Ground Zero mosque

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Paterson to Meet Mosque Developers
Paterson to Meet
Mosque Developers

Paterson to Meet Mosque Developers

Governor's been pushing for an alternate location for the center

(Newser) - Might there be some mosque diplomacy in the works? Gov. David Paterson says he plans to meet soon with developers of the proposed Islamic center near Ground Zero, presumably to discuss an alternate location, the Washington Post reports. A spokesman says no date has been set, and the Coroba House...

Too Bad Obama 'Flinched' on Mosque
 Too Bad Obama 
 'Flinched' on 
opinion roundup

Too Bad Obama 'Flinched' on Mosque

And William Kristol thinks the plan is all but dead

(Newser) - The proposed mosque and Islamic center near Ground Zero continues to dominate pundit-land. Here's a sampling:
  • Richard Cohen, Washington Post : Obama's backtracking was a shame. People will always blame the actions of a few on the many, as they are doing now with Islam. "It is the solemn obligation

Ground Zero Bars, Strip Clubs Abound

No shortage of sleaze in area surrounding proposed mosque

(Newser) - The outcry over the Ground Zero Pussycat Lounge and Ground Zero Thunder Lingerie is surprisingly absent, say reporters who took a look at what else lies on what opponents of a proposed mosque and community center call hallowed ground. The New York Daily News counted 17 pizza shops, 18 bank...

Reid Opposes Ground Zero Mosque

Facing re-election challenge, he breaks with Obama

(Newser) - Harry Reid broke with President Obama Monday to voice his opposition to the mosque and Islamic cultural center planned a few blocks from Ground Zero. A spokesman for the Senate majority leader, who faces a tough re-election bid in Nevada, said Reid respects freedom of religion "but thinks that...

GOP Slaps Obama on Mosque
 GOP Slaps Obama on Mosque 

GOP Slaps Obama on Mosque

Issue will haunt in November, says Cornyn

(Newser) - David Petraeus stopped by to say he's not overwhelmed by his 2011 deadline in Afghanistan, but President Obama's stance on the Ground Zero mosque was pretty much the only game on the Sunday shows today. The GOP should keep its paws off the Constitution, DNC chair Tim Kaine said, while...

Obama: I'm Not Promoting the Mosque, but the Right to Build It

And yes, he's going to swim in the Gulf

(Newser) - Now that he's waded into the controversy over the Islamic center and mosque near Ground Zero, President Obama today sought to clarify his position, notes Politico : “I was not commenting and I will not comment on the wisdom of making the decision to put a mosque there,” he...

Mosque Speech Brilliant or Misguided?
 Brilliant or 
quick takes

Mosque Speech Brilliant or Misguided?

Bloggers on the left see it as one of Obama's best moments

(Newser) - President Obama's decision to support an Islamic center and mosque near Ground Zero (summary here , full transcript from the Washington Post here ) is today's hot topic among bloggers. A few takes from the left and right:
  • Glenn Greenwald, Salon : "This is one of the most impressive and commendable

Obama Supports Mosque Near Ground Zero

President cites 'commitment to religious freedom'

(Newser) - President Obama tonight forcefully endorsed building a mosque near Ground Zero, saying the country's founding principles demand no less. "As a citizen, and as president, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as anyone else in this country," Obama said, weighing in for...

Ground Zero Mosque Is Sacrilege

 Ground Zero Mosque 
 Is Sacrilege 
Charles Krauthammer

Ground Zero Mosque Is Sacrilege

Some places belong to others

(Newser) - There are some places you just don’t build. Some places are sacred, and Ground Zero is one of them. “It belongs to those who suffered and died there,” writes Charles Krauthammer of the Washington Post . That’s why a commercial viewing tower near Gettysburg was taken down,...

Plane Flies Into Burning WTC on Anti-Mosque Bus Ad
Plane Flies Into Burning
WTC on Anti-Mosque Bus Ad
good taste dept

Plane Flies Into Burning WTC on Anti-Mosque Bus Ad

MTA OKs ad after Pamela Geller files lawsuit

(Newser) - Hitting NYC's buses next week: An ad in which a plane is about to hit the World Trade Center, with an image of the planned Ground Zero mosque opposite it, and a really big "Why There?" in the middle. The MTA initially rejected the anti-mosque ad, created by Pamela...

Glenn Beck, Greg Gutfeld Talk Gay Bar Names

 Glenn Beck, 
 Greg Gutfeld 
 Talk Gay Bar 
party at 'infidelicious'

Glenn Beck, Greg Gutfeld Talk Gay Bar Names

How about 'Turban Cowboy'?

(Newser) - Greg Gutfeld is sticking by his proposal to open an Islam-friendly gay bar next to the Ground Zero mosque, telling Glenn Beck it "might be the greatest idea I've ever had." But what's a hot club without a catchy name? Gutfeld and Beck review some options: G-Hot, G-Hunk,...

Stewart: Mosque in Woody Allen's Building?

What, do cable crazies think it's 1976?

(Newser) - Jon Stewart has some problems with news anchors' rants about the planned "Ground Zero Mosque." It's not a mosque, it's a cultural center, and it's not at Ground Zero, but on Park Place on the "hallowed ground" of a former Burlington Coat Factory. Then there's the Fox...

Mosque Foes: Stop Catering to Feelings of 9/11 Families

 Mosque Foes: Stop 
 Catering to Feelings 
 of 9/11 Families 

Christopher Hitchens

Mosque Foes: Stop Catering to Feelings of 9/11 Families

Cordoba House isn't wonderful, but opponents are unhinged

(Newser) - The dispute over the so-called “Ground Zero mosque”—which is actually several blocks away, mind you—“has now sunk to a level of stupidity that really does shame the memories” of the 9/11 victims, writes Christopher Hitchens in Slate . As an arch-atheist, Hitchens doesn’t much like...

Fox Host: I'm Building Gay Bar Next Door to Mosque

Greg Gutfeld: surely understanding and tolerance should cut both ways

(Newser) - Go for it, Greg Gutfeld of the Fox News show Red Eye tells those backing the Ground Zero mosque. You have every right to build a mosque there (or anywhere) if you own the land and follow the law, he writes in his blog, . And I have every...

It's Not Just Ground Zero That's Hostile to Mosques

And the fights raise larger issue: Religious freedom

(Newser) - The ruckus over whether to build a mosque near Ground Zero is supposedly centered around the propriety of the proposal, but it's really indicative of a series of not-in-my-backyard fights ranging from not-so-hallowed grounds in Murfreesboro, Tenn., to Sheboygan, Wis., reports the New York Times. But whereas squabbles in the...

CNN's Zakaria to ADL: Take Your Award Back

He's angry group opposes mosque

(Newser) - CNN anchor and Newsweek columnist Fareed Zakaria is giving back an award and honorarium he got from the Anti-Defamation League 5 years ago because the group opposes the proposed Ground Zero mosque. "I hope that it might add to the many voices that have urged you to reconsider and...

Group Sues to Halt Ground Zero Mosque

Pat Robertson law center says current building deserves landmarks protection

(Newser) - The debate over a planned mosque near Ground Zero became a court fight yesterday, as an advocacy group founded by Pat Robertson sued to stop the project. The American Center for Law and Justice claims the city Landmarks Preservation Commission underappreciated the historic value of the building currently on the...

Enough With This 'Liberal Piety'

 With This 

Enough With This 'Liberal Piety'

Debate over mosque is political correctness at its worst

(Newser) - Dorothy Rabinowitz hopes the debate over the New York City mosque ends up backfiring on the preachers of "liberal piety." Elites such as Michael Bloomberg deliver patronizing lectures to those who dare oppose the mosque as an affront to 9/11 victims, she writes at the Wall Street Journal...

Bin Laden Would Love to Bomb NYC Mosque
Bin Laden Would Love
to Bomb
NYC Mosque

Bin Laden Would Love to Bomb NYC Mosque

Opponents are wrong: He'd hate this project

(Newser) - Those who think Osama bin Laden is laughing at America because of plans to build a mosque at Ground Zero are way off base, writes Jeffrey Goldberg at the Atlantic . Bin Laden would hate this thing and would love to "dispatch a truck bomb to destroy" it if it...

Ground Zero Mosque Clears Hurdle

Panel rules old store not a historic landmark

(Newser) - New York’s Landmarks Preservation Commission paved the way for the “Ground Zero mosque” today, voting 9-0 that the building not be landmarked, and clearing the way for the structure to be torn down to make way for the mosque. The 152-year-old building, which once housed a Burlington Coat...

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