Terry Lakin

6 Stories

Tea Party 'BirtherFest' a Bust
 Tea Party 'Birther Fest' a Bust 

Tea Party 'Birther Fest' a Bust

Event starring Sheriff Joe, Pat Boone called off

(Newser) - If a "birther" jamboree starring Pat Boone and Arizona's Sheriff Joe Arpaio sounds like your idea of a good time, you should have bought a ticket sooner. The September 22 event, organized by Greater Phoenix Tea Party Patriots, has been called off due to poor ticket sales, reports...

Discharged Birther Army Doc Gets 6 Months in Prison

Terry Lakin 'crushed'

(Newser) - An Army doctor who refused to deploy to Afghanistan until he saw President Obama's birth certificate has been kicked out of the service and jailed for 6 months. Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, an 18-year-veteran, was found guilty of disobeying orders and ignoring his deployment instructions after a 3-day court martial...

Birther Army Doc Who Refused to Deploy Pleads Guilty

Lt. Col Terry Lakin facing discharge, 18-month sentence

(Newser) - An Army doctor who refused to deploy to Afghanistan because he doesn't believe President Obama is the legal president of the United States pleaded guilty to one of two charges against him at a court-martial yesterday. Lt. Col. Terry Lakin—who became a hero of the "Birther" movement after...

Fox Military Analyst Comes Out as Birther

Retired general supports army doc refusing to deploy

(Newser) - Troops who refuse to obey orders because they don't believe President Obama was born in America have a friend in Fox News analyst Thomas McInerney. The retired three-star Air Force general has filed an affidavit in support of Terrence Lakin, an Army doctor who's facing court-martial for refusing to deploy...

'Birther' Army Doc in Court Today for Ignoring Orders

He refuses to deploy until he sees birth certificate

(Newser) - An Army doctor who says he won't go to war until he sees President Obama's birth certificate is being arraigned in Virginia today. Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin was charged with disobeying orders earlier this year after failing to turn up for deployment to Afghanistan, and demanding to see proof that...

Army Will Court-Martial 'Birther' Officer

Doctor refuses to deploy to Afghanistan

(Newser) - An Army doctor who refuses to deploy to Afghanistan because he disputes President Obama's birth certificate will be court-martialed, reports NBC News . Lt. Col. Terry Lakin won't ship out because he doesn't think Obama is a legitimate commander-in-chief. When he showed up at the Pentagon instead of at Fort Campbell...

6 Stories
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