Sarah Killen

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Conan O'Brien's Twitter Buddy Shows Class
Conan O'Brien's Twitter Buddy Shows Class

Conan O'Brien's Twitter Buddy Shows Class

Sarah Killen is doing more than just cashing in on fame

(Newser) - When Conan O'Brien picked Sarah Killen at random to be the person he'd follow on Twitter, it wouldn't have been a huge surprise if she milked her fame and turned "into a real douche," writes Mary Elizabeth Williams. And while Killen has indeed become a bit of a...

Conan Follows Random Woman on Twitter

'Sarah Killen, your life is about to change,' late-night exile warned

(Newser) - Since Conan O'Brien joined the ranks of the unemployed, he's taken Twitter by storm and brought fame to his beard and assorted other associates. Now the ousted Tonight Show host, who has more than a half-million Twitter followers but before Friday wasn't following anyone—not even his own beard, squirrel,...

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