
20 Stories

Fox Hunters' New Strategy: We're an Ethnic Minority

Group in UK says their hunts should be protected by law

(Newser) - A fox hunting group in the UK is floating a legal argument to protect their hunts that doesn't exactly square with the common image of fox hunters of yore: The idea is that they're an ethnic minority, reports the Guardian . Ed Swales, leader of the pro-hunt group Hunting...

Leader of Police Group Offers Unprecedented Apology

He wants to break 'historic cycle of mistrust'

(Newser) - It is time to break the "historic cycle of mistrust" between police and minority groups in America, the leader of America's biggest association of police chiefs said at the group's annual meeting in San Diego Monday, offering an unprecedented apology. There is much to be proud of...

California's Next Minority: White People

Latinos expected to take top spot in March

(Newser) - Latinos will be the single largest "race or ethnic group" in California as soon as this March, according to a new demographics report from Gov. Jerry Brown's office. That's actually behind schedule—demographers expected non-Hispanic whites to pass the crown in the middle of last year , but...

I Told Harvard, UPenn I Was Native American: Warren

First acknowledgement that she told Ivy League employers

(Newser) - For the first time since the controversy broke , Elizabeth Warren acknowledged last night that she did tell Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania she was Native American. Previously, Warren had only copped to identifying herself as a minority in a legal directory. A campaign official says she did not...

We're Stuck With 2 Minority Parties
 We're Stuck With 
 2 Minority Parties 
David Brooks

We're Stuck With 2 Minority Parties

The public doesn't like either, but they get election wins anyway

(Newser) - Back in 1951, a political analyst came up with the theory that at any time in America there’s a Sun Party, which drives the agenda, and a minority Moon Party that shines by reflecting its rays. But these days, “we are living in the era of two moons...

Minorities Now Majority in 8 Metro Areas

One demographer calls the change 'pivotal'

(Newser) - In eight metropolitan areas including Washington, DC, New York, San Diego, Las Vegas, and Memphis, minorities now make up the majority of the population, according to census data. Over the past decade, non-Hispanic whites have become the minority in 22 of the 100 largest urban areas in the US, the...

Bloomberg Footing $30M Bill for Minority Youth Push

Hizzoner opens wallet for blacks, Latinos

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg thinks his city doesn’t do enough for black and Latino youth—and he’s putting his money where his mouth is. The mayor is pushing for a $130 million program designed to help New York City youth, and in an unusual move, he’s offering to chip...

White Babies Now a Minority in US
 White Babies 
 Now a Minority in US 

White Babies Now a Minority in US

Minority infants now the majority: preliminary census data

(Newser) - Minority babies now outnumber white infants in the US, preliminary Census estimates show, a finding that indicates racial and ethnic minorities will become the nation's majority by the middle of the century. Just under half of all children under 3 are non-Hispanic whites, down from more than 60% in...

New Scholarship for White Guys Only

'I felt excluded' from funds, founder says

(Newser) - Texas has a new scholarship for that most flailing of demographic segments: white guys. The fund is the brainchild of an Iraq war veteran who couldn't find money to go back to school—but found plenty for women and other minorities. "I felt excluded," says Colby Bohannon. "...

Beck Rally the ' Waterworld of White Self-Pity'
Beck Rally the 'Waterworld of White Self-Pity'

Beck Rally the 'Waterworld of White Self-Pity'

Nativist demonstrators voice anxieties of the coming white 'minority'

(Newser) - What was it like to be at Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally? Like visiting a political event in the not-so-distant future when white people are a minority in America, writes Christopher Hitchens for Slate . The prescriptions offered by speakers and attendees for restoring "honor"—and exactly what...

Majority of US Babies Will Be Minority This Year

Country expected to hit tipping point of 51% nonwhite births

(Newser) - Demographers believe this year could be the first year that minority births actually outnumber white births. Minorities already make up nearly half the children born in the US—48% according to the 2008 census, compared to 37% in 1990—and that number's growing rapidly because immigration has boosted the number...

Record 40% of SAT Takers Now Minorities

(Newser) - Minority participation in the SAT is up to 40% in 2009, the highest level ever, the Washington Post reports. That's up 2 points since last year and a whopping 10 points since 1999. “More than ever, the SAT reflects the diversity of students in our nation's classrooms," says...

Minority Car Dealers Stand to Lose Big in Closures

(Newser) - African-American and Latino car dealers will likely take a big hit in the dealership closures announced by Chrysler and planned at GM, the Wall Street Journal reports. The minority dealerships, located mainly in urban areas, have faced stiff competition as business has moved increasingly to suburbia. “We're more vulnerable,...

US Immigration Slows, Delaying Minorities' Rise

Won't form majority until 2050s; security, economy take toll

(Newser) - Immigration laws and the recession have slowed the growth of America’s immigrant populations, delaying the date when minorities will become the majority by as much as 10 years, the AP reports. Estimates had pointed to 2042, but it now could be another decade as growth slowed from 4% in...

High Court Pick's Gender, Race Not an Issue: Poll

Proportion wanting female appointee shrinks from 2005

(Newser) - Americans don’t feel strongly that the next Supreme Court appointee should be a woman, Hispanic, or black, Gallup Poll results suggest: most say it’s a non-issue. Some 64% say it “doesn’t matter” whether the appointee is a woman; 68% say it doesn’t matter whether he...

Obama Plans First Presidential Seder

Friends and White House staff invited

(Newser) - President Obama is planning to host a Passover seder at the White House for friends and staff tomorrow evening, JTA reports. What appears to be the first-ever presidential seder is scheduled for the second night of the Jewish holiday so guests can celebrate with their families tonight. The event “...

Obama the 'Unofficial' Winner in N. Carolina

Old Confederacy state a historic win for black president

(Newser) - In North Carolina, they're calling Barack Obama the "unofficial" victor, the News & Observer reports, after the state elections director said late yesterday that provisional ballots not yet counted are unlikely to overturn the president-elect's lead. Obama leads John McCain by 13,746 votes, with 40,000 uncounted,...

Why Minority America Will Be a Stronger Nation
Why Minority America Will Be a Stronger Nation

Why Minority America Will Be a Stronger Nation

American culture benefits from integration

(Newser) - Minorities may be the majority in America as soon as 2042, and Joel Kotkin writes in New Geography that he couldn’t be happier. Leftists who fear racial conflict, and right-wingers who cry "American values" are missing the point, writes Kotkin: The nation's future depends on its ability to...

Italy Plan to Fingerprint Gypsies Under Fire

Measure against ethnic minority decried as racist

(Newser) - Italy has begun taking fingerprints from members of its Gypsy minority, in what the government calls a “census” of the people living in nomad encampments. The plans to document adults and children lacking an EU passport has brought condemnations from critics, who charge that “census” is the Berlusconi...

Racial Generation Gap Opens
Racial Generation Gap Opens

Racial Generation Gap Opens

Whites are older, minorities are younger

(Newser) - The number of non-white Americans has passed 100 million—a third of the current population—for the first time, the Census Bureau reports, and the growing minority population is creating a new racial generation gap. Hispanics had the lowest median age at 27.4, while the median age of whites,...

20 Stories