Iran sanctions

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Clinton: Sanctions Have 'Slowed Down' Iran

First such public comment from Obama admin that they're working

(Newser) - Sanctions against Iran’s nuclear program are "working," Hillary Clinton said today, marking the first such assertion by an Obama administration official, the Wall Street Journal notes. The sanctions “have made it much more difficult for Iran to pursue its nuclear ambitions,” the secretary of state...

Ahmadinejad Abruptly Fires Foreign Minister

Move illustrates internal tensions as nuclear talks loom

(Newser) - Iran's president abruptly fired his foreign minister today and named nuclear chief Ali Akbar Salehi as acting top diplomat. It's the latest sign of a rift at the top levels of the Islamic theocracy as the country faces intense pressure from the West over its nuclear program. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad...

Iranian Lawmakers Move to Oust Ahmadinejad

Assembly seeks to impeach president

(Newser) - It looks like Western governments aren't the only ones fed up with the antics of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Iran's parliament planned to impeach the leader, but was prevented from doing so by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Wall Street Journal reports, citing reports in Iranian media. Lawmakers accused the president...

Iran Aims to Set Up Covert Banks in Muslim Countries

Tehran is trying to work around sanctions on its banking industry

(Newser) - Iran is attempting to set up undercover banks across the Muslim world, hiding the institutions’ origins with fake names and misleading bureaucracy, the Washington Post reports. Iran is keeping establishments in countries like Iraq and Malaysia shrouded in secrecy as a means of working around tough sanctions, including the Treasury...

US Military Boss: We've Got a Plan to Attack Iran

Will be launched 'if necessary to stop nukes'

(Newser) - The US has a detailed plan ready to attack Iran if necessary to prevent it from making nuclear weapons, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff revealed yesterday. “I hope we don’t get to that, but it’s an important option, and it’s one that’s...

UN Slaps New Sanctions on Iran

Measures target Revolutionary Guard, but not oil

(Newser) - The UN Security Council has approved new sanctions against Iran over its suspected nuclear program that target the country's powerful Revolutionary Guard, ballistic missiles, and nuclear-related investments. The resolution was approved with 12 "yes" votes, two "no" votes from Brazil and Turkey, and one abstention from Lebanon.

Iran Skirts Sanctions With Ships Shell Game

US struggling to keep up with shipping dodges

(Newser) - As the UN prepares to vote on fresh sanctions against Iran, a New York Times investigation finds that the Islamic republic has evaded sanctions with an elaborate scheme of renaming ships and selling them to shell companies. Irisl, Iran's state-owned shipping firm, has sold off most of its fleet to...

Clinton: China, Russia on Board for Iran Sanctions

Fourth round supposed to be the toughest

(Newser) - The US and the other permanent members of the UN Security Council—Britain, China, France, and Russia—have agreed on a package of strong new sanctions to impose on Iran over its suspect nuclear program, Hillary Clinton said today. The secretary of state says the draft plan will be circulated...

Holdout China Will Discuss Sanctions Against Iran

Move seems to boost Obama's wish for action soon

(Newser) - China might at last be open to sanctions against Iran, diplomats say—potentially removing a key stumbling block to President Obama’s wish for new measures within weeks to rein in Tehran’s nuclear program, among other things. “China has begun providing us with its views on specific measures...

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