US-Israeli relations

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Panetta: Iran Attack Is On the Table

He touts ties to Israel in visit with Ehud Barak

(Newser) - "All options" are on the table when it comes to preventing Iran from developing a nuclear weapon—including military force, Leon Panetta said today during a trip to Israel. Panetta said force was a last resort, but that if Iran persisted in its quest, "we have options that...

Iran Caught Scrubbing Nuclear Evidence at Parchin

Meanwhile, Israel asks US for weapons

(Newser) - Diplomats from the UN's nuclear agency say they've seen satellite images of Iranian trucks and earth-moving vehicles working at Iran's Parchin site, in what they suspect is an attempt to scrub the area of radioactive traces ahead of the IAEA's visit . Diplomats tell the AP that...

Netanyahu to Obama: No Iran Hit Planned. Yet.

Iran has Israel, US in strained relationship

(Newser) - The US and Israel still don't quite see eye to eye on Iran, but Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to the White House yesterday managed to reassure both sides. American officials emerged saying President Obama's tougher rhetoric had eased pressure on Israel to attack, the Wall Street Journal reports....

Netanyahu to Obama: 'We Are You, and You Are Us'

Iran tensions dominate talks

(Newser) - President Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu tried to project an image of unity today as the president welcomed his Israeli counterpart to the Oval Office. Speaking to reporters before their closed-door meeting, Obama said, "The United States will always have Israel's back," echoing his AIPAC speech. Netanyahu, meanwhile,...

Jewish Vote Riding on Obama AIPAC Speech

With Iran, GOP pressuring, Obama needs to shore up Israel position

(Newser) - With Republicans hammering President Obama on Israel, his shaky relationship with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and the looming threat of Iran's nuclear program, Obama's AIPAC speech this morning could be a "a pivotal moment" for keeping the Jewish vote heading into this fall's election,...

Panetta to Israel: 'Just Get to the Damn Table'

Defense Secretary says military action should be 'last resort, not the first'

(Newser) - Leon Panetta delivered a harsh rebuke to Israel yesterday, saying that it needed to take steps to end its increasing isolation in the Middle East—starting with reviving peace talks with the Palestinians. “Just get to the damn table,” Panetta said at a pro-Israel forum in Washington, according...

FBI Leak Reveals US Spying on Israeli Embassy in DC

But that's pretty much par for the course, say intelligence experts

(Newser) - When FBI translator Shamai Leibowitz pleaded guilty last year to divulging classified information, the nature of that info was kept secret even from the judge . Now we know why: Leibowitz was passing on transcripts of US wiretaps on the Israeli embassy in DC, the blogger he leaked them to tells...

Bibi Ready to Talk Palestine Borders

Borders would be based in 1967 ceasefire, if Palestine recognizes Israel

(Newser) - In a major change of policy, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is saying for the first time that Israel is ready to discuss the borders of a Palestinian state, using 1967 ceasefire borders as a rough starting point, reports the Telegraph . The offer depends on Palestinians accepting Israel as a...

Benjamin Netanyahu Rejects Idea of 1967 Borders in Meeting With Obama
 Netanyahu Doesn't Budge 

Netanyahu Doesn't Budge

He rejects Obama's backing of 1967 borders in talks

(Newser) - President Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu said reassuring things about US-Israeli relations today, but Netanyahu's list of deal-breakers made clear the two leaders remain far apart on the elements of a peace deal with Palestinians, reports the New York Times . Notably, Netanyahu rejected Obama's suggestion of a return to...

Israeli PM: US Easy to Manipulate
 Israeli PM: US Easy 
 to Manipulate 
Caught on tape

Israeli PM: US Easy to Manipulate

Netanyahu talks about undermining Oslo accords in old video

(Newser) - A tape has surfaced in which Benjamin Netanyahu, current prime minister of Israel, brags about how easy the US is to manipulate. In the video, which was shot in 2001, the then-out-of-office Netanyahu speaks bluntly with a group of West Bank settlers about how he had undermined the Palestinian peace...

US Nonprofits Fund Israeli Settlements in West Bank

Obama administration simultaneously fights construction

(Newser) - When President Obama meets with Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House today, he’ll probably pressure the Israeli PM to stop illegal construction in the West Bank. But even as the administration fights those settlements, the US government is giving millions in tax breaks to groups that help build them,...

US Citizen Killed in Raid on Gaza Aid Flotilla

White House had urged restraint, warned of Americans on board

(Newser) - An American citizen who'd been living in Turkey was among the nine people killed in Israel's raid on aid ships bound for Gaza. Forensic reports say the man, 19-year-old Furkan Dogan, was shot in the head four times, and once more in the chest, ABC News reports. The revelation comes...

Netanyahu Races Home, Bails on Obama Meeting

Israeli PM confronts fallout from deadly raid

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu has cut short a visit to Canada and canceled a planned meeting with President Obama to return to Israel in the wake of this morning's deadly raid on aid-laden ships bound for Gaza . The Israeli PM "realized that he had to be there in order to manage...

Netanyahu Left US Disgraced and Humiliated
Netanyahu Left US
Disgraced and Humiliated

Netanyahu Left US Disgraced and Humiliated

Obama snubbed him, say Israeli press reports

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu is back in Israel after his US trip, and much of the Israeli press thinks he never should have gone in the first place. "The prime minister leaves America disgraced, isolated, and altogether weaker than when he came," writes Aluf Benn in Haaretz . Obama treated him...

Israel OKs More Work in Jerusalem
Israel OKs
More Work
in Jerusalem

Israel OKs More Work in Jerusalem

Netanyahu 'spit into Obama's eye, this time up close,' says critic

(Newser) - The Jerusalem municipality has approved 20 new apartments for Jews in an Arab neighborhood of east Jerusalem, in a move that could stir a new diplomatic crisis with the US just as Israel's leader is in Washington on a fence-mending visit. The announcement marked the second time this month that...

Defiant Netanyahu Defends Building in Jerusalem

Israeli prime minister thumbs nose at US in AIPAC speech

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu won’t yield to US demands to halt construction in East Jerusalem, he told the pro-Israeli lobbying group AIPAC last night in Washington. “The Jewish people were building Jerusalem 3,000 years, and the Jewish people are building Jerusalem today,” he said. “Jerusalem is not...

Israelis Still Love Obama: Poll

Most still see him as fair, friendly despite diplomatic row

(Newser) - The recent diplomatic kerfluffle over East Jerusalem hasn’t hurt President Obama at all with Israelis; in a new Haaretz-Dialog poll , a “sweeping majority” say they still believe he is “fair and friendly” to Israel. Most don’t believe politicians who try to paint Obama as anti-Semitic, anti-Israel,...

Netanyahu, Obama to Meet Tuesday

President, Israeli PM will discuss settlement dispute

(Newser) - Now that his Asia trip is postponed, President Obama will be available to meet with Benjamin Netanyahu next week to discuss recent tensions over settlement plans in East Jerusalem. The Israeli PM has already apologized for the timing of the settlement announcement, which occurred during Joe Biden’s recent visit...

Here's Obama's Real Motive in Israel
 Here's Obama's Real 
 Motive in Israel 

Here's Obama's Real Motive in Israel

He's pressuring Netanyahu to move toward Tzipi Livni

(Newser) - President Obama is keeping intense pressure on Israel not because he wants to destroy relations but because he wants to boost the political prospects of centrist Tzipi Livni, writes Jeffrey Goldberg. Obama would love to force out current prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu (the president doesn't think he's "very bright"...

Israel, US in Worst Crisis in 35 Years

White House presses Netanyahu to stop construction

(Newser) - The US is pressuring Israel to scrap its plans to build 1,600 new apartments in East Jerusalem, in what Israel’s ambassador to the US called “ the most serious crisis since 1975” in US-Israeli relations. The US wants the project killed, according to Israeli officials, both because East...

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