press freedom

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2 Editors Guilty in Landmark Hong Kong Case

It's another big blow to press freedom in the territory

(Newser) - A Hong Kong court convicted two former editors of a shuttered news outlet on Thursday, in a case widely seen as a barometer for the future of media freedom in the city once hailed as a bastion of free press in Asia. Stand News former editor-in-chief Chung Pui-kuen and former...

City Suspends Police Chief Who Raided Newspaper Offices

Official calls move 'the best thing that can happen to Marion right now'

(Newser) - The police chief who led a raid on the offices of a Kansas newspaper has been suspended, the town's mayor said Saturday. Dave Mayfield confirmed the suspension to the AP but would not say whether Chief Gideon Cody, whose lawyers did not immediately comment, is still receiving his salary....

Court Upholds Nobel Winner's 'Cyber Libel' Conviction

Ressa was prosecuted under Philippines law that took effect after story was published

(Newser) - Update: Maria Ressa's Nobel Peace Prize wasn't enough to convince a court in the Philippines of the merits of her appeal against a "cyber libel" conviction. The court not only upheld the convictions of the Rappler news site co-founder and former staffer Reynaldo Santos Jr., it increased...

Nobel Peace Prize Winner: 'This Is Intimidation'

Maria Ressa decries ordered shutdown of Rappler in Philippines

(Newser) - Months after winning a Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts to "expose abuse of power, use of violence, and growing authoritarianism" in the Philippines, Maria Ressa says local authorities have ordered her Rappler news site to shut down. Ressa, a former CNN bureau chief and Time Person of the...

China's Press Tactics Are 'Unprecedented' and 'Terrifying'

Reporters Without Borders report details journalist arrests, surveillance

(Newser) - China is committing an "unprecedented campaign of repression" against journalists, according to a new report by Reporters Without Borders. The report finds at least 127 journalists are detained in the country—including 71 Uighurs—making China "the world's biggest captor of journalists." The journalism advocacy group...

Apple Daily, Hong Kong's Pro-Democracy Paper, Dies

Its employees arrested and assets frozen, the 26-year-old news outlet ends its run

(Newser) - Apple Daily, Hong Kong’s main pro-democracy paper, is shutting down. Its founder, Jimmy Lai, is in jail, and several other top-level editors were arrested last week. But the killing blow was when the government froze its assets—about $2.3 million, the AP reports. The arrests and freezing of...

Editor, CEO of Hong Kong Paper Denied Bail

The journalists were targeted by a new national security law

(Newser) - A Hong Kong court ordered the top editor of pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily and the head of its parent company held without bail Saturday in the first hearing since their arrest two days ago under the city's national security law. Ryan Law, the chief editor, and Cheung Kim-hung, the...

Press Freedom Takes 'Dramatic' Hit in Pandemic

Reporters Without Borders says there's been a 'dramatic deterioration' worldwide

(Newser) - There's been a "dramatic deterioration" of press freedom since the pandemic started to tear across the world, Reporters Without Borders said in its annual report published Tuesday. The group's new World Press Freedom Index, which evaluated the press situations in 180 countries, painted a stark picture and...

Australia Wants Investigation After Its Journalists Assaulted

Police seen punching cameraman, hitting reporter with baton near White House

(Newser) - Bellingcat senior investigator Nick Waters documented 100 cases of police attacks on journalists in four days of protests before describing the 101st case as coming outside the White House on Monday. Two Australian journalists, 7News correspondent Amelia Brace and cameraman Tim Myers, were reporting live around 6:25pm local time...

Pompeo's NPR Feud Continues With a 'Perfect Message'

Secretary of state says barring reporter from trip after dust-up with another reporter is appropriate

(Newser) - After Mike Pompeo berated NPR journalist Mary Louise Kelly last month in an expletive-filled rant for turning a discussion about Iran to Ukraine and ex-US Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, the State Department took an apparent retaliatory step against one of Kelly's colleagues: Michele Kelemen was barred from the press pool...

WaPo Reluctantly Runs Khashoggi's Final Column

He warns that Arab governments are silencing the media

(Newser) - Jamal Khashoggi's final column for the Washington Post "perfectly captures his commitment and passion for freedom in the Arab world"—"a freedom he apparently gave his life for," writes Post Global Opinions editor Karen Attiah. She says the newspaper delayed publishing it because they hoped...

White House Bans Reporter Over Her 'Inappropriate Questions'

CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins was 'dis-invited' from event

(Newser) - In what CNN calls "another serious escalation against the press by the Trump administration," one of its White House reporters was banned from a press event Wednesday, apparently because she asked questions that President Trump didn't like. As the pool reporter representing five networks during Trump's...

Trump Threatens Licenses of 'Disgusting' News Networks

'Licenses must be challenged and, if appropriate, revoked'

(Newser) - "It's frankly disgusting the way the press is able to write whatever they want to write," President Trump told reporters at the White House on Wednesday. "And people should look into it." Trump, speaking hours after he tweeted about challenging the licenses of "NBC...

Press Access Just Got Curtailed by Senate Republicans

Press can't record, film in Senate office hallways without prior permission

(Newser) - Senate Republicans appeared to make a major move to limit media access to senators Tuesday. CNN reports staff with the Senate Radio and Television Correspondents Gallery told reporters they could no longer film or record interviews with senators in the hallways of the Capitol or Senate office building without prior...

America's Press Freedom Ranking: 46th

We drop 13 spots thanks to Manning, Snowden

(Newser) - Reporters Without Borders has released its annual World Press Freedom Index , and the US suffered "one of the most significant declines" in 2013, the group says. Thanks to the conviction of WikiLeaks leaker Chelsea Manning and the pursuit of NSA leaker Edward Snowden, among other things, the US dropped...

Guardian Has Published Just 1% of Snowden Materials: Editor

Alan Rusbridger faces questions over national security

(Newser) - The Guardian has only published about 1% of some 58,000 files leaked by Edward Snowden—and it's unlikely to "publish a huge amount more," says editor Alan Rusbridger. He spoke to a British parliamentary committee as he faces scrutiny over whether the paper had weakened national...

Iraq Shuts 10 TV Channels for Broadcasting 'Hype'

Al Jazeera, 9 others blamed for surge in violence

(Newser) - Iraq has ordered al-Jazeera and nine other TV stations off the air, accusing them of causing the sectarian conflict that has killed more than 200 people over the last week. The move came after the stations—all but one of which is Sunni-owned—covered a raid by security forces on...

Burma: We're Done Censoring the Press

Regulators will no longer see articles before they're published

(Newser) - Another move toward openness in Burma: The country's ostensibly civilian government is today halting Burma's decades-long censorship of local press, it says. Until now, publications had been required to send articles to censors before they could be published; this sometimes resulted in full pages being blacked out. The...

China Forces al-Jazeera to Close Beijing Bureau

US reporter Melissa Chan expelled, no replacement allowed

(Newser) - China has forced al-Jazeera English to shut down its Beijing bureau by kicking out reporter Melissa Chan and refusing to allow another correspondent to replace her. Chan, an American citizen who had reported from Beijing for five years, left China last night after normally routine requests to renew her visa...

US Drops in Press Freedom Over Occupy Arrests

Nation falls 27 places to 47th in world rankings

(Newser) - Police reaction to the various Occupy protests around the nation have tarnished the US reputation for press freedom in the eyes of Reporters Without Borders. In the group's new world rankings, the US falls 27 spots to 47th, owing to the "many arrests of journalists covering Occupy Wall...

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