Tea Party Express

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Tea Party Leader: Allah Is 'Monkey God'

(Newser) - A prominent Tea Party leader has lashed out at the proposed construction of a mosque near Ground Zero, calling Allah a "monkey-god." On his blog, Mark Williams, chairman of the Tea Party Express, called the planned mosque and cultural center a monument to 9/11 terrorists "for the...

Sarah Palin Hosts Boston Tea Party

'We'll keep clinging to our Constitution ... and our guns'

(Newser) - Boston’s one of America’s more liberal ‘bergs, but on the eve of tax day, the Tea Party Express just couldn’t resist a stop in the city that held the original anti-tax rally more than 200 years ago. And with Sarah Palin as the headliner, the rally...

How the GOP Quietly Crashed the Tea Party

'Tea Party Express' is actually just a Republican PAC

(Newser) - The tea party phenomenon started out as a tax-day protest a year ago tomorrow, but that protest gave a Republican consultant at the Russo Marsh + Rogers firm an idea. He wrote a proposal, which Politico has now obtained, for a nationwide bus tour called the “Tea Party Express,...

Palin to Fans: Stop Cars With Obama Bumper Stickers

Palin still opposed to 'hopey changey stuff'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin gave a Nevada Tea Party Express rally some curious marching orders on Saturday, telling them to stop and harass anyone with an Obama bumper sticker. After quoting a common conservative sticker (“Government: If you think our problems are bad, wait until you see our solutions”) she...

Tea Party Boss: Obama's a Half-White Racist

Mark Williams: 'I'll defend my race record to no one'

(Newser) - Leading Tea Partier Martin Williams labeled President Obama a "half-white" racist in an email to other Tea Party Express leaders unearthed by TPM . Williams appears to be responding to accusations of racism himself in the email, which refers to a CNN interview in which Anderson Cooper made "false...

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