Al Gore

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Campaigns Call in Big Guns for Final Fireworks Shows

Obama gets Clintons, Gore; McCain counters with Schwarzenegger, Giuliani

(Newser) - In the final days of the presidential campaign, the candidates are ramping up their schedules and bringing in their parties’ big names to motivate voters, the New York Times reports. John McCain, in addition to sending running mate Sarah Palin on a grueling two-day sprint across the country, has enlisted...

Gore Calls for Civil Disobedience Vs. Coal

Says world is losing climate change battle

(Newser) - Earth defender Al Gore is calling for a campaign of civil disobedience and protest to halt construction of 48 coal plants that lack the technology to capture and store carbon, Reuters reports. "If you're a young person looking at the future of this planet, I believe we have reached...

To Win Debates, Go for Snap Over Substance
To Win Debates, Go for Snap Over Substance

To Win Debates, Go for Snap Over Substance

Postgame video replays matter more than issues

(Newser) - Better theater, not better substance, wins modern presidential debates, writes Michael Tomasky in the Guardian. Pundits will ordain a winner during the spin war that follows each clash—this year's first encounter is Friday—and “the candidate who wins the battle of the clips will be the 72-hour winner....

Mac Fathered BlackBerry, Staffer Claims

Dems scoff at Gore moment; aide calls it 'boneheaded joke'

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s campaign was quick to mock a staffer’s claim today that John McCain helped create the BlackBerry, the Hill reports. An aide suggested that the Republican’s service on the Senate Commerce Committee, which concerns itself with telecommunications, qualified him as a father of the ubiquitous device—...

Green Vandals Acquitted on Climate Change Defense

Global crisis justifies coal-plant attack: jury

(Newser) - Six Greenpeace activists who vandalized a coal-fired power station in Britain have won acquittal using the threat of global warming as a defense, reports the Guardian. The activists, who caused more than $50,000 in damage to a smokestack, said they were trying to prevent property damage from the plant’...

Gore: 'We Must Seize This Opportunity'

(Newser) - Al Gore set the stage for Barack Obama's historic address later tonight with an appeal to keep John McCain from continuing the legacy of President Bush, particularly on climate change, CNN reports. "I believe in recycling, but that's ridiculous," said Gore. He said the oil industry has a...

A Convention Outsider Moves to Center Stage

In '00 Obama couldn't get a seat; in '04 he wowed the crowd

(Newser) - Barack Obama arrives in Denver today one election away from the presidency—a far cry from the 2000 convention, when he couldn't even get a seat on the floor. As Al Gore received the Democrats' nomination in Los Angeles, the state senator barely had enough money to rent a car....

Gore a Likely Convention Star
 Gore a Likely
 Convention Star

Gore a Likely Convention Star

Nobel prizewinner perfectly poised to take spotlight

(Newser) - The Democrats haven't finalized the lineup for their upcoming convention in Denver, but one man seems certain to land a central role in the proceedings: Al Gore. Once mocked for his wooden style, Gore now enjoys even higher approval ratings than Barack Obama, Reuters reports. Tickets for a recent Gore...

Pundits Pile on Stumbling Mac
Pundits Pile on Stumbling Mac

Pundits Pile on Stumbling Mac

As candidate flails, labels range from dishonorable to 'stupid,' and 'losing it'

(Newser) - A rare level of pundit fury is flying at John McCain, as some erstwhile defenders lose patience with the Republican. Daniel Henninger asks point blank in the Wall Street Journal, “Is John McCain stupid? Is John McCain losing it?” The venerable rightie documents lazy and repeated stumbles on social...

Gore Pounds Pols on Energy Plan

Sees role as facilitator; says 'baby steps no longer responsible'

(Newser) - Al Gore made his first appearance on Meet the Press since he sought the presidency 8 years ago, Politico reports, this time pushing his agenda as the nation's self-appointed energy czar. "My own best role is to try to bring about a sea change in public opinion" on environmental...

Gore Wows Bloggers at Austin Show
Gore Wows Bloggers at Austin Show

Gore Wows Bloggers at Austin Show

Surprise visit sparks talk of green issues, White House post

(Newser) - Al Gore surprised a crowd of liberal bloggers today by showing up at the Netroots Nation conference in Austin, Texas. He wowed the 3,000 progressives by emerging after Nancy Pelosi and giving a speech on the importance of grassroots organization for green issues. When asked about sharing a spot...

Gore Challenge: 100% Clean Electricity by 2018

Major speech today

(Newser) - Al Gore is challenging the US to produce all its electricity through wind, sun, and other clean sources by 2018. Speaking to the AP ahead of a major address today, the Nobel laureate compared the goal to JFK’s 1961 pledge to make it to the moon—and said that...

History Against McCain Winning Third Term for GOP
History Against McCain Winning Third Term for GOP

History Against McCain Winning Third Term for GOP

Ruling party has only increased share of popular vote once since 1928

(Newser) - In all six elections since 1928 in which one party had 8 consecutive years in the White House, the incumbent party lost popular vote ground; in four, Americans voted for change. That's bad news for John McCain, Robert David Sullivan writes in the Boston Globe, because George Bush only won...

Gore: 'We Need Change'
 Gore: 'We Need Change' 

Gore: 'We Need Change'

Ex-veep, Mich. governor endorse Obama in crucial Detroit

(Newser) - Al Gore endorsed Barack Obama for president at a Detroit rally last night, saying the 2008 election “matters more than ever before,” the Detroit Free Press reports. “After 8 years of lost jobs, we need change,” the former Democratic nominee said. “After 8 years of...

Gore Endorses Obama
 Gore Endorses Obama 

Gore Endorses Obama

Democratic party heavyweight urges support for presumptive nominee

(Newser) - Al Gore will endorse Barack Obama for president tonight at a rally in Detroit, ABC News reports. "From now through Election Day, I intend to do whatever I can to make sure he is elected President of the United States," Gore said of Obama in an email to...

Carville Touts a Convenient VP
 Carville Touts a Convenient VP 

Carville Touts a Convenient VP

Nobel-winner would signal US is getting serious about energy policy, says he

(Newser) - Democratic strategist James Carville thinks Barack Obama should consider someone with a little experience for the vice presidency: like, say, former VP Al Gore. Carville told CNN that choosing the Nobel Peace Prize-winner would drive home the message that America is serious about a new energy policy. A third term...

Global Warming, the Opera
 Global Warming, the Opera 

Global Warming, the Opera

La Scala plans operatic version of Al Gore's climate change documentary

(Newser) - It started out as a slide show, became an Oscar-winning documentary and best-selling book, and now Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth is about to become a full-length opera, reports the AP. Milan's La Scala opera house has commissioned Italian composer  Giorgio Battistelli to set Gore's stark warning on global warming...

HBO's Recount Scathing But Fair
 HBO's Recount 
 Scathing But Fair 

HBO's Recount Scathing But Fair

Film doesn't 'play it safe' politically

(Newser) - "Recount," HBO’s “first-rate” docudrama about the aftermath of the 2000 presidential election, takes the bold step of showing the harsh truth of the story, instead of “playing it safe,” writes Gary Kamiya for Salon. Leading players on both sides approved the script—surprising, Kamiya...

6 Routes Off Into the Sunset
 6 Routes Off Into the Sunset 

6 Routes Off Into the Sunset

Politico scribe sets out possible paths for Clinton between now and Aug.

(Newser) - With Hillary Clinton’s chances of beating her rival all but shot, Ben Smith, on Politico, runs down the graceful and non-graceful ways to exit:
  • Never say die: If Clinton can stomach shrinking coffers and departing supporters, she can bide time until the convention, ensuring that lightning hasn’t struck

Gore Pipes Up, Doesn't Endorse

He predicts the race will end before convention

(Newser) - Al Gore dropped his silence on the Democratic race today, saying he may yet endorse a candidate and predicting that the race would end soon after primaries ended on June 3. “There will be a nominee before the convention,” he asserted. Gore laughed off a scenario that had...

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