Newt Gingrich 2012

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Weekly Standard Likes Newt Gingrich's Chances

Cover story says he could take nomination and beat Obama

(Newser) - Look out, Mitt. The conservative Weekly Standard thinks Newt Gingrich has a legit shot at being the nominee. In the new cover story , Fred Barnes writes that GOP voters are so "obsessed" with defeating President Obama they'd be willing to overlook Gingrich's "past sins," including...

Gingrich: Don't Compare My Affair to Bill Clinton's

Candidate's website takes on some of the seedier knocks against him

(Newser) - Another sign that he is indeed a contender in the world of modern politics: Newt Gingrich's website has added a page intended to act as a sort of scandal deflector, notes Politico . It takes on some of the common "attacks" being leveled against him, including those under a...

Newt Gingrich Catches Up to Mitt Romney in Latest New Hampshire Poll
 Newt Surges  
 in Romney Land: 
 New Hampshire 
Poll Numbers

Newt Surges in Romney Land: New Hampshire

Gingrich is statistically tied for first in new poll

(Newser) - The Newt Gingrich comeback train just keeps on rolling: He’s now just 2 points behind Mitt Romney in New Hampshire, with 27% to Romney’s 29%, according to the latest poll from the New Hampshire Journal . That's within the poll’s margin of error, and well ahead of...

Health-Care Firms Paid Gingrich's Think Tank $37M

...and some of its policy advice echoed ObamaCare

(Newser) - More consulting trouble for Newt. Since 2003, a Gingrich-founded think tank has pulled in at least $37 million from the health-care industry—and has called for an insurance mandate reminiscent of President Obama’s. Wellpoint, Blue Cross Blue Shield, AstraZeneca, and other members of the Center for Health Transformation paid...

Newt Gingrich's Freddie Mac Deal Epitomizes Washington Slime | Timothy Egan
Newt's Freddie Deal:
the Epitome of DC Slime

Newt's Freddie Deal: the Epitome of DC Slime

This was classic influence peddling, writes Timothy Egan

(Newser) - You can laugh off Newt Gingrich’s giant Tiffany’s account , or even his marital merry-go-round . But his cozy relationship with Freddie Mac “encapsulates why Washington is broken and how the powerful protect and enrich themselves, unanchored to basic principles,” writes Timothy Egan in the New York Times...

Freddie Mac Paid Gingrich $1.6M

But only for his 'strategic advice'

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich raked in somewhere between $1.6 million and $1.8 million over the course of an eight-year span consulting for Freddie Mac, sources tell Bloomberg —a far cry from the $300,000 he was asked about in last week’s CNBC debate. His main contact was the...

One More Time: Republicans Debate Again
 Romney: Obama Win 
 Means Nukes for Iran 

Romney: Obama Win Means Nukes for Iran

Perry doesn't stumble, pokes fun at his previous gaffe

(Newser) - Unsparing in their criticism of President Obama, Republican presidential hopefuls also disagreed among themselves tonight on Afghanistan, waterboarding, and Iran. Some debate highlights:
  • Mitt Romney: "If we re-elect Barack Obama, Iran will have a nuclear weapon. And if you elect Mitt Romney, Iran will not have a nuclear weapon.

Republican Debates Thrive in Reality TV Culture
 Why Do We Tune In? 
 'Cause It's Reality TV 
GOP Debates

Why Do We Tune In? 'Cause It's Reality TV

'Instantaneous' judgment reflects shows like 'Survivor'

(Newser) - The Republican presidential debates are exerting a strong influence on this year's race, and even seem entertaining—but why? It's not just Rick Perry's penchant for the deadly 53-second pause or Michele Bachmann's ability to reinterpret US history , analysts say. It's our reality-TV culture of...

Things to Watch in Tonight's GOP Debate

Focus is on foreign policy

(Newser) - The Republican candidates are back at it tonight in a debate expected to focus on foreign policy. David A. Graham at the Daily Beast has five things to watch, including:
  • Artful dodges: Yeah, the theme is foreign policy, but given weak voter interest, expect the candidates to pivot toward national

Now Who's No. 2, All by Himself?

As GOP contenders stumble, Newt Gingrich is gaining traction

(Newser) - Is Newt Gingrich finally winning over the GOP base, or is he just the latest not-Mitt-Romney? Despite early gaffes ( big debts at Tiffany's , paid-for Twitter followers ) that sent his support plummeting, created money problems , and caused staff members to resign en masse, Gingrich has not only stuck...

Election 2012: New Poll Shows Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney Tied for Second Behind a Damaged Herman Cain
 Gingrich, Romney 
 Tied for Second 
new poll

Gingrich, Romney Tied for Second

Behind a damaged Herman Cain, according to new poll

(Newser) - Don’t look now, but Newt Gingrich appears to have crawled his way into the top tier of the GOP presidential field. A new CBS News poll has Gingrich tied with Mitt Romney for second place, at 15% each. Ahead of both is Herman Cain with 18%, but the poll...

Rick Perry, Herman Cain, and Others Losers in CNBC Debate
 So, Who Else Lost the Debate? 
GOP Debate Roundup

So, Who Else Lost the Debate?

Because Rick Perry obviously did

(Newser) - The moment that will live in infamy from last night’s debate , the gaffe that overshadowed everything else, was Rick Perry’s utter meltdown as he forgot one of the agencies he himself wanted to eliminate. But there were other people onstage, and here’s how people are grading them...

'Oops': Perry Forgets Name of Agency He'd Abolish

He fumbles badly; Cain allegations get barely a mention

(Newser) - The GOP candidates debated again tonight, with a wonky focus almost exclusively on the economy, reports AP . Despite all the policy talk, though, it's a safe bet that a big story line will be a doozy of a blooper by Rick Perry: He promised to abolish three federal agencies—...

Herman Cain Punts Debate Question on Medicare to Newt Gingrich

 Cain Punts 
 Health Care 
 Question to 

Cain Punts Health Care Question to Gingrich

Looks unsure of himself on Medicare policy

(Newser) - Either Herman Cain is quite the gentleman, or he was stumped during his under-the-radar debate with Newt Gingrich this weekend. Posed a question on Medicare policy specifics—whether he preferred “premium support” or a “defined benefit plan”— Mediaite notes that Cain repeated the question, rubbed his hands,...

Election 2012: Republican Slate Should Have GOP Panicking, Writes Matt Latimer

 Dear GOP: 
 It's Time to Panic 

Dear GOP: It's Time to Panic

GOP field can't beat struggling Obama: Matt Latimer

(Newser) - On the surface, things aren’t looking good for President Obama—but if Republicans want to beat him, they’ll need a viable candidate. And that’s something they don’t appear to have, writes Matt Latimer for the Daily Beast . Instead, they’ve got battered Herman Cain, who’s...

Gingrich Wants 7 Long Debates With Obama

If nominee, he promises to follow the president until he accepts

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich stole the show last night at an important GOP dinner in Iowa, reports Politico . Two notables were missing, however: Mitt Romney and Herman Cain, the state's current front-runners. Still, Gingrich clearly roused the audience more than the rest of the field, including Rick Perry, and one proposal...

Romney Wins Angry Debate
 Romney Wins Angry Debate 

Romney Wins Angry Debate

Las Vegas showdown a bad night for Herman Cain, pundits say

(Newser) - The Republican candidates in last night's CNN-sponsored debate in Las Vegas were significantly more combative than in previous debates. But despite some fierce attacks and tense moments, Mitt Romney appears to have come out on top again, pundits say.
  • Romney was put on the defensive, especially by Rick Perry

Romney, Perry Tangle at Debate

Santorum also hits Romney on health care

(Newser) - The latest GOP debate has wrapped up, and it's clear Rick Perry had Mitt Romney in his sights. They had a number of nasty exchanges, including one in which Perry resurrected allegations that Romney hired a lawn service that employed illegals:
  • Perry: "You stood here and did not

Newt Gingrich Climbing Back Into the Race

Howard Kurtz sees him kinda sorta making a comeback

(Newser) - Don’t call it a comeback—because that would probably be overstating it—but Newt Gingrich is starting to show up as high as third in some GOP primary polls, Howard Kurtz notes in a Newsweek profile. Gingrich was largely left for dead after much of his campaign staff bolted...

Bachmann, Gingrich, Huntsman All Broke

Romney, Perry pull in combined $30M in Q3

(Newser) - Campaign reports reveal a GOP presidential field whose members are on vastly different financial footing. While Mitt Romney and Rick Perry raised a combined $30 million in Q3, three of their competitors are deep in debt, WNYC reports. Michele Bachmann raised $3.9 million between July and September, but currently...

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