Joe Manchin

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&#39;Trumpier Than Trump&#39; Candidate Loses in W. Va
'Trumpier Than Trump'
Candidate Loses in W.Va

'Trumpier Than Trump' Candidate Loses in W.Va

Don Blankenship finished 3rd in GOP primary

(Newser) - He claimed be "Trumpier than Trump"—but he couldn't overcome President Trump's opposition to his candidacy . Retired coal baron and ex-federal convict Don Blankenship finished in third place in West Virginia's hard-fought Senate primary on Tuesday. State Attorney General Patrick Morrissey won and will face...

Rick Perry May Lead Dept. He Famously Forgot: Report

And he presumably doesn't want to abolish Energy Department anymore

(Newser) - Donald Trump is reportedly down to four candidates for energy secretary, and they include two Democratic senators from big energy-producing states, a former chairman of the Republican National Committee, and, uh, if history were any indicator the fourth name would escape Rick Perry's memory. Yes, Perry, the former Texas...

Drug CEO&#39;s Dad in Senate Now a Big Focus
Raising Eyebrows: EpiPen
CEO's Dad Is a Senator
the rundown

Raising Eyebrows: EpiPen CEO's Dad Is a Senator

Mylan's Heather Bresch is the daughter of Sen. Joe Manchin

(Newser) - Prior to the recent outrage at drugmaker Mylan for jacking the price of EpiPens into the stratosphere, it wasn't widely known that company CEO Heather Bresch, 47, was the daughter of Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia. That has changed in a big way, with major media outlets...

4 Members of Congress Who Buck Their Party the Most

Susan Collins, Joe Manchin lead in the Senate

(Newser) - Which members of Congress are most likely to vote against their own party majority? The Washington Post rounds up the leaders with data from GovTrack. Here are the top Republicans and Democrats this year in the House and Senate:
  • House Democrat: Collin Peterson of Minnesota, who does so 30% of

NRA: Navy Yard Lacked &#39;Good Guys With Guns&#39;
 NRA: Navy 
 Yard Lacked 
 'Good Guys 
 With Guns' 


NRA: Navy Yard Lacked 'Good Guys With Guns'

Meanwhile, Manchin says he won't renew push for gun control

(Newser) - The NRA's Wayne LaPierre is taking on renewed debate over gun control in wake of the Navy Yard shooting, telling NBC today that the "outrage" of "the elite media and the politicians trying to stir this toward firearms ... ought to be placed on an unprotected naval base....

Iran Is Orchestrating Syria Revenge: US

If US strikes, Iran wants Shiite militias in Iraq to strike back

(Newser) - As Congress debates a strike on Syria, the regime and its allies have been given plenty of time to prepare strikes of their own, American officials warn. The US has intercepted an order from Iran to Iran-supported Shiite militias in Iraq to launch attacks on the US Embassy and other...

Senate to Let Student Loan Rates Double

No deal looks likely before looming July 1 deadline

(Newser) - A compromise to keep student loan interest rates low proved unwinnable before Monday's deadline and interest rates on new loans are going to double — at least for a while — senators said today. Tom Harkin, the chairman of the Senate education panel, said none of the proposals being...

Manchin: I'm Not Done With Gun Control Yet

Says he wants to bring reworked legislation back to Senate floor

(Newser) - Joe Manchin wants to take another crack at gun control, telling Fox New Sunday that he's going to retool his failed proposal on background checks to bring it to the Senate floor. “We’re going to work this bill with all of our hearts," he said today....

Hope for Tighter Gun Laws Still Alive in Senate

Two different efforts 'quietly' underway, says NYT

(Newser) - The push for stricter gun laws might not be quite so dead after all in the Senate. The New York Times reports that efforts are "quietly" underway to get something done on background checks and illegal trafficking. Joe Manchin and Pat Toomey, the co-sponsors of the background-check bill that...

Senate Rejects Tougher Background Checks

Parents of Sandy Hook victims watch proposal fail by 6 votes

(Newser) - As expected , the Senate today rejected a bipartisan effort to expand federal background checks on gun purchasers. An attempt to ban assault-style weapons and a ban on high-capacity ammunition magazines were also rejected in a series of showdown votes four months after the Newtown rampage. The background check measure...

Manchin: Background Checks Will Fail

But spokesman says

(Newser) - Joe Manchin, one of the chief authors of the bipartisan bill on background checks, has told a reporter that it will fail in the Senate this afternoon, Talking Points Memo reports. NBC's Kelly O'Donnell tweeted this morning: "Sen. Joe Manchin tells me 'we will not get...

Toomey, Manchin Unveil Deal on Background Checks

Not quite universal, but checks would include gun shows, online sales

(Newser) - Sens. Pat Toomey and Joe Manchin this morning unveiled their bipartisan deal on background checks, anonymous sources tell NBC . “Background checks are not a cure-all, but they can be helpful," said Toomey, in announcing the deal. It wouldn't create truly universal background checks—some transactions, like those...

McConnell: I'll Filibuster Gun Control Bill

Plus, Senate Dems are scrambling to decide on which bill to push

(Newser) - A gun control bill—though it's not clear which one—is expected to hit the Senate floor this week , and the latest Republican to threaten it is Mitch McConnell. The minority leader joins a group of GOP colleagues, now numbering 13, who intend to filibuster any gun bill that...

If Gun Control Fails, Blame McCain, Not 'Extremists'

Alex Pareene thinks we're seeing a vivid illustration of why the Senate is broken

(Newser) - Washington elites are no doubt applauding Joe Manchin and Pat Toomey for attempting to forge a gun control deal . That such tense negotiations are necessary, even though most Americans and at least 51 senators support comprehensive background checks, "isn't considered particularly distressing or embarrassing," observes Alex Pareene...

Gun Control Heads for Showdown This Week

Bipartisan deal on background checks could be coming

(Newser) - It's a big week for gun control supporters, as the issue heads to the Senate floor this week. Democrat Joe Manchin spent the congressional recess looking to forge ahead on background checks with GOP support, and he and Republican Pat Toomey have spent the past few days hashing out...

Huntsman, Manchin Launch 'No Labels' War on Partisanship

Group aims for cross-aisle discussion, congressional reform

(Newser) - Joe Manchin and Jon Huntsman are reaching across the aisle in a push to trip up partisan politics. They're the leaders of "No Labels," an alliance formed in 2010 that is now seeking congressional reforms to fight the partisan divide in DC. Around a dozen congressmembers are...

NRA Honcho: Assault Weapon Ban Won&#39;t Pass

 NRA Honcho: 
 Assault Weapons 
 Ban Won't Pass 

NRA Honcho: Assault Weapons Ban Won't Pass

Joe Manchin calls for comprehensive approach

(Newser) - There's no way gun control advocates have the votes to get an assault weapons ban through Congress, NRA President David Keene told CNN today. "I would say that the likelihood is that they're not going to be able to get an assault weapons ban through this Congress,...

Biden Will Lead Charge on Gun Control

Obama calls meeting of Cabinet to seek 'broader approach'

(Newser) - President Obama has taken his first steps to reducing gun violence, charging his Cabinet in a meeting yesterday with formulating proposals toward that end, and tapping longtime gun-control advocate Joe Biden to lead the effort, sources tell the Washington Post , adding that an assault rifle ban is definitely on the...

W.Va. Democrats Skipping Obama's Nomination

Governor, senator, representative won't attend convention

(Newser) - You may not be surprised to hear that President Obama is not too popular in West Virginia, considering that a felon serving time in prison actually won more than 40% of the vote against him in last month's presidential primary. That unpopularity apparently extends to the uppermost echelons of...

Obama 2012? Some Dems in Congress Won't Say

Some moderates, liberals reluctant to voice support for reelection bid

(Newser) - It may not come as a surprise that Joe Lieberman isn’t sure where he stands on President Obama’s reelection bid—but a number of Obama’s fellow Democrats aren’t rushing to support him, either. Instead, they’re refusing to comment or choosing their words carefully, Politico finds....

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