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Strauss-Kahn Lover Felt Coerced Into Having Affair

Strauss-Kahn's 2008 fling with subordinate Piroska Nagy under fresh scrutiny

(Newser) - Dominique Strauss-Kahn's arrest on sexual assault charges has put an old affair under new scrutiny. The IMF chief had a fling at the height of the financial crisis with Piroska Nagy, a married, Hungarian-born economist. The IMF's board concluded that the 2008 affair was consensual and cleared its...

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Moved to Rikers Island
 IMF Chief Sent to Rikers Island 

IMF Chief Sent to Rikers Island

Dominique Strauss-Kahn denied bail

(Newser) - Accused sex attacker Dominique Strauss-Kahn has been denied bail and is now being held in New York City's notorious Rikers Island prison. The IMF chief, accused of sexually assaulting a hotel employee , will be in protective custody at the prison complex until his next court appearance on Friday, reports...

2nd Woman Accuses IMF Chief of Sexual Assault

Tristane Banon to file complaint over alleged attack 9 years ago

(Newser) - Another woman is filing a complaint of sexual assault against Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the IMF chief currently being held in New York on charges of sexually assaulting a hotel maid. French writer Tristane Banon says Strauss-Kahn did the same to her nine years ago, and described Strauss-Kahn as acting like a...

IMF Boss Picked in Sex Attack Lineup

DNA evidence collected from 'great seducer' Dominique Strauss-Kahn

(Newser) - The Manhattan hotel maid accusing IMF boss Dominique Strauss-Kahn of sexual assault picked him out of a police lineup yesterday, reports the New York Times . Strauss-Kahn was taken to the Manhattan Special Victims Unit in East Harlem where DNA evidence was collected from his skin and beneath his fingernails, authorities...

IMF Chief's Sex Rap Rattles Europe Economies

Arrest could hinder bailout negotiations

(Newser) - The Manhattan arrest of IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn on attempted rape charges comes at a critical time for the European economy. Key debt bailout negotiations were planned for this week just as Strauss-Kahn will be battling charges against him in New York, reports the Wall Street Journal . A meeting with...

IMF Head Charged in Hotel Sex Attack

Dominique Strauss-Kahn charged with attempted rape, unlawful imprisonment

(Newser) - IMF chief/would-be French presidential contender Dominique Strauss-Kahn was arrested and charged with criminal sexual act, attempted rape, and unlawful imprisonment today following yesterday's alleged attack on a maid in the $3,000-a-night NYC hotel suite Strauss-Kahn had been staying in. An NYPD rep says the 32-year-old maid "told...

Head of IMF in Custody for Alleged Sexual Assault

Dominique Strauss-Kahn removed from Air France flight to Paris

(Newser) - The head of the IMF has been taken into custody by New York City police and is being questioned in connection with the sexual assault of a hotel maid. An NYPD rep says Dominique Strauss-Kahn was pulled off an Air France flight to Paris this afternoon at JFK after he...

Portugal Reaches Bailout Deal
 Portugal Reaches Bailout Deal 

Portugal Reaches Bailout Deal

Will be worth about $116 billion over three years

(Newser) - Portugal pleaded for a bailout , and now it's got one. The hard-up nation has negotiated a bailout from the EU and IMF worth about $116 billion. The three-year loan is a "good agreement that defends Portugal," according to caretaker PM Jose Socrates, who added that Portugal would...

Irish Lawmakers OK $90B Bailout—Barely

Despite cries from opposition, motion passes 81-75

(Newser) - Irish lawmakers have voted to take the $90 billion international bailout fund, an emergency measure designed to keep Europe's debt crisis from getting worse. Prime Minister Brian Cowen won today's motion on an 81-75 vote. He argued that Ireland had no choice but to take loans from the European Union...

Irish Protest Austerity Plan
 Irish Protest Austerity Plan 

Irish Protest Austerity Plan

Thousands take to the streets of Dublin

(Newser) - As the final details of an international bailout were being ironed out, thousands of protesters clogged the streets of Dublin today to protest the nation's new austerity plan, reports the BBC . Among other things, it's going to mean tax hikes, sharp drops in public assistance, and thousands of layoffs in...

Irish Citizens Pay the Price for 'Sins' of Bankers
Irish Citizens Pay the Price
for 'Sins' of Bankers
paul krugman

Irish Citizens Pay the Price for 'Sins' of Bankers

Paul Krugman: Austerity programs aren't working anyway

(Newser) - "Private wheeler-dealers" caused Ireland's mess, but the Irish government has been punishing its citizenry for three years now with austerity programs to repay the debt incurred, writes Paul Krugman. This pain is necessary to restore confidence, say all the "wise heads," even though the deep spending cuts...

IMF: Ireland Should Cut Taxes—for Women

'Sexist' plan slammed as austerity budget unveiled

(Newser) - The International Monetary Fund has proposed a range of measures to help Ireland restore its economy to health and some Irishmen are finding one in particular hard to swallow. The IMF recommends that the country cut income tax rates by 5%—for women only. Economists say this would boost the...

Europe Works Out $135B Irish Rescue Deal

...Even though Ireland insists it doesn't want to be rescued

(Newser) - Senior European financial officials emerged from a meeting in Brussels yesterday saying they were “intensifying preparations” for an Irish bailout of up to $135 billion. IMF experts will head to Dublin this week to examine the country’s finances and work out the details, the Wall Street Journal reports....

Jobless 'Wasteland': Europe, US on Brink of Social Revolt

Recession left 'gaping wounds' says IMF head

(Newser) - To those who think the worst of the recession is over, the head of the IMF has this to say: "We are not safe." An astounding 30 million jobs have been lost since the beginning of the financial crisis , three-quarters of those in richer economies, a new report...

World Turns to Blogger for Euro Advice

Edward Hugh saw the euro's troubles coming

(Newser) - A British man who's made his living as a part-time English teacher in Spain for decades is suddenly the hottest name in economics, because he got it right. Blogger Edward Hugh correctly predicted the current Eurozone crisis, pinpointing the reason as the difference in demographics between Germany and countries like...

Why We Need a Bank Tax
 Why We Need a Bank Tax 

Why We Need a Bank Tax

There will be future bailouts, so make banks pay their share

(Newser) - The recent financial crisis wasn't the first time banks needed a taxpayer bailout, and it won't be the last. That's why a bank tax is the best way to protect taxpayers from the cost of future crises, David Leonhardt writes in the New York Times —better than the current...

Student Chucks Shoe at IMF Chief

(Newser) - A student journalist threw a shoe at IMF director Dominique Strauss-Kahn during his speech at Istanbul University today, but missed so badly that Strauss-Kahn didn’t even need a Dubya-style duck. The man shouted, “IMF, get out!” as he hurled the shoe, then ran toward the platform. Security...

IMF: Global Recession Is Over
 IMF: Global Recession Is Over 

IMF: Global Recession Is Over

World economy is growing, but recovery will be slow

(Newser) - The global recession is over, the International Monetary Fund said today, revising its economic forecasts in response to Asian growth and more than $2 trillion in stimulus packages worldwide. The IMF now says the world economy is growing and will expand by 3.1% in 2010, with China growing at...

G20 Near Deal to Open Economies to Scrutiny

'Peer review' system will let nations assess each other's policies

(Newser) - The G20 is on the brink of a deal this morning that will require members to "peer review" one another's economic policies—a substantial shift that will expose the US and China to wider scrutiny from less wealthy countries. The new top table for international negotiation wants less American...

Senate OKs $106B for Wars
 Senate OKs $106B for Wars 

Senate OKs $106B for Wars

(Newser) - The Senate today overwhelmingly passed a bill authorizing $106 billion to fund the nation’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Hill reports. It now goes to President Obama for his expected signature. The vote had been delayed by wrangling over how to keep detainee abuse photos under wraps. Yesterday,...

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