
19 Stories

South Koreans Crash Site Trying to Sign Petition

They want parliament to impeach President Yoon Suk Yeol

(Newser) - Hundreds of thousands of South Koreans want to see their president impeached for "the omnishambles that South Korea is facing," reports the Korea Times . And they're showing up in droves at an online petition calling for that very thing. Time reports the parliamentary website that hosts the...

SD House Launches an 'Unprecedented' Probe Into AG

No state official there has been impeached; that may change with Jason Ravnsborg case

(Newser) - South Dakota's House launched an investigation Tuesday into whether the state's attorney general should be impeached for his conduct surrounding a car crash last year that killed a pedestrian. A sizable majority of the Republican-dominated House voted to have a committee prepare a report and recommend whether Attorney...

MLB Ump Warns of 'CIVAL WAR' in Pro-Trump Tweet

League looking into deleted post by Rob Drake

(Newser) - Rob Drake's 20 years as an MLB umpire may now be in jeopardy after a tweet about the possible impeachment of President Trump. As in, he's clearly upset by the impeachment inquiry, evidenced by a post seen by ESPN that he put up late Tuesday (and has since...

White House Subpoenaed, and a Possible 2nd Whistleblower
As Impeachment Looms,
New Troubles for Trump

As Impeachment Looms, New Troubles for Trump

White House has been subpoenaed, and there's a possible 2nd whistleblower

(Newser) - For the first time, the impeachment inquiry reached directly into the White House on Friday as Democrats subpoenaed officials about contacts with Ukraine. "We deeply regret that President Trump has put us—and the nation—in this position, but his actions have left us with no choice," wrote...

With Impeachment Inquiry Underway, Trump Reacts

'The Democrats are frozen with hatred and fear'

(Newser) - After House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the formal launch of the impeachment process , President Trump was back on Twitter Wednesday morning, per USA Today . "There has been no President in the history of our Country who has been treated so badly as I have," he posted . "The...

Republican Who Called Trump 'Impeachable' Quits Caucus

Justin Amash has quit the House Freedom Caucus

(Newser) - A Republican congressman who's been going hard after President Trump, calling his actions "impeachable," made a big move Monday, stepping down from a group he co-founded. Politico reports that on Monday night, Michigan Rep. Justin Amash—deemed the "lone-wolf GOP Trump critic" by the Washington Post ...

Pelosi Says Trump 'Not Worth' Impeaching

House speaker is 'not for impeachment'

(Newser) - Impeach Trump? Not under Nancy Pelosi's watch. "I’m not for impeachment," the House speaker told the Washington Post in a wide-ranging interview. "This is news. I’m going to give you some news right now because I haven’t said this to any press person...

South Korean President Impeached
South Korean

South Korean President Impeached

Move caps stunning, swift fall for Park

(Newser) - South Korean lawmakers on Friday impeached President Park Geun-hye, a stunning and swift fall for the country's first female leader amid protests that drew millions into the streets in united fury. Once formal documents are handed over to the presidential Blue House later Friday, Park will be stripped of...

South Korean Leader Offers to Resign in Surprise Move

Opposition calls surprise announcement a ploy to delay impeachment

(Newser) - South Korean President Park Geun-hye said Tuesday that she will resign her office once Parliament develops a plan for a safe transfer of power. The surprise announcement—which the opposition called a ploy to delay impeachment—comes amid prosecution claims that she colluded with a friend who wielded government power...

Oklahoma: Impeach Obama for Transgender Mandate

State's GOP lawmakers say bathroom directive in schools is unconstitutional

(Newser) - President Obama issued a mandate last week that transgender students must be allowed to use whichever bathroom and locker room they wish in any US public school—and now Oklahoma's GOP-heavy legislature wants him impeached for it, the Hill reports. A measure was filed Thursday night directing Oklahoma members...

'Worst Crisis': Brazil Senate Poised to Decide Rousseff's Fate

Impeachment proceedings could result in Dilma Rousseff's suspension and trial

(Newser) - Last month, Brazil's Congress voted to start impeachment proceedings against its beleaguered president, Dilma Rousseff. It's now come down to the country's Senate, which will decide Wednesday if she'll be suspended and put on trial in what the New York Times calls a "watershed" vote...

Grover Norquist: Soon It's Time to Impeach Obama

Anti-tax advocate reveals plan for Republican majority

(Newser) - Anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist sat down with the National Journal recently to talk tax cuts, Republican majorities, and ... the impeachment of President Obama. Let's start with Norquist's ideal outcome in the 2012 elections: "If the Republicans have the House, Senate, and the presidency ... you extend the Bush...

GOP Lawyer Writes Articles of Impeachment for Obama

Reagan hand Bruce Fein thinks Libya Invasion 'mocked the rule of law'

(Newser) - A Reagan-era Justice Department official has drafted an article of impeachment for President Obama, arguing that by intervening in Libya without congressional approval, he crossed a legal line. “Barack Hussein Obama has mocked the rule of law, endangered the very existence of the Republic and the liberties of the...

Senate Impeaches La. Judge, Yanks Him From Bench

He's the eighth federal judge to be impeached and convicted by Congress

(Newser) - The Senate has voted unanimously to convict US District Judge G. Thomas Porteous of Louisiana on the first of four impeachment charges , removing him from the federal bench. The decision makes Porteous just the eighth federal judge in US history to be impeached and convicted by Congress. The Senate is...

Senate Opens Impeachment Hearings on La. Judge

Chamber's first since Bill Clinton's in 1999

(Newser) - The Senate will open today an impeachment trial against a Louisiana judge facing a slew of corruption charges, Fox News reports. The House already voted unanimously to impeach US District Judge G. Thomas Porteous, accused of lying under oath and taking payoffs. A Senate impeachment panel will hold three all-day...

Tea Partier's Trippy Ad Calls for Revolution

'Gather your armies,' Washington declares

(Newser) - Think the Tea Party rhetoric is getting a little overwrought? Then get a load of this video from Alabama House candidate Rick Barber, in which he has a kind of war council with various founding fathers. Barber calls for President Obama’s impeachment, then launches a mostly nonsensical rant about...

Sanford Won't Be Impeached
 Sanford Won't Be Impeached 

Sanford Won't Be Impeached

SC House panel votes to censure him instead

(Newser) - It looks like Mark Sanford will be able to finish out his term as South Carolina governor after all. A state House panel voted against impeachment and instead decided to censure him. The lone dissenter on the seven-member panel says he will still try to get the full Judiciary Committee...

NY Times: Impeach Gonzales
NY Times:
Impeach Gonzales

NY Times: Impeach Gonzales

Editorial board drops the 'I' bomb in call for special prosecutor

(Newser) - A scathing editorial in today's New York Times calls for the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate Alberto Gonzales' "words and deeds" and concludes with an unequivocal recommendation: "If that does not happen, Congress should impeach Mr. Gonzales." The call comes as the White House attempts...

Violence Mars Philippine Vote
Violence Mars Philippine Vote

Violence Mars Philippine Vote

(Newser) - Violence, feuds and corruption charges have marred midterm elections in the Philippines. Three people were killed on election day yesterday, bringing the death toll  for the three-month campaign to 110, the BBC reports. Opponents of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo are trying to win enough seats in parliament to impeach her...

19 Stories
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