Elena Kagan Supreme Court

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Kagan Wants a Crackdown on SCOTUS Ethics

Justice suggests panel of lower-court judges could evaluate complaints

(Newser) - The Supreme Court requires oversight and enforcement of its new ethics code, Justice Elena Kagan argued Thursday, suggesting lower-court judges might serve to police the nation's highest court. The liberal justice said she welcomed the ethics rules, but saw reason to criticize the lack of "enforcement mechanisms attached...

Trump Lawyer: Assassination 'Could Well Be' an Official Act

Key questions from the first hours of SCOTUS hearing

(Newser) - As Donald Trump sat in a different courtroom, the Supreme Court heard arguments Thursday on whether the former president is immune from prosecution for acts committed while in office. The AP reports that at least five justices, including Chief Justice John Roberts, appeared skeptical of Trump's claims of "...

Supreme Court's Ruling Full of Spider-Man Quips

Elena Kagan is a comic book fan in real life

(Newser) - The inventor of a popular Spider-Man web-shooting toy can't keep reeling in royalties after his patent ran out, the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 today. Stephen Kimble sold his patent on the toy to Marvel in 2001, and as the Verge explains, Marvel said it would pay him royalties indefinitely....

Judge Roberts: All Justices Can Rule on Obamacare

Chief justice says Supreme Court peers can't withdraw

(Newser) - The Supreme Court's chief justice yesterday defended the right of his fellow justices to rule on Obamacare, the New York Times reports. John G. Roberts didn't mention justices Clarence Thomas and Elena Kagan by name, but both are facing calls to withdraw from the ruling because of their...

Kagan, Sotomayor Breathe New Wind Into Liberals' Sails

'Passionate' Sotomayor, bridge-building Kagan aren't shy during oral arguments

(Newser) - It's a bit like Mean Girls: Supreme Court Edition: After decades of the conservative tongue-lashings of Antonin Scalia dominating oral arguments as liberal justices sat on their hands, new kids Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan are unabashedly adding their voices to the melee. "Slow down from the rhetoric,"...

Kagan to Miss Half of Supreme Court's Caseload

Solicitor general post presents conflicts of interest

(Newser) - Elena Kagan began her new gig as a Supreme Court justice today, but thanks to her old gig, she'll miss the action in about half the 51 cases the court has agreed to take on this term. As solicitor general, Kagan drafted briefs for the court for 14 months—exposure...

Senate Panel OKs Kagan
 Senate Panel 
 OKs Kagan 

Senate Panel OKs Kagan

Supreme Court nomination now goes to full Senate

(Newser) - The Senate Judiciary Committee voted today to approve Elena Kagan's nomination to the Supreme Court. The 13-6 vote sends Kagan's nomination to the full Senate, where she's expected to be confirmed as early as next week to succeed John Paul Stevens. Just one Republican, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, joined...

Kagan Refuses to Discuss Her Legal Views

Sessions grills Supreme Court nominee over military controversy

(Newser) - Elena Kagan began today’s round of confirmation questioning by declaring that it would be inappropriate for her to discuss how she might rule on future Supreme Court cases. That's ironic, the New York Times notes, because Kagan once wrote that confirmation hearings had taken on “an air of...

What Senators Should Ask Elena Kagan

Confirmation hearings must focus on big picture

(Newser) - The process Elena Kagan once derided as a "vapid and hollow charade" gets under way tomorrow when the solicitor general appears before the Senate Judiciary Committee as President Obama's second Supreme Court nominee. "Instead of playing cat-and-mouse with the nominee about how she would rule in future cases,...

Clinton-Era Emails Show a Political, Blunt Kagan

Clinton's library releases 78K pages of correspondence

(Newser) - Elena Kagan shows herself to be hands-on, political, and more than a little, shall we say, blunt, in thousands of pages of emails released by Bill Clinton's presidential library. The release is the third and final handed over for Senate scrutiny ahead of her confirmation hearings, and reveals "There...

2 Live Crew Didn't Make Kagan 'So Horny'

Supreme Court nominee argued against banning 'Nasty' rap album

(Newser) - The search through Elena Kagan's work history has yielded an amusing nugget: She went to bat for notoriously sexual rap group 2 Live Crew. In a 1990 brief for the RIAA when she was an associate at a DC law firm, Kagan argued As Nasty as They Wanna Be "...

Kagan Testimony 'a Big Deal'
 Kagan Testimony 'a Big Deal' 

Kagan Testimony 'a Big Deal'

Would-be justice dominates Sunday shows

(Newser) - On the seventh day, Elena Kagan did not rest: The pint-size solicitor general dominated the Sunday shows today, with key Republican Jeff Sessions saying , "She has so little other record" that her coming testimony "is going to be a big deal." Newt Gingrich was disgusted with Kagan's...

Kagan Holds Her Own Before Supreme Court

Cheeky solicitor general has given as good as she's gotten

(Newser) - Six times in the past 9 months, Solicitor General Elena Kagan has come to the mahogany lectern in the hushed reverence of the Supreme Court to argue the government's case before the justices she now hopes to join. Her arguments have gone like this: "Well, Mr. Chief Justice, even...

10 Gay Men Straight Women Find Hot

Plus 2 heartthrobs who may or may not be in the closet

(Newser) - With "is she or isn't she" the hot topic of the week, Irin Carmon of Jezebel leaves behind discussions of the Supreme Court for straight-up eye candy: gay men straight women find hot. See the slideshow for a preview, and click here for the full roster—and two bonus...

Yeah, She's a New Yorker. You Got a Problem With That?

Guess what: 80% of Americans also live in metro areas

(Newser) - Conservatives, desperate for some angle from which to attack Elena Kagan, have found a particularly distasteful one, complaining that she's a longtime New Yorker in a court that already has a couple, and hence can't understand the experiences of Americans in the “heartland.” It's an irritating meme, “...

Biden: 'Thank God' Kagan Wasn't a Judge

Then-Harvard dean was right to oppose military recruiters: VP

(Newser) - Joe Biden's glad Elena Kagan was never a judge, and he says she was justified in trying to kick military recruiters off the Harvard Law School campus. “She's gonna be a superb justice,” he said on ABC's Good Morning America today. Asked about the military recruiters, he replied,...

Add Kagan, and High Court Won't Have Any Protestants

Court rarely reflects country's faith mix well

(Newser) - If Elena Kagan is confirmed, the Supreme Court will have six Catholics, three Jews, and, for the first time in history, not a single Protestant. That might not seem as important as it used to, but Ed Kilgore of FiveThirtyEight decided to take a quick look at the court's historic...

Kagan Supports Cameras in Supreme Court

Public could watch "extraordinary" events

(Newser) - Would Elena Kagan support putting cameras in the Supreme Court? Looks like it. C-SPAN footage posted on Mediaite shows the nominee discussing the issue in July 2009. Having cameras in court would allow the public to see "an amazing and extraordinary event," she says. People would see "...

Kagan Pushed to Ban Late-Term Abortions in '97

Told Clinton that otherwise he risked GOP veto

(Newser) - As a White House adviser in 1997, Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan urged then-President Bill Clinton to support a ban on late-term abortions, a political compromise that put the administration at odds with abortion rights groups, according to documents reviewed by the AP. Kagan told Clinton that if he didn't...

Kagan Pick Reveals Savvy Obama Strategy
Kagan Pick Reveals
Savvy Obama Strategy

Kagan Pick Reveals Savvy Obama Strategy

Prez manages to play it safe and progressive at the same time

(Newser) - President Obama's pick of Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court says more about the president than his nominee, writes Glenn Thrush. The president spoke boldly about the need to stand up to big business in his pre-selection talk while privately seeking a safe pick who could be confirmed without much...

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