Natalie Mendoza

2 Stories

Spider-Man Musical Suffers Another Blow

Star Natalie Mendoza quits following a series of injuries

(Newser) - A female star of the ultra-expensive, problem-plagued Spider-Man Broadway musical has walked out of the production following a stuntman's injury in a 30-foot plunge. Natalie Mendoza, 30, who plays the evil spider Arachne, suffered a concussion last month when she was hit in the head by a heavy rope on...

Actor's 2-Story Plunge Halts Spider-Man Play

Flying stunt double's harness snaps in front of horrified audience

(Newser) - Broadway's problem-plagued Spider-Man production was halted near the end of the show last night when a stunt double's flying harness snapped, dropping him two stories into a stage pit, according to witnesses The audience sat, horrified, as the empty harness swayed over their heads and a woman—likely lead actress...

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