Jon Huntsman 2012

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It's a Good Day for Bachmann, Ron Paul

He wins a straw poll, she wows conservative group

(Newser) - Ron Paul, Michele Bachmann, and Jon Huntsman had a pretty good day on the campaign trail:
  • Paul easily won the straw poll at the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, reports CBS . It's not a huge surprise: Paul (612 votes) typically does well in such venues because of his

Huntsman Joining 2012 Race Next Week

Former China ambassador will make it official, sources say

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman is making the rumors official: He’ll throw his hat into the 2012 ring next Tuesday, officials tell the AP . Huntsman left his post as US ambassador to China in the spring and started putting his campaign organization together. The former governor of Utah is seen as a...

Iowa Secretary of State Matt Schultz Hits Back at Jon Huntsman
 Iowa Hits Back at Huntsman 

Iowa Hits Back at Huntsman

Secretary of State Matt Schultz responds in long statement

(Newser) - It didn't take long for Iowa to hit back at Jon Huntsman. In a long statement obtained by Politico , Iowa Secretary of State Matt Schultz, himself a Republican and a Mormon, mocks Huntsman's explanation for why he's skipping the state , noting that his "excuse" (he opposes...

Jon Huntsman: I'm Skipping Iowa

He's not a big fan of ethanol, writing of Buckeye State

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman won't be taking his toys to the sandbox in Iowa: The possible presidential candidate says that he's definitely not going to compete in the Hawkeye State, reports ABC News. “I'm not competing in Iowa for a reason. I don't believe in subsidies that...

Howard Dean: Don't Dismiss Sarah Palin

High unemployment makes any GOP candidate dangerous, says Dean

(Newser) - Don't be so fast to write off Sarah Palin's chances at winning the presidency, warns former Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean, who tut-tuts Washington insiders for dismissing her out of hand. “Any time you have a contest—particularly when unemployment is as high as it is...

Huntsman: Hate Ryan Plan? Think of Something Better

Critics have a 'moral obligation' to do so

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman continues his not-quite-official candidacy with an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal today, with an eye toward tackling the $14 trillion national debt. "Unless we make hard decisions now, in less than a decade every dollar of federal revenue will go to covering the costs of Medicare,...

GOP Dream Team? Jon Huntsman and Michele Bachmann
 GOP Dream Team? 

Huntsman/Bachmann: GOP Dream Team?

He's a great candidate, but can't reach the party base like her

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman is quite the candidate; he’s a moderate, cerebral, urbane internationalist with tons of experience. “In other words, he is ‘toast’ in today’s Republican Party, and he has very little chance to be the 2012 nominee,” writes ex-Reagan and Bush staffer Ed Rogers in...

Mitch Daniels Is Out: Who Will Replace Him in 2012 Presidential Race?
 Daniels Is Out—Now What? 

Daniels Is Out—Now What?

Republicans look for an alternative

(Newser) - Now that Mitch Daniels is officially out of the 2012 race, many Republicans are scanning the field to find another suitable alternative to Mitt Romney. Politico looks at the possibilities:
  • Jeb Bush and Chris Christie: Though they have both flatly said they won’t run, donors and operatives are likely

Utah Grumbles: Huntsman Isn't Mormon-y Enough

Faithful think he's trying to distance himself from LDS church

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman isn't flying his Mormon colors proudly enough for many in Utah, reports Politico . The former governor's decision to put his 2012 headquarters in Florida, coupled with comments perceived as downplaying his faith (he told Time it was "tough to define" whether he was still a...

The M-Word: A Moderate Eyes the GOP Nomination

With GOP candidates fighting over the far right, Jon Huntsman aims at middle

(Newser) - Is there room in today's GOP for a presidential nominee who is moderate on gay rights, immigration, and cap-and-trade climate regulation? Someone who even—gasp—supported the stimulus and worked with the Obama administration as ambassador to China? With Jon Huntsman kicking off his first campaign swing through New...

Huntsman Defends Service to Obama
 to Obama 


Huntsman Defends Service to Obama

Ex-China ambassador gearing up for White House run

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman is officially back from China and today used his first public appearance to address Republican tongues wagging about the fact that the most recent boss on his resume is one Barack Obama. "Serve [America], if asked," Huntsman told the University of South Carolina's Class of...

Jon Huntsman Forms PAC, Moves Closer to 2012 Run

Former Utah governor headed to South Carolina, New Hampshire

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman's resignation as ambassador to China took effect Sunday, and he's not wasting much time moving toward a presidential run. He formed a federal PAC today so he can raise money and travel, reports Politico . What's more, the former GOP governor of Utah has been meeting...

GOP Candidates Won't Release Tax Returns

Except Trump, who will release his in exchange for a certain birth certificate

(Newser) - Barack Obama made a point of releasing his tax returns to the public while running for president in 2007 and 2008—and when running for the Senate before that. But not one of the candidates vying to face him in 2012 will promise to do the same, Politico has found—...

Obama Takes on Romney, Huntsman, Etc., With Love
Obama Trying to Kill
Romney & Co. With Love
Election 2012

Obama Trying to Kill Romney & Co. With Love

Administration praising Huntsman's China service, Romney's health care work

(Newser) - President Obama has a funny way of taking down his potential 2012 challengers: he’s praising them every chance he gets. The president has been furiously lauding Mitt Romney’s health care work in Massachusetts, and Jon Huntsman’s work for the administration in China, Politico observes, in what looks...

Obama's China Envoy Quitting—to Run in 2012

Gibbs: Ambassador Huntsman's future wide open

(Newser) - The White House confirmed today that it's looking for a new envoy to China, as Ambassador Jon Huntsman leaves to prepare a 2012 bid against his current boss, Politico reports. Huntsman has the support of several prominent GOP operatives, who've formed a PAC in order to begin the financial and...

GOP's Got Nobody for 2012

 GOP's Got 
 for 2012 

GOP's Got Nobody for 2012

Not one of the slate of hopefuls is electable, writes Chris Cillizza

(Newser) - The GOP's presidential 2012 field isn't pretty. "All—that's A-L-L—of the Republicans considering runs carry at least one major flaw," writes Chris Cillizza in the Washington Post . Mitt Romney signed a health care bill similar to President Obama’s. Mississippi governor Haley Barbour “virtually invented lobbying....

Obama's Ambassador Eyes 2012 Run Against Him

Jon Huntsman's DC home purchase may signal potential White House run

(Newser) - Who's the moderate conservative, Mormon ex-governor making ripples in the 2012 presidential pool? Not Mitt Romney—meet Jon Huntsman, the former governor of Utah who President Obama appointed ambassador to China in 2009. The move, seen as an effort to neutralize the only potential rival who made Team Obama "...

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