Reince Priebus

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Jan Brewer: Trump Is Getting &#39;Waterboarded&#39;
Jan Brewer: Trump Is
Getting 'Waterboarded'

Jan Brewer: Trump Is Getting 'Waterboarded'

"Anybody who's been under these kinds of assaults I think want to defend themselves"

(Newser) - With Donald Trump taking some heat for using a policy speech in Gettysburg to promise to sue those accusing him of sexual assault , former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer took to the airwaves of CNN (via Mediaite ) on Sunday to proclaim his innocence, telling Jake Tapper that her candidate has...

RNC Holds 'Emergency Conference Call'

But the results are not what you may have predicted

(Newser) - The Republican National Committee held an "emergency conference call" Monday, Politico reports, and though the call was scheduled amid speculation that the RNC might abandon Trump or at least divert its resources to down-ballot candidates after Trump's 2005 comments about women became public, the end result was less...

Kasich Slams RNC's Priebus as a Podunk Political Hack

After Priebus warned Kasich, others to 'get on board' with Trump

(Newser) - Over the weekend, Republican National Committee chief Reince Priebus warned Donald Trump's former rivals in the primaries that they should endorse Trump or risk retribution from the party if they ever run for office again. Well, one of those former rivals isn't having it. On official campaign letterhead,...

RNC Chief Warns GOP Candidates: Endorse Trump

Reince Priebus says those who don't could face trouble if they run again

(Newser) - Republican National Committee chief Reince Priebus has had his issues with Donald Trump, but he's squarely behind the party nominee now and ordering Trump's former rivals to be the same. "Those people need to get on board," Priebus said on CBS News Sunday. His leverage? "...

RNC: Trump Is Staying on the Ballot
 RNC: Trump Is 
 Staying on the Ballot 

RNC: Trump Is Staying on the Ballot

He says the campaign is 'going really well'

(Newser) - Donald Trump is the GOP nominee for president and there will be no refunds or exchanges, the Republican National Committee insisted Wednesday amid rumors that Trump's missteps had panicked it so badly it was looking at options for a replacement and planning to pressure him to drop out. "...

On RNC&#39;s Final Night, a Father-Daughter Dance
 On RNC's Final Night, 
 a Father-Daughter Dance 

On RNC's Final Night, a Father-Daughter Dance

Ivanka Trump will introduce Donald as he accepts the GOP nomination

(Newser) - It's been a Republican National Convention of inspirational family tributes , plagiarism accusations , and a major diss by a former presidential contender. On Day 4, however, which Vox notes will boast a "Make America One Again" theme, the GOP hopes to bring the focus squarely back to the guest...

Priebus' Bungling May Destroy the GOP

'Over his head,' writes Washington Post pundit

(Newser) - The last time a major US political party broke apart was 160 years ago. The issue: slavery. Dana Milbank predicts the GOP might follow in the Whigs' footsteps over a matter far less serious: Donald Trump. Republicans are split over "whether to embrace as their nominee a man who...

Trump: I'll Act More Presidential 'Pretty Soon'

But right now he's busily 'fighting for my life'

(Newser) - In the wake of Saturday night's victory in South Carolina , Donald Trump acknowledges he probably needs to act more presidential and says he'll do so "pretty soon." The often brash Trump tells Fox News Sunday, ''I think I'll be very presidential at the...

Priebus: Expect 'Elbows Thrown' at CNN Debate

And expect candidates to keep dropping out as they run out of money

(Newser) - The first Republican debate was a contentious affair , and don't look for the second one to let off the gas, says Reince Priebus. "One of the undiscussed issues is just, you know, controlling the debate," the RNC chair told host Jake Tapper, who will moderate Wednesday's...

Republican Party Will Try to Boot One of Its Own

Dave Agema has endorsed racist, homophobic material

(Newser) - It's so rare for the Republican National Committee to seek to oust one of its own members that the body doesn't have an official procedure for doing so. But this week, leaders will mull action against Dave Agema of Michigan, a committeeman who recently shared what he called...

MSNBC Fires Staffer Over GOP Tweet

Network apologizes for suggesting Republicans would hate biracial ad

(Newser) - Republicans scored an apology today from MSNBC over a tweet that the network later called "unacceptable," reports USA Today . The since-deleted tweet went out last night, with a link to a Cheerios ad featuring a biracial family. "Maybe the rightwing will hate it but everyone else will...

At Center Stage in Midterms: Abortion

Both parties look to capitalize on issue

(Newser) - With the midterm elections ahead, both parties are looking to use abortion rights as a rallying issue. Republicans are hoping related state ballot initiatives will bring voters to the polls. Meanwhile, they're looking to avoid another Todd Akin "legitimate rape" embarrassment, instead emphasizing a fiscally conservative take on...

On Question of Christie, No One Rushes to Judge

GOP thinks he can move on; Dem O'Malley says 'I don't know'

(Newser) - Chris Christie was as popular a topic on the Sunday shows today as one might expect, but rather than getting tarred and feathered, guest after guest either came to the New Jersey governor's defense or declined judgment. A rundown of the highlights, as per Politico :
  • John McCain : "I

NYPD's Kelly: 'No Question' More Will Die Sans 'Stop, Frisk'

Meanwhile, Trayvon lawyer calls policy 'slippery slope'

(Newser) - Ray Kelly isn't soft-pedaling the effects if the NYPD's "stop and frisk" policy ends: "No question about it, violent crime will go up," he said today when asked if more people would die without it, Politico reports. "The stark reality is that violence is...

GOP Formally Bans CNN, NBC From Debates

Unless they kill their Hillary productions

(Newser) - As promised , the Republican National Committee formally declared today that CNN and NBC will be blackballed from GOP presidential debates if they move forward with programs on Hillary Clinton, reports the Washington Post . “We’re done putting up with this nonsense,” RNC chief Reince Priebus told the group'...

CNN, NBC Aren't Shaking Over GOP Threat

Their Hillary Clinton projects still moving forward

(Newser) - Reince Priebus may have had visions of killing two projects about Hillary Clinton at CNN and NBC, but it doesn't look like the threats by the head of the Republican National Committee are working. Both networks are still moving ahead with the projects, despite Preibus's warning that the...

RNC to NBC, CNN: Yank Hillary Shows or No Debates

Reince Priebus is not happy with 'extended commercial' for 2016 bid

(Newser) - CNN and NBC had better pull the plug on their plans to bring Hillary Clinton to the small screen, or Reince Priebus is threatening to take his 2016 presidential debates and find them another network home. In a sternly worded letter today to network honchos, the RNC chair calls NBC'...

GOP Chair: Not Big on That 'Tolerance' Word

Reince Priebus doesn't 'really care for' it

(Newser) - Sure, the Republican Party's self-assessment may have called for more tolerance , but its chairman isn't much interested in the word itself, he says. Asked on the Christian Broadcasting Network whether evangelicals should be concerned about the GOP's direction, Reince Priebus replied, "I don’t know if...

Holder: I'm Not Sure How Often We Spy on Journalists

Attorney general to face House grilling today

(Newser) - The Justice Department's secret subpoena of AP phone records might not have been a one-time occurrence. Eric Holder tells NPR that he has no idea how many times he'd allowed the department to snoop on journalists. "I'm not sure how many of those cases … I...

GOP Botched Its Own Autopsy
 GOP Botched 
 Its Own Autopsy 

GOP Botched Its Own Autopsy

No one much impressed with party's toothless self-reflection

(Newser) - Republicans were pretty harsh on themselves in yesterday's much-discussed autopsy of the 2012 campaign , but did they actually get to the root of their electoral woes or propose decent solutions? "Unfortunately, the answer on both counts is, not really," the National Review laments. The report concludes that...

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