nominee to run Medicare and Medicaid. Berwick, a pediatrician and Harvard prof who runs a nonprofit aimed at cutting hospital errors, as well as costs, is a fan of Britain's single-payer health National Health Service, they note; he once declared...

GOP to Dems: Start Over on Health Care
 GOP to Dems: 
 Start Over on Health Care 

GOP to Dems: Start Over on Health Care

Not so fast, say top senators as White House pushes ahead

(Newser) - President Obama's elite advisers poured onto the Sunday shows to beat the health reform drum today—and ran right into a wall of Republicans, euphoric from Tuesday's victory in Massachusetts. Even as David Axelrod emphasized that Americans "want Brown to work with us and not be obstructionist," GOP...

White House: Fox Is 'Not Really News'
 White House: 
 Fox Is 'Not 
 Really News' 


White House: Fox Is 'Not Really News'

Administration still sparring with conservative network

(Newser) - The White House continued its scuffle with Fox News today, with Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace complaining on-air that the administration dissed its request for an interview, while top aides took to competing networks to denounce it. It's "not really news," David Axelrod told This Week. The...

White House Shuts Online Rumor Tip Box

Program to collect health-care hearsay slammed over privacy

(Newser) - The White House is closing its e-tip box for bogus health care rumors amid concerns over what the administration might do with such messages, Politico reports. On Aug. 4, a White House blog told readers: “If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance...

Hatch, Cornyn Get on GOP's Anti-Sotomayor Bandwagon

(Newser) - In an indication that conservative Republicans are uniting against Sonia Sotomayor, Senate Judiciary Committee members John Cornyn and Orrin Hatch today pledged to vote against her, CNN reports. Though moderate Republicans worry opposition could hurt the party with Hispanics, the conservative base has lobbied hard against the Supreme Court nominee....

Firefighters Drop In on Sotomayor
 Drop In on 

Firefighters Drop In on Sotomayor

(Newser) - The New Haven Fire Department arrived in uniform on Capitol Hill today to watch the third day of Sonia Sotomayor’s confirmation hearings, the New York Times reports. So far talk has swirled around abortion, with Sotomayor refuting reports that the Obama administration had given her a “litmus test”...

Durbin: Cheney 'Way Beyond' the Constitution
Durbin: Cheney 'Way Beyond' the Constitution

Durbin: Cheney 'Way Beyond' the Constitution

Also, Palin resignation 'surprised' McCain; she 'did not call me'

(Newser) - The revelation that Dick Cheney ordered the CIA to withhold information from Congress “absolutely” warrants an investigation, Sen. Dick Durbin said today. “To give the president unbridled authority goes way beyond the United States Constitution,” Durbin told This Week. Over on Fox News Sunday, Sen. John Cornyn...

Cornyn, Schumer Travel in High Style
Cornyn, Schumer Travel in High Style

Cornyn, Schumer Travel in High Style

Senators use more taxpayer dollars than any other lawmakers

(Newser) - Senators John Cornyn and Chuck Schumer have done a lot of jet-setting on the company dime, Politico reports. Each has spent more than $140,000 on travel this year alone, as much as 10 times what some colleagues spend. Cornyn, a Republican, racked up the biggest bill, which included the...

Republicans See Rising Debt as Obama's Soft Spot

(Newser) - Republicans think they’ve found one chink in President Obama’s armor: public fear over rising national debt. Some 51% of Americans disapprove of Obama’s efforts to control federal spending, according to a recent poll. In every other area, Obama enjoys positive ratings. “The president is still popular,...

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