Newt Gingrich 2012

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It's a Whole New Race: Gingrich Romps in SC

Come-from-behind victory jolts race heading into Florida

(Newser) - Looks like it's a two-man race after all. Newt Gingrich won the South Carolina primary tonight in a wild upset over Mitt Romney, with outlets such as CNN , AP , Fox News , and MSNBC calling the race fairly quickly. Swayed by his two debate performances this week, core elements of...

5 Keys to South Carolina Primary

Gingrich could make it a two-man GOP primary race

(Newser) - With Newt Gingrich surging and Mitt Romney admitting he could lose South Carolina, Huffington Post offers five keys to the primary that has picked every Republican nominee since Ronald Reagan:
  1. Newt vs. Mitt: If Romney wins, he will be treated as the future GOP nominee. If Gingrich wins, the media

Focus Already Turning to Florida

Gingrich promises to be in the sate on Monday

(Newser) - The polls don't close in South Carolina for hours, but already the GOP race is turning its attention toward Florida's primary on Jan. 31. Newt Gingrich today conducted what the Los Angeles Times called a "telephone town hall" with voters there and promised a fight. "We'...

Gingrich in Strong Shape as SC Votes

He leads last poll by 9 points

(Newser) - They're voting in South Carolina, and things are looking rosy for Newt Gingrich. The last Public Policy Polling survey before the polls opened has him up 38-27 over Mitt Romney, with Rick Santorum (16) and Ron Paul (14) behind. If anything, the "open-marriage" interview given by his wife...

Romney Camp: Yep, We Could Lose SC

Adviser says it's great just to be close

(Newser) - The latest Gallup poll confirms the trend: Mitt Romney is sinking while Newt Gingrich is rising. The national poll has Romney in front 30-20, but that's down from a 23-point lead at the start of the week. Polls in South Carolina in particular are way tighter, and the Romney...

Scarborough: Conservatives Want Brokered Convention

Meaning neither Romney nor Gingrich would be the nominee

(Newser) - Joe Scarborough today made the case that conservatives are happy Newt Gingrich is surging again—not because they want him to be the nominee but because they think he can prolong the fight against Mitt Romney, trigger a brokered convention, and let a different savior swoop in to save the...

Why Newt Gingrich's Marriages Are Fair Game: Ariel Levy
 Why Newt's 
 Marriages Are 
 Fair Game 


Why Newt's Marriages Are Fair Game

To reject questions about them as 'trash' is hypocritical: Ariel Levy

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich may have been "frankly astounded" at John King's "trash" question last night about his ex-wife—but that's "pretty rich" coming from him, notes Ariel Levy in the New Yorker . Indeed, "I am frankly astounded that Gingrich hasn’t been asked more about...

Debate a &#39;Triumph for Gingrich&#39;
 Debate a 'Triumph for Gingrich' 

Debate a 'Triumph for Gingrich'

Santorum shined but it was Newt's night, pundits say

(Newser) - Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, and Ron Paul all had their moments in last night's GOP debate, but it was Newt Gingrich's night thanks to his fiery first five minutes , pundits say.
  • Rick Santorum took the fight to Gingrich and Romney and was the "central mover in the

Gingrich Blasts CNN On 'Trash' First Question

Santorum gets aggressive as final four candidates debate in SC

(Newser) - The most tumultuous day of the campaign (see reasons one , two , and three ) wrapped up tonight with a CNN debate , and the fireworks started immediately when moderator John King asked Newt Gingrich the first question—about his ex-wife's "open marriage" interview. After blasting the media's "...

Gingrich Paid $994K in Taxes in 2010

Staff releases returns during GOP debate

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich paid $994,708 in federal taxes in 2010 on more than $3.1 million in income, making his effective federal tax rate roughly 31.6%. The former House speaker's staff released his tax returns this evening amid the GOP debate. See them here . He and wife Callista...

New Poll: Gingrich Actually Leading in SC

Gingrich at 34%, Romney at 28% in first night of tracking

(Newser) - We already knew Newt Gingrich was surging in South Carolina , but a new Public Policy Poll has even more dramatic results: Last night, the first of three nights of tracking, Gingrich actually led Mitt Romney 34% to 28%. Romney's 28% is consistent with the numbers PPP has seen in...

100 Tea Party Leaders Will Endorse Newt

Leaders to announce coalition today

(Newser) - It's a big day for Newt Gingrich: After news of his surge in South Carolina and an endorsement from Rick Perry , the Daily Caller reports that he can also expect backing from 100 Tea Party leaders. The leaders, who represent 25 states, will announce a coalition supporting Gingrich today:...

Perry Quits, Endorses 'Not Perfect' Gingrich

But the former presidential candidate notes 'who among us is?'

(Newser) - "I've always believed the mission was greater than the man," said Rick Perry this morning, as he announced that he is no longer the man for the mission. Perry officially bowed out of the GOP race for the presidential nomination in an 11am press conference, and threw...

Marianne Gingrich: Newt Wanted Open Marriage

Ex-wife spills the dirt in ABC interview

(Newser) - The first clip in Marianne Gingrich's "explosive" interview is out, and with ex-husband Newt surging two days before South Carolina's primary , she's hitting hard at his moral compass. She describes the moment he confessed his six-year affair with current wife Callista: "I said to him,...

Gingrich's Ex-Wife Gives 'Explosive' Interview

Ahead of primary, Marianne Gingrich gives reminder of Newt's romantic past

(Newser) - Two days before South Carolina heads to the primary polls, ABC News will air a piece of Newt's past—an interview with his second wife, Marianne. The interview could remind the state's many religious conservatives of Gingrich's rocky romantic history, the AP notes. Gingrich, Marianne has said,...

Romney Likens Gingrich to ... Al Gore

Meanwhile, his lead in SC is shrinking rapidly

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's once-comfortable lead in South Carolina isn't so comfortable anymore. A new CNN/Time poll has him ahead of Newt Gingrich 33-23, a marked difference from his 19-point lead two weeks ago. Rick Santorum (16), Ron Paul (13), and Rick Perry (6) bring up the rear. "Gingrich...

Gingrich: If I Win SC, I Win the Nom

Speaker is swinging relentlessly in bid to unite conservative vote

(Newser) - With little more than three days left before the polls close in South Carolina, Newt Gingrich is continuing a verbal onslaught that seems not to require oxygen: "If I carry this state on Saturday, I will be the Republican nominee," he vowed last night, telling his audience that...

Gingrich: Santorum, Perry Should Drop Out

And back Newt ... Santorum is not enthused

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich must be reading all those positive reviews from last night's debate: He said today it would be a swell idea if the two Ricks dropped out and backed him, reports CNN . "From the standpoint of the conservative movement, consolidating into a Gingrich candidacy would in fact...

GOP Played Fast, Loose With Truth in Debate

Fact Checkers point out inaccurate attacks

(Newser) - The air was thick with half-truths and distortions at last night's combative Republican debate. Here's how fact-checkers score the bout:
  • Nearly every fact-checker blasted Mitt Romney for asserting that President Obama "has opened up no new markets for American goods around the world." Actually, Obama has

Good Night for Romney, as Gingrich Emerges
 Solid Night for Romney, 
 as Gingrich Emerges 

Solid Night for Romney, as Gingrich Emerges

Strong performance leaves Gingrich looking like top anti-Romney

(Newser) - Mitt Romney emerged largely unscathed from last night's Republican debate in South Carolina, while consensus pegs Newt Gingrich as the best of the rest. A breakdown of the chatter:
  • This was Gingrich's "best debate of the entire race," decides Chris Cillizza at the Washington Post . The

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