nuclear proliferation

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Iran Not Nearly as Crazy as Neocons Claim
Iran Not Nearly as Crazy as Neocons Claim

Iran Not Nearly as Crazy as Neocons Claim

Its leaders aren't stupid—and deterrence can work: Greenway

(Newser) - Iran has no nuclear bomb, but already the old Bush-Cheney chorus has returned to insist it's time for another war in the Middle East. It's true that sanctions may not stop Iran from ramping up its nuclear program, but that doesn't mean that deterrence and diplomacy can't help, writes Boston ...

North Korea Weighs Return to Nuke Talks

Depends on meeting with US, Kim Jong Il tells China premier

(Newser) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Il told China's premier today that the North was prepared to return to multi-nation disarmament talks depending on progress in its two-way negotiations with the US. Kim's comments were the clearest sign yet that Pyongyang was readying to resume the six-nation talks it withdrew from...

Obama to Tighten Bush's Iran Sanctions

White House will apply pressure unilaterally on world trading

(Newser) - The Obama administration’s plan to sanction Iran looks a lot like that of his predecessor. Officials say that if nuclear talks with Iran fail, they will likely tighten enforcement of Bush sanctions rather than impose new ones, the Washington Post reports. Obama has even retained the top architect of...

Obama-Led Security Council OKs Nuke Resolution

US-drafted measure strengthened by Obama appearance at meeting

(Newser) - The UN Security Council today adopted a US-drafted resolution that outlines much of President Obama’s plan to rid the world of nuclear weapons. The president’s attendance at the meeting of heads of state—just the fifth in UN history—underscores the centrality of the issue for his administration....

Obama Scores on Nuclear Proliferation at UN

Manages to get Russia and China to cooperate

(Newser) - Barack Obama scored two significant victories at the UN yesterday, cajoling Dmitry Medvedev into saying he would get behind tougher nuclear sanctions against Iran, and convincing both Russia and China to support a resolution strengthening the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. Publicly the administration wouldn’t acknowledge any quid-pro-quo, but several official...

Paranoid Russia Poses Big Test for Obama
Paranoid Russia Poses
Big Test for Obama

Paranoid Russia Poses Big Test for Obama

President's trip to Moscow will be hard work, no fun

(Newser) - The last time Barack Obama went to Russia, he and another senator were detained by border guards for hours—and his upcoming trip won't be much fun either, say the editors of the Economist. Russia's economy is beholden to unstable oil and gas prices, the country's mortality rate is spiking,...

Israel Should Attack Iran
 Israel Should Attack Iran 

Israel Should Attack Iran

(Newser) - No matter who wins tomorrow’s presidential election in Iran, the threat of its nuclear program won’t go away, and that’s why Israel should attack sooner rather than later, writes former UN ambassador John Bolton in the Wall Street Journal. Attacking Iran now won’t be safe or...

Security Council Members Agree on N. Korea Sanctions

(Newser) - The five permanent members of the UN Security Council have agreed on a draft resolution to step up sanctions against North Korea in response to its nuclear testing, the BBC reports. With Japan and South Korea also on board, passage by the full 15-member council is all but assured. The...

Obama, Sarko Oppose Nuclear Iran, New Israeli Settlements

(Newser) - Barack Obama and his French counterpart, Nicolas Sarkozy, stood together today on thwarting Iran's nuclear ambitions and furthering a Mideast peace that provides for separate Israeli and Palestinian states. "We want peace. We want dialogue. We want to help them develop. But we do not want military nuclear weapons...

North: Korean War Is Back On
 North: Korean War Is Back On 

North: Korean War Is Back On

North declares end to peace deal, restarts its nuclear plant

(Newser) - North Korea warned today that it no longer considers itself bound by the 1953 truce that brought the Korean War to an effective—but not official—end. The country said South Korea's announcement yesterday that it is joining a US-led initiative to stop ships suspected of carrying weapons of mass...

North Korea's Real Aim May Be to Peddle Nukes to Others

Sale of weapons, info is true threat from secretive regime

(Newser) - North Korea's nuclear test yesterday makes it no likelier that the rogue state will actually launch a weapon of mass destruction, argues AP analyst Robert Burns. What it does suggest is something perhaps even scarier: that the regime may facilitate the nuclear ambitions of other state actors or even...

US Suspects N Korea Regime Shift

(Newser) - American officials believe North Korea’s increasingly hostile foreign policy is the result of a power shift quietly taking place in the secretive nation, the Wall Street Journal reports. Analysts note that North Korea withdrew from nuclear talks shortly after Kim Jong Il’s suspected stroke, and say the leader’...

Obama Speaks Softly, Carries ... You Know the Rest

President trades macho for cool

(Newser) - President Obama didn't swagger through his European road trip, but that doesn't mean he isn't ready to play hardball. "If George W. Bush was a cowboy, Obama is a group hug," writes Kathleen Parker in the Washington Post. The contrast between Obama, who's still establishing his presidential persona,...

Nukes? Climate Change? Love 'Em to Death

Newsweek scribe lists a few issues pundits may misunderstand

(Newser) - Few so-called experts predicted the subprime meltdown or the September 11 attacks, Jacob Weisberg writes in Newsweek—so what else might the pundits be wrong about?
  • Nukes are bad: An influential political scientist “argues that possessing nukes induces restraint and caution, causing irresponsible regimes to behave more responsibly.”

Obama, Medvedev Agree to New Nuclear Arms Talks

President will visit Moscow in July

(Newser) - Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev pledged to "move beyond Cold War mentalities" at their first ever meeting, at the American ambassador's residence in London. The two presidents agreed to negotiate a new weapons treaty that would see both countries reduce their nuclear stockpiles—the first such...

Pakistan Frees Nuke Scientist Khan From House Arrest

Admitted giving secrets to North Korea, Iran

(Newser) - The Pakistani scientist who admitted to giving nuclear secrets to rogue states was freed from house arrest today, the BBC reports. Abdul Qadir Khan was pardoned in 2004 but has remained under tight restrictions; the former head of Pakistan’s nuclear program can now leave his house and receive visitors....

New Evidence Suggests Iranian Missile Program

Metal shipments, banking activities come under US scrutiny

(Newser) - New evidence suggests that Iran may be evading international sanctions, importing high-performance metals that could be used to build long-range weaponry, US security and law enforcement officials tell the Wall Street Journal. One invoice shows a shipment of metals going to an Iranian company through an intermediary. UAE officials, meanwhile,...

US to Sign Nuclear Pact With UAE
US to Sign Nuclear Pact With UAE

US to Sign Nuclear Pact With UAE

Some fear move could help fuel Iran's nuclear ambitions

(Newser) - The White House is set to sign a nuclear cooperation agreement with the United Arab Emirates—a move some fear could put nuclear materials in the hands of Iran, the UAE’s top trading partner. The Bush administration’s first such pact with a Middle Eastern country would mean sharing...

Books Map A-Bomb's Spread
 Books Map A-Bomb's Spread 

Books Map A-Bomb's Spread

Authors track nations' paths to nuclear club

(Newser) - When it comes to the spread of nuclear weapons, all paths lead back to the US, the New York Times reports in a look at two books. In The Nuclear Express, the authors chart the rise of the world's nine nuclear nations and conclude that "since the birth of...

Obama to Fill WMD Post Bush Ignored

Dem has long focused on stopping proliferation of nuclear, chemical arms

(Newser) - President-elect Obama will hire an official to oversee efforts to stop terrorists from gaining nuclear and biological weapons, the Boston Globe reports, a position the Bush administration approved but left unfilled. Such efforts are currently spread among many agencies, and a report predicting a deadly attack within 5 years using...

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