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Sony Tablet Computers Coming This Fall, Firm Says
 Sony Unveils 2 Tablets 

Sony Unveils 2 Tablets

S1, S2 computers coming later this year

(Newser) - Sony's engineers have come down from the mountain with not one, but two tablet computers. The company says the computers—code-named S1 and S2—will hit stores worldwide this fall, reports the Wall Street Journal . The S1 will be a slate-style tablet, and the S2 will be a shell-shaped...

Samsung Ripped Off iPhone, iPad: Apple Suit

Apple alleges competitor 'blatantly' copied iPhone, iPad

(Newser) - Samsung's Galaxy smartphone bears more than a passing resemblance to the iPhone, says Apple, and Steve Jobs and Co are slapping its rival with a lawsuit that claims "slavish" and "blatant copying" on Samsung's part. In addition, the Apple lawsuit alleges the Galaxy tablet is a...

Booming iPad Stunts PC Shipments
Booming iPad
Stunts PC Shipments

Booming iPad Stunts PC Shipments

Personal computer shipments not growing as anticipated

(Newser) - Is the era of personal computers really ending ? New figures seem to support the idea: Shipments of PCs slowed last quarter, thanks mostly to, yes, the iPad. Total worldwide shipments increased 2.7%, says one report released yesterday; another puts the growth at 3.1%. Both numbers are slower...

Days Are Numbered for Laptops, PCs
Days Are Numbered
for Laptops, PCs

Days Are Numbered for Laptops, PCs

Op-ed: The 'age of mobile computing' is upon us

(Newser) - A survey of the Consumer Electronics Show and a host of other technological and cultural factors all point to one inescapable conclusion: "The era of the personal computer is drawing to a close," write Mike Malone and Tom Hayes in the Wall Street Journal . Laptops and desktops aren't...

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