
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

Sanders' Remarks on Cuba Could Cost Him Big in Florida

Biden has advantage among various demographics, including Hispanics, ahead of Tuesday's primary

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders' 2020 campaign is struggling after Joe Biden's big wins in recent primaries, and another important state on the horizon also doesn't look particularly promising for the Vermont senator. Marc Caputo writes for Politico that after "Michigan broke Bernie Sanders' heart Tuesday, Florida looks ready to...

Biden Won After &#39;Suburban Surge&#39;
Biden Won After
'Suburban Surge'

Biden Won After 'Suburban Surge'

Ex-VP racking up primary victories from suburbanites looking for a moderate

(Newser) - Former Vice President Joe Biden has solidly taken front-runner status after Tuesday's primaries , and a big part of his more recent victories can be attributed to what the Washington Post calls a "suburban surge." The paper notes that voter turnout in Michigan especially saw a spike in...

This Is Florida&#39;s First Black Nominee for Governor
This Is Florida's First
Black Nominee for Governor
the rundown

This Is Florida's First Black Nominee for Governor

Plus more results from Tuesday's primary elections

(Newser) - Andrew Gillum pulled off an upset victory in Florida on Tuesday to become the state's first black nominee for governor, the AP reports. The Bernie Sanders-backed liberal Democrat, currently the mayor of Tallahassee, will run against President Trump-endorsed Republican Rep. Ron DeSantis, Fox News reports, results that the AP...

Transgender Candidate Makes History in Vermont
Makes History
in Vermont

Transgender Candidate Makes History in Vermont

Hallquist's victory praised as a 'defining moment'

(Newser) - In a historic moment for the transgender rights movement, former power company exec Christine Hallquist won the Democratic primary for Vermont governor Tuesday, becoming the first transgender candidate from a major party to win a gubernatorial primary. Hallquist, who transitioned from male to female in 2015, was chief executive of...

Primaries Set Up Tough Senate Battle in Tennessee

Political outsider wins GOP nomination for governor

(Newser) - Thursday's primaries have set the stage for months of hard-fought campaigning in Tennessee—and with control of the Senate potentially in the balance, guaranteed that President Trump will be making a few visits to the state. In a move that the Washington Post predicts will give the party its...

What Crowley's 'Titanic' Loss Says About the Party's Future

It may be good news for women

(Newser) - "A seismic blow." "Titanic upset." Such are the phrases being used to describe Rep. Joe Crowley's Tuesday-night loss in New York. It ushers in the end of a 20-year House career for the man who occupied the No. 4 spot among the Democrats within...

Trump&#39;s Favorites Prevail in 3 GOP Primaries
Stunning Upset:
No. 4 House Dem
Loses in NY

Stunning Upset: No. 4 House Dem Loses in NY

It was a good night for Trump's favorites

(Newser) - President Trump staked a lot of political capital on a primary in South Carolina on Tuesday—and won. Gov. Henry McMaster prevailed in the Republican primary, beating businessman John Warren, a political novice, in all but seven of the state's 46 counties. Both candidates tried to appeal to Trump...

Sanford Loses GOP Primary After Trump Attack

President called him 'nothing but trouble'

(Newser) - Rep. Mark Sanford can now spend as much time as he wants hiking the Appalachian Trail : The congressman and South Carolina governor lost his Republican primary Tuesday, hours after a very critical tweet from President Trump, Politico reports. "Mark Sanford has been very unhelpful to me in my campaign...

In Big Primaries, California Voting System Is Key Wild Card
In Today's 'Super Tuesday,'
There's a Big Wild Card
the rundown

In Today's 'Super Tuesday,' There's a Big Wild Card

California's 'top two' voting system could hurt Democrats' hopes of a 'blue wave'

(Newser) - Voters in eight states vote Tuesday in primaries, and the big focus is on California because it's seen as a gauge of whether Democrats can take control of the House. The party needs to take 23 GOP seats overall, and Tuesday's races in California feature at least seven...

Abrams Is First Black Female Nominee for Governor
Democratic Outsiders 
Score Big Primary Wins

Democratic Outsiders Score Big Primary Wins

Abrams is first black female nominee for governor

(Newser) - A historic win in Georgia has put Stacey Abrams on course to become the first black female governor in American history. Abrams—the former minority leader of the state House—defeated former state Rep. Stacey Evans by a large margin to secure the Democratic nomination, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. Abrams,...

2 Trump Picks Win Key Races
2 Trump Picks Win Key Races

2 Trump Picks Win Key Races

Women win big in redistricted Pennsylvania

(Newser) - Recent elections haven't always been kind to President Trump's preferred candidates, but two of them scored big wins on Tuesday night. Rep. Lou Barletta cruised to victory in Pennsylvania and will seek to unseat Democratic Sen. Bob Casey in November, the AP reports. "The media said that...

What&#39;s at Stake in Tuesday&#39;s Primaries
What's at Stake in
Tuesday's Primaries
the rundown

What's at Stake in Tuesday's Primaries

4 states go to the polls, with West Virginia's GOP Senate primary among the big races

(Newser) - It's a huge day for both political parties with primary voters in four states—West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, and North Carolina—going to the polls. Despite the small number of states involved, the results could go a long way in determining which party will be in control of the...

California Shakes Up 2020 Primary Contests

State will now vote on Super Tuesday

(Newser) - Super Tuesday, the jam-packed day of presidential primary voting every four years, may get supercharged in 2020 with California joining the pack, bringing along its prize of the most delegates. Gov. Jerry Brown gave his stamp of approval Wednesday to a measure pushing California's primary up to the beginning...

Cochran Edges Tea Party Challenger, Rangel Leads in NY

McDaniel eyes legal challenge in Mississippi

(Newser) - Sen. Thad Cochran of Mississippi has edged out Tea Party challenger Chris McDaniel in an extremely tight run-off election, according to the AP , which gives the six-term GOP veteran 51% to McDaniel's 49% with 99% of precincts reporting. The heated three-week race saw Cochran take the unusual step of...

&#39;Sore Loser Laws&#39; Are Ruining Elections
 'Sore Loser Laws' 
 Are Ruining Elections 

'Sore Loser Laws' Are Ruining Elections

Mickey Edwards on how little-known laws are undermining democracy

(Newser) - How did an extremist like Ted Cruz make it to the Senate? Well, he got a lot of help from a little-known phenomenon known as the "sore loser" law, writes Mickey Edwards at the New York Times . These laws, which are on the book in some form in 44...

Super Tuesday: Who Looks Poised to Grab What
Super Tuesday: Who Looks Poised to Grab What
election preview

Super Tuesday: Who Looks Poised to Grab What

Mitt Romney basically has 4 of the 10 states in the bag

(Newser) - Tomorrow is looking good for Mitt Romney, who will likely take more of the 422 delegates up for grabs in Super Tuesday contests than his opponents (an additional 15 super delegates aren't bound to tomorrow's wins). He may even walk away with a delegate majority, writes Nate Silver....

NH Agrees to Hold 2012 Election in 2012

New Hampshire sets primary for Jan. 10, instead of December

(Newser) - Good news: The early-voting states have finally stopped fighting over who gets to sit in the front. New Hampshire today set its primary for Jan. 10, after threatening at one point to move it into December of this year in a feud with Nevada . This means the early GOP calendar...

Palin in Iowa, Sparking 2012 Speculation

Former governor could be gearing up for presidential bid

(Newser) - Sarah Palin will deliver the keynote address at the Iowa Republican Party's Ronald Reagan Dinner tonight, an engagement widely seen as a possible step toward a 2012 presidential bid, the Washington Post reports. The dinner is an early hurdle for prospective GOP candidates, and Palin's influence is at a high...

Rangel Wins in NY
 Rangel Wins in NY 

Rangel Wins in NY

20-term congressman prevails despite ethics charges

(Newser) - Rep. Charles Rangel has fought off five challengers to prevail in his Democratic primary. The victory—likely to assure the 80-year-old of another 2 years in Congress—comes despite multiple ethics charges pending against him, the AP notes. (More Rangel news here .) Democrats, including President Obama, had urged Rangel...

Tea Party Ally Wins GOP Nomination for NY Gov.
Tea Party Ally Wins GOP Nomination for NY Gov.

Tea Party Ally Wins GOP Nomination for NY Gov.

Paladino pulls off upset over GOP establishment

(Newser) - Tea Party ally Carl Paladino has pulled off a major upset and won a landslide victory in New York's Republican primary for governor. The Buffalo businessman, a political novice, defeated former Rep. Rick Lazio by a wide margin, the AP reports. Lazio had the firm backing of the state's GOP...

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