Newt Gingrich 2012

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Gingrich's Chances in Virginia: Slim

Looking at 'alternative methods' to get on ballot

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich hasn't given up on Virginia just yet. After learning Saturday morning that he would not be on the state's primary ballot then vowing to run an "aggressive" write-in campaign, only to find out that write-ins aren't permitted on primary ballots there, his campaign rep...

Hey, Virginia: Gingrich Wants You to Write Him In

But there's one major problem...

(Newser) - When it comes to Virginia, Newt Gingrich doesn't plan to go gentle into that good night. Following the Republican Party of Virginia's early morning announcement that the candidate did not have enough valid signatures to get on the primary ballot, Gingrich's camp said, via press release, that...

Missing From Virginia Ballot: Perry, Gingrich

Both candidates fail to get 10K signatures needed

(Newser) - Virginia Republicans will see two fewer options on their March 6 primary ballot: Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich's names will be absent, because both men failed to get the 10,000 necessary signatures. The Republican Party of Virginia noted Perry's status yesterday, and made a second announcement early...

Democrats Prank Gingrich With Website provides links to negative stories

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich's campaign would like you to know, we're sure, that his official campaign website is . If you happen across , however, it's a whole different story. The site provides links to negative or embarrassing stories about Gingrich, including references to his Freddie Mac...

Gingrich Lambastes Romney for PAC's 'Smear Campaign'

Mitt says he can't control 'independent' group

(Newser) - Mitt Romney was confronted yesterday over the anti-Gingrich attack ads that a pro-Romney super PAC has been pumping out, prompting him to label the whole concept of super PACs “a disaster”—and insist he couldn’t lawfully intervene. “My goodness, if we coordinate in any way whatsoever,...

Newt, Mitt Now in Dead Heat: Poll
 Newt, Mitt Now in Dead Heat 
new poll

Newt, Mitt Now in Dead Heat

Gingrich tells rivals to end 'reprehensible' attacks

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's support is at its highest since July, while Newt Gingrich's is fading, according to the latest Washington Post / ABC News poll. So the two candidates are now in a dead heat nationwide with 30% support each among Republicans and Republican-leaning voters, the poll found. Ron...

Gingrich: I'll Send US Marshals to Arrest Judges

Keeps swinging at the courts

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich is clearly no big fan of the judicial branch, a point he brought up during Thursday's debate , emphasized yesterday, and drove home today. In a call with reporters yesterday, Gingrich said that if he became president, he would ignore any Supreme Court rulings that infringed upon his...

Sunday Talk Shows: Mitt Romney Pans Newt Gingrich, John Boehner Pans Payroll Tax Cut Deal
Romney Pans Gingrich,
Boehner Pans Payroll Deal
talk show roundup

Romney Pans Gingrich, Boehner Pans Payroll Deal

Mitt makes first appearance since March 2010

(Newser) - Mitt Romney was expected to hog the talk show spotlight today, in what was his first appearance on a Sunday show since March 8, 2010. But he arguably shared that with John Boehner, who, in contrast to earlier reports , gave the payroll tax cut deal a clear thumbs down on...

Gingrich: Freddie Money Went to 'Overhead'

Romney steps up attacks on Gingrich: 'It's a duck'

(Newser) - Saying he wanted to "set the record straight," Newt Gingrich once again defended his work for Freddie Mac yesterday, now emphasizing that the $1.6 million he took in over six years went to his company, not into his pockets, and that he was mostly concerned with providing...

Stewart Stages 'Intervention' to Save GOP From Newt

Daily Show host thinks Republicans have a bad addiction

(Newser) - It's not every week you find Jon Stewart and the National Review reading from the same page. The Daily Show host, echoing the conservative magazine , urged the GOP to step away from Newt Gingrich. "Chasing the Reagan has led Republicans to the basement of a broken-down abandoned drug...

Don&#39;t Mess With Michele
 Don't Mess 
 With Michele 

Don't Mess With Michele

Feisty Bachmann roars back on the scene

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann roared back into the Iowa campaign last night loaded for bear and set her sights on Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul. She lashed Gingrich the most harshly of all the candidates for collecting $1.6 million in "consulting fees" from Freddie Mac and " influence peddling "...

Gingrich's Stock Plunges on InTrade

Betters only give him a 14% chance

(Newser) - If you had to put your money on it, would you bet that Newt Gingrich will win the Republican nomination? If so, you're in the minority. After days of punishing attacks, Gingrich's odds of victory on InTrade have plummeted, observes Zeke Miller of Business Insider . At one point,...

Our Obsession With LiLo Is Helping Newt
 Our Obsession 
 With LiLo Is 
 Helping Newt 
Meghan Daum

Our Obsession With LiLo Is Helping Newt

America loves a hot mess: Meghan Daum

(Newser) - How to explain the rise of Newt Gingrich, a “hot mess of a public servant” who has been married three times, left two wives while they were ill, engaged in an extramarital affair, and reportedly got together with his first wife—his geometry teacher—when he was 16 and...

National Review: GOP Will 'Blow It' With Newt

Character flaws make former speaker the wrong choice for GOP

(Newser) - The Republican Party has reached an "uncharacteristic degree of unity" and is capable of taking control of the White House and both houses of Congress next year—but it could blow it all if it nominates Newt Gingrich, warns the National Review . An editorial in the influential conservative magazine...

Gingrich Rips U of Iowa Hecklers as '1%'

Protesters interrupt brain research talk

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich was silenced for several minutes by hecklers at the University of Iowa yesterday during a speech on the importance of brain research. Protesters slammed his "callous and arrogant attitude toward the poor" before Gingrich's supporters started shouting back. "Why don't you go back to...

Romney: Gingrich Is Too 'Zany'

Says his rival isn't enough of a leader to be president

(Newser) - Mitt Romney gave an interview to the New York Times today in which he fleshed out his line of attack that Newt Gingrich is unfit to be president. The main takeaway quote:
  • “Zany is great in a campaign. It’s great on talk radio. It’s great in print,

Gary Johnson: Gingrich Is a Hypocrite About Pot

Newt cannot call for death penalty on drug he's admitted to smoking

(Newser) - A libertarian GOP candidate for the presidency, usually ignored by mainstream media, is swinging hard at Newt Gingrich, calling him a "hypocrite" for his stance on marijuana. No, not Ron Paul. This time it's pro-pot candidate Gary Johnson, and he is slamming Gingrich for calling (in 1996) for...

Gingrich Aide Canned Over 'Cult of Mormon' Comment

Iowa political director out after less than a week

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich's Iowa political director is out of a job after less than a week because of disparaging remarks he made about Mitt Romney's Mormon faith, the Des Moines Register reports. "A lot of the evangelicals believe God would give us four more years of Obama just...

Ron Paul Catches Gingrich in Iowa

Newt clings to 1-point lead, with Romney in third

(Newser) - The first chink in Newt Gingrich's surge? A new Public Policy Polling survey shows that his lead in Iowa has dropped from 9 points to 1 point in a week. And the beneficiary isn't Mitt Romney but Ron Paul. The new figures have Gingrich at 22%, down 5...

Tea Party's Newt Backers Are Racist: Glenn Beck

Now he says he didn't really mean it, and just wanted to get 'people to think'

(Newser) - Glenn Beck is back in the news, this time over comments that are rankling plenty of conservatives. On Friday, Beck made a bold statement: That Newt Gingrich and Barack Obama are basically the same progressive guy, so if you're a member of the Tea Party and support Gingrich, there'...

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>