
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

North America's 1st Monkey Crossed a Sea to Get There

And it arrived 18M years before scientists thought possible

(Newser) - Researchers have discovered evidence that monkeys arrived in North America 18 million years earlier than previously believed, according to a study published Wednesday in Nature . And they were truly impressive monkeys indeed. The newly discovered Panamacebus transitus had to somehow cross the 100 miles of water that separated South America...

Dead Woman Found in Motel Room With 2 Monkeys

Also discovered: an "incoherent" man and a note

(Newser) - Police in North Port, Fla., on Friday discovered a dead woman, two live monkeys, and a note in a room at the local Budget Inn, CNN reports. Also in the room was an "incoherent" man, who received medical treatment before being questioned. The Capuchin monkeys were in crates and...

This Doctor Is Doing Head Transplants—Small Ones

Xiaoping Ren to perform head transplant on monkey this summer

(Newser) - A head transplant may sound like something out of a horror movie, but Dr. Xiaoping Ren has completed about 1,000 on mice. This summer, he'll attempt his first such procedure on a monkey in a case that will be closely watched. Ren, who worked in the US for...

Scientist: We Still Treat Baby Monkeys Cruelly
Scientist: We Still Treat
Baby Monkeys Cruelly

Scientist: We Still Treat Baby Monkeys Cruelly

Barbara King: Behavioral experiments from the 1950s still in use

(Newser) - Back in the 1950s, psychologist Harry Harlow conducted famous experiments in which baby rhesus monkeys were taken from their mothers and observed as they "self-mutilated, rocked, and showed other signs of deep depression and anxiety," writes anthropologist Barbara King in Scientific American . Sadly, similar experiments are still taking...

High-Tech Lab Leaks Deadly Bacteria

How did Louisiana lab fail to contain it?

(Newser) - A high-security laboratory in Louisiana recently leaked deadly bacteria, infecting four animals and apparently a federal investigator—but officials say there's no public health risk, USA Today reports. The probe began after two monkey-like animals at the Tulane National Primate Research Center were infected last year by a bacterium...

Spoiled Monkey Named Couple's Sole Heir

Ostracized pair say Chunmun is like son they never had

(Newser) - Indian couple Brajesh and Shabista Srivastava consider their pet monkey to be the son they never had. Purchased as a baby for $8 roughly a decade ago, Chunmun the monkey has helped erase the loneliness the childless couple felt after being shunned by their families over their inter-faith marriage, the...

Zoo Accidentally Freezes Rare Monkeys to Death

Cotton-top tamarins were left outside, PETA wants feds to investigate

(Newser) - There are about 7,800 cotton-top tamarins left on the planet, 1,800 of them in captivity—and two fewer of the species of tiny monkey the AP dubs "critically endangered" after a Louisiana zookeeper apparently forgot about them and left them to freeze to death. The one-pound tamarins,...

Wikimedia: Monkey Selfie Is Staying Put

It's in public domain because a monkey took it, not a human, say editors

(Newser) - Strangest copyright dispute ever: British photographer David Slater wants Wikimedia Commons to take down photos of a monkey taken with his camera, but the site refuses because a monkey pushed the button. As the Telegraph explains, Slater traveled to Indonesia in 2011 at his own expense to photograph crested black...

Reason for Cool Monkey Faces? Safe Breeding

Guenons' distinctive features help prevent interbreeding, say researchers

(Newser) - Guenon monkeys are renowned for their colorful, distinctive faces, which vary from species to species. The reason? It's all part of a strategy to help the monkeys identify their own species and avoid crossbreeding with others, new research finds. Guenon monkeys, sometimes known as cheek pouch monkeys, are a...

China Military's 'Secret Weapon': Trained Monkeys

But they go after birds, not humans

(Newser) - We've got military dogs and even military dolphins . But military monkeys? The Chinese army is on it, though the special unit is trained to go after birds rather than enemy soldiers, reports the People's Daily Online . The army has trained a small group of macaque monkeys to rid...

HIV's Origins Stretch Back Millions of Years

Earlier work suggested HIV 'cousins' were much more recent

(Newser) - "Cousins" of the HIV virus are millions of years old—not tens of thousands, as previous research has suggested, according to a new study. Researchers in Seattle examined HIV-like viruses in a range of primates. Genetic changes in monkey and ape immune systems point to the development of such...

UK Woman: Monkeys Raised Me in the Jungle

She says kidnappers left her in Colombian wilderness

(Newser) - At age 5, she was kidnapped for ransom and left in the Colombian jungle—but she was lucky enough to be adopted by a clan of monkeys. So says Marina Chapman, who eventually married a Brit and now lives in Britain, the Daily Mail reports. She lived with capuchin monkeys...

New Monkey Species Found
 New Monkey Species Found 

New Monkey Species Found

'Lesula' found in remote Congo jungle

(Newser) - A remote jungle in the Congo has yielded a new species of monkey, the first to be found in almost 30 years. Scientists discovered the lesula in the Democratic Republic of Congo's Lomami forest basin after spotting an unusual monkey being kept as a pet in a small forest...

Drug Cocktail Cures Ebola in Monkeys

Human tests come next

(Newser) - A potentially big breakthrough against the Ebola virus: Researchers came up with a drug cocktail that completely cured infected monkeys, reports io9 . In the study, scientists infected 12 monkeys with the particularly lethal Zaire strain of the virus. Four that got the cocktail within 24 hours survived, two of the...

Low Social Status Bad for Your Health
 Low Social Status 
 Bad for Your Health 
study says

Low Social Status Bad for Your Health

The immune system is happier on top

(Newser) - It's not only good to be king—it’s good for your health, according to a new study. British research has long shown that underlings in the corporate pecking order suffer from more stress-related, life-threatening health problems than the executives who order them around. Now the Economist reports that...

Japanese Scientists Track Radiation With Monkeys

They'll gather data from collars attached to wild ones

(Newser) - Japanese scientists are recruiting some unusual agents to investigate the radiation levels in the forests around the Fukushima reactor: wild monkeys. A professor of robotic technology at Fukushima University is leading a team that plans to capture up to three wild monkeys and outfit them with a collar that will...

Drug Slims 'Couch Potato' Monkeys

Experimental fat-zapping drug works on chunky monkeys

(Newser) - An experimental weight loss drug helped the fattest, laziest members of a monkey colony lose an average of 11% after just four weeks of treatment—without any forced change in diet or increase in exercise. Researchers behind the drug, following the same strategy used to fight some cancers, designed Adipotide...

Virtual Monkeys Nearly Done Pecking Out Shakespeare

Bard's works being randomly reproduced, 9 characters at a time

(Newser) - A computer programmer testing the old theory that monkeys randomly mashing keyboards will eventually produce the complete works of Shakespeare says his virtual monkeys are nearly done with the Bard. Jesse Anderson—who keeps a running total on his blog —calculates that, in the "largest work ever randomly"...

Monkeys Create Own Language Sign

Mandrills invent way to sign 'do not disturb'

(Newser) - Monkeys at a British zoo have developed a way of saying "leave me alone" that doesn't involve biting or flinging poop. The mandrills cover their eyes—much like in the "see no evil" gesture—when they desire solitude, and their fellow monkeys respect the signal, the Telegraph...

Ad Campaign Targets Primates
 Ad Campaign Targets Primates 
Monkey See, Monkey Buy?

Ad Campaign Targets Primates

Researchers believe billboards will influence monkeys' food choice

(Newser) - Sex sells even when the target audience isn't human, according to a primatologist and two ad execs cooking up the first-ever ad campaign aimed at monkeys. The team plans to create two "brands" of food for capuchin monkeys and heavily advertise one in advance to see if advertising...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>