5 Stories

Tsarnaev Just One of 875K Names in Terrorist Database

List has added 330K new names in five years

(Newser) - Tamerlan Tsarnaev may have been flagged as a potential terrorist on a central intelligence database, but so were about 875,000 others—a statistic that has prompted some to question whether the master list has grown too unwieldy to be effective. Now we know just how quickly it has grown:...

No-Fly List Expands as Obama Beefs Up Security

Prez will detail improvements to watch-list system today

(Newser) - In the midst of beefing up airport security after the Detroit terror attempt, the US is expanding passenger surveillance lists, adding "probably dozens" of names to the no-fly and watch lists, the White House tells the BBC . The new names have been moved to the lists from TIDE, the...

Tightening Air Security Will Take a Toll

Most options come with costs Congress, or fliers, find unpalatable

(Newser) - The White House is talking tough about airline security after Friday's failed bombing, but many options for tightening up the system are either politically untenable, repugnant to travelers, or both. Josh Gerstein takes a look at a few possibilities, and their likelihood of becoming reality, in Politico .
  • Expand the no-fly

Terrorism Warnings Often Go Unpursued

Detroit bomber alert not specific enough to rise out of 'noise'

(Newser) - However ill-advised it looks in hindsight, the decision of counterterrorism officials last month not to pursue a warning from the Nigerian would-be bomber's father was standard procedure for agencies flooded with unsubstantiated terrorism tips. It takes a specific threat, or an existing body of knowledge about an individual, for information...

Ballooning Terror Database Spawns Errors

The poorly maintained list is easy to get on, and hard to get off

(Newser) - The US list of suspected terrorists has ballooned to 435,000 names, and upkeep is so poor that once you're on it, it's virtually impossible to get off. The size alone  threatens to overwhelm those responsible for its upkeep, reports Karen DeYoung creating  concerns about secrecy, errors and privacy.

5 Stories
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