health insurance

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Face It: the Public Option's a No-Go
 Face It: the Public 
 Option's a No-Go 

Face It: the Public Option's a No-Go

'Political litmus test' wouldn't be effective anyway

(Newser) - The public health care option is simply a “political litmus test” pushed by left-wingers to represent their side of an “ideological war”—and it’s time to give it up, writes Steven Pearlstein in the Washington Post. “There is nothing about having one government-owned health insurance...

What Is a Health Care Co-Op, Anyway?

Member-owned plans would lack government leverage

(Newser) - The likelihood of there being a public health care option is fading—which has some in Congress pushing for an alternative: nonprofit health cooperatives, the Washington Post reports. Few details have emerged about how such plans would work; as it stands, their defining feature seems to be that they wouldn’...

Public Option a 'Must' for Health Care Reform: Key Dems

White House waffling worries progressives

(Newser) - Leading advocates for health care reform are concerned about the Obama administration’s apparent willingness to drop a government-run insurance program from the package in order to ensure the support of the Senate, the Washington Post reports. Prominent Democratic senators have voiced support for the public option, with John Rockefeller...

To Fix Health Care, End Health Insurance

(Newser) - Everybody's thinking small on health care reform, writes David Goldhill in the Atlantic. Our system is so abysmal—the headline on his lengthy piece is "How American Health Care Killed My Father"—that it needs a radical restructuring, and that should start with insurance. Let's just stop buying...

Health Reform's Enemy No. 1? Seniors

(Newser) - Scan the ranks of health care reform malcontents at your local town hall, and you’ll notice a lot of older faces. With Democrats aiming their sales pitch mostly at middle-class Americans and the uninsured, seniors have come to fear that Medicare, their own beloved government-run health care, will face...

Obama Takes On Rationing, 'Death Panel' Rumors
 Obama Takes On Rationing,  
 'Death Panel' Rumors 
health care town hall

Obama Takes On Rationing, 'Death Panel' Rumors

(Newser) - Barack Obama took the stage in New Hampshire today to set the record straight about Democratic health care reform efforts. Though the crowd was all applause, Obama took on the raucous protests that have characterized recent town halls. “Let's disagree over things that are real, not these wild misrepresentations,...

Guess What, Sarah? Those 'Death Panels' Already Exist ...

... they're being run by insurance companies

(Newser) - Sarah Palin thinks health care reform will bring with it “death panels,” collections of bureaucrats who will ration care, deciding whose life is and isn’t worth saving. The flaw in that logic? “That’s not the future of health care—it’s the present,” writes...

Americans Split on Health Care Priorities: Poll

But they're divided by race, age, location, not political party

(Newser) - Americans have differing priorities for health care reform based not on a Republican/Democrat divide but on their race, age, and location, a USA Today/Gallup poll found. A majority of African-American and Latino voters among those polled think extending coverage to the uninsured should be the most important aspect of reform...

A Digital Pill a Day May Keep the Doctor Away

Wireless monitoring aims to cut visits and billions in health costs

(Newser) - As Congress debates ways to save on health care, Silicon Valley has an idea of its own: cutting costs through wireless technology, the Wall Street Journal reports. One startup has built a tiny, edible chip that attaches to pills and keeps track of whether patients are taking their medication. Remote...

White House Fires Back at Drudge on Health Care

Responds to video showing Obama discussing 'eliminating' private insurance

(Newser) - The White House released a video response today to a Drudge Report posting labeled “Uncovered Video: Obama Explains How His Health Care Plan Will ‘Eliminate’ Private Insurance.” The communications director for the White House Office of Health Reform says the clip is taken “out of context”...

Health Care Debate Readies for Road Trip

Democrats will spend recess targeting insurance companies

(Newser) - With the House already on break and the Senate readying for the August recess, the health care debate has moved to the court of public opinion, the New York Times reports. Both sides are launching campaign tours and waves of TV ads, with Democrats attacking the insurance industry and Republicans...

Obama's Health Plan Will Crack Whip on States

States mishandle Medicaid, get bullied by private firms: doctor

(Newser) - Doctors nationwide are “outraged” by President Obama’s health care plan, but “I call it progress,” writes one Missouri physician for Salon. The reform would take oversight out of the hands of states, which seemingly specialize in “lax regulation of private insurers” and poor handling of...

Health Care Needs a Real Free Market
Health Care Needs a Real Free Market

Health Care Needs a Real Free Market

But it's a scary idea, to consumers and politicians alike: Klein

(Newser) - America’s best shot for a new, better health care system lies in a strong health care exchange, argues Ezra Klein in the Washington Post. “Compared with the crazy-quilt system we have now, the idea is weirdly simple:” A single market where consumers can shop for plans and...

5 Barriers to Obamacare
 5 Barriers to Obamacare 

5 Barriers to Obamacare

(Newser) - Both chambers of Congress will likely miss President Obama’s August deadline for a health care reform bill, slowing “the momentum behind the president's top priority,” Jay Newton-Small writes in Time. “Why can't a popular president with poll numbers in the 60s and super majorities in both...

Obama: Health Bill Will Help Small Businesses

(Newser) - President Obama sought to win over small-business owners in his push for health care reform today, Politico reports. The president, whose planned overhaul has come under fire from the US Chamber of Commerce and other business organizations, cited a White House study showing that small businesses pay much more per...

Obama Met at Least 27 Health Industry Execs

Lawsuit prompts White House to finally release the list

(Newser) - Since February, President Obama has hosted at least 27 meetings with health industry bigwigs—representing hospitals, doctors, pharmaceuticals and insurance companies—the Huffington Post reports, in its campaign to head off resistance to health care reform. Names of the visitors were released last night, just before the president's press conference...

Anti-Abortion Groups Attack Health Reform

(Newser) - Anti-abortion groups are launching a full-scale assault on health reform plans, contending that current proposals include an “abortion mandate” and would spend taxpayer money on the procedure, Politico reports. The first claim is based on a plan to federally mandate a basic set of procedures insurers must offer. Abortion...

Inaction Costlier Than Health Reform
  Inaction Costlier 
 Than Health Reform 


Inaction Costlier Than Health Reform

(Newser) - If you want to see a health care plan that will hike your taxes, increase your medical expenses, and swell the deficit, Steven Pearlstein can name one: "Doing nothing as we continue to search in vain for the perfect plan." For the Washington Post columnist, a somewhat...

Health Bill Has a Big Carrot for the Healthy

Senate measure would let employers cut premiums up to 50%

(Newser) - A measure slipped into the Senate’s health care reform bill could cut workers’ insurance costs by up to half if they eat well, lose weight, and quit smoking, the Boston Globe reports. The measure may be key to encouraging Americans to stay healthy without too much government imposition, a...

Senate Committee OKs $600B Health Bill

Party-line vote moves closer to coverage for nearly all Americans

(Newser) - The Senate health committee has cast a milestone vote to approve legislation expanding insurance coverage to nearly all Americans, becoming the first congressional panel to act on President Obama's top domestic priority. The 13-10 party-line vote advanced a $600 billion measure that would require individuals to get health insurance and...

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