health care repeal

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House Has Voted to Repeal ObamaCare 30 Times

And No. 31 is on deck this week

(Newser) - House Republicans have voted 30 times in the past year and a half to repeal, defund, or otherwise squash ObamaCare, with the first attempt coming just two weeks after they took control of the House last year. This week, in the wake of the Supreme Court's decision on the...

Conservatives Pounce on Boehner's Health Plan

Outside groups a challenge for House leadership

(Newser) - John Boehner issued a statement yesterday insisting that he was dead-set on repealing the health care reform law "in its entirety," refuting a Politico report that he'd hatched a plan to keep the most popular parts of the law should the Supreme Court overturn ObamaCare. What prompted...

Day 2: SCOTUS Weighs Individual Mandate

Supreme Court will hear arguments on health care law's individual mandate

(Newser) - Today's the big day: The Supreme Court will hear arguments on the focal point of the challenge to President Obama's health care law, the individual mandate. If the mandate is upheld, everyone in the US will be required to purchase health insurance or pay a penalty; it's...

Day 1 of ObamaCare Hearings Done

Supreme Court will likely not delay a decision until 2015

(Newser) - The first day of Supreme Court hearings on President Obama's controversial health care law is over, and it appears the justices will not be putting off a decision until 2015 . If the justices deemed the penalty for not purchasing insurance to be a tax, then an obscure 1867 law...

As ObamaCare Hearings Begin, 5 Things to Watch

Today's the day at the Supreme Court

(Newser) - The Supreme Court will hear three days of arguments on the constitutionality of President Obama's health care law starting today, and Politico offers up five things to keep an eye on:
  • Do politics enter the discussion? It will be difficult for the justices to ignore the political debate that

67% Oppose Health Law&#39;s Individual Mandate
67% Oppose Health Law's Individual Mandate

67% Oppose Health Law's Individual Mandate

Majority of Americans want it tossed out by Supreme Court

(Newser) - As the Supreme Court prepares to open hearings on the constitutionality of the federal health care law next week, a new poll finds that Americans oppose the law 52% to 41%. And an even higher percentage—67%—want the court to either throw out the entire Affordable Care Act, or...

Senate Set to Vote on Health Care Repeal

Vote to roll back overhaul expected today

(Newser) - The Senate is expected to hold a showdown vote today on repeal of the health care law. The chamber's Republicans—buoyed by a federal judge's ruling that the health care overhaul is unconstitutional — tacked a repeal amendment onto a massive Federal Aviation Administration budget reauthorization bill being debated in...

Fla. Judge: Obamacare Is Unconstitutional

Federal court sides with 26 states

(Newser) - A federal judge in Florida says the Obama administration's health overhaul is unconstitutional, siding with 26 states that had sued to block it. US District Judge Roger Vinson today accepted without trial the states' argument that the new law violates people's rights by forcing them to buy health insurance by...

Repeal of ObamaCare Is Going to Backfire on GOP
Repeal of ObamaCare Is Going to Backfire on GOP
eugene robinson

Repeal of ObamaCare Is Going to Backfire on GOP

Eugene Robinson: Turns out, a lot of people actually like it

(Newser) - House Republicans predicted they'd get scores of Democratic defectors in the vote to repeal health care reform, a sign of the "will of the people" to overturn the legislation, writes Eugene Robinson. Yeah, not so much: Not a single Democrat switched. "This is momentum?" Robinson asks in the...

House Votes to Repeal Obama's Health Care Law

Measure is all but certain to fail in the Senate

(Newser) - The Republican-controlled House has voted to repeal the health care law President Obama signed last year. The 245-189 vote marks the fulfillment of a promise many Republicans made in last fall's political campaigns. The measure has little or no chance of passing the Senate, where Democratic supporters of the law...

Five Votes to Watch in Today's Health Care Repeal
Five Votes to Watch in Today's Health Care Repeal

Five Votes to Watch in Today's Health Care Repeal

It's going to pass, but there's still some political intrigue at play

(Newser) - After all the talk, the House will finally vote later today on whether to repeal health care. It's no great mystery how things will shake out, of course: It's going to pass in the House, fail in the Senate, "then die the death of the symbolic bill that it...

129M Americans Have Pre-Existing Conditions

Republican aide calls new report nothing but 'PR'

(Newser) - As the House prepares to consider a repeal of health care reform, the Obama administration has released a startling statistic: Up to 129 million non-elderly Americans have pre-existing health conditions. That means anywhere from one-fifth to one-half of people under age 65 in the US are at risk of being...

GOP's Health Reform 'Analysis' Is Assault on Logic
GOP's Health Reform
'Analysis' Is Assault on Logic
paul krugman

GOP's Health Reform 'Analysis' Is Assault on Logic

They don't really believe it will kill jobs, writes Paul Krugman

(Newser) - In their effort to repeal health care reform, the GOP has produced “some numbers and charts to wave at the press”—but they’re not part of any “rational discussion,” writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times . Their figures are, in fact, part of the...

GOP Reschedules Health Care Repeal Vote

Determined to move back toward business as usual

(Newser) - House Republicans will vote to repeal the health care reform law next week, likely on Wednesday, after a week-long delay in the wake of the Gabrielle Giffords shooting. “It is important for Congress to get back to work,” an Eric Cantor spokesman said, “and to that end...

Congress Delays Health Vote Amid Calls to 'Cool' Rhetoric

Time for 'great respect' on Hill: Sen. Alexander

(Newser) - The tragedy in Arizona won’t stop the health care debate, but it has pushed back a repeal vote and prompted calls to cool the rhetoric, Politico reports. The House majority leader postponed the week’s lawmaking agenda—including a vote on repeal set for Wednesday—following the attack. Meanwhile,...

GOP Has Alternate Plan to Kill Health Care Bill

They'd essentially cut off all the money for it

(Newser) - The vote Republicans take to repeal the health care law next week will be purely symbolic—there’s no way repeal would get through the Senate and White House—but Republicans have a Plan B. It's called choke off the money. Congressman Steve King is floating a rule that would...

GOP Already Breaking Campaign Promises
GOP Already Breaking Campaign Promises

GOP Already Breaking Campaign Promises

Legislative rules backtrack on openness pledge

(Newser) - Well, that was fast. Republicans are already backpedaling on a number of provisions of their “Pledge to America,” including promises to cut spending and reform Congressional rules. The GOP had railed against Democrats’ strong-arm legislative tactics, pledging to send all bills through a full committee process and to...

GOP Plan: Undo Obama's Agenda in First 20 Days
GOP Plan: Undo Obama's
Agenda in First 20 Days

GOP Plan: Undo Obama's Agenda in First 20 Days

...At least symbolically, because they don't control the Senate or White House

(Newser) - House Republicans plan to sweep into office today with a 20-day blitz of legislation designed to undo or counteract President Obama’s agenda, starting with the repeal of the Democrats’ health care law on Friday. They’re also planning to identify tens of billions in spending cuts, and propose a...

House Schedules Vote on Health Repeal

Two-page bill dubbed the "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act"

(Newser) - The new Republican House won’t waste any time getting in a vote on its top priority —a largely symbolic vote to repeal Democrats’ health care reform law. The bill will be voted on next week, Politico reports. The two-page document is subtly titled the “Repealing the Job-Killing...

House GOP's No. 1 Priority: Repeal ObamaCare

Bachmann, Upton vow 'clean repeal' of health reform

(Newser) - With the GOP set to take control of the House on Wednesday, the party honchos were all over the Sunday shows promising that priority No. 1 is going to be repealing health reform, reports Politico. “The more the people learn about ObamaCare, the less they like it,” Rep....

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