alcohol is bad for you

Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

10% of Older Adults Are Binge Drinking. That&#39;s Troubling
10% of Older Adults
Are Binge Drinking.
That's a Big Deal

10% of Older Adults Are Binge Drinking. That's a Big Deal

When older adults binge drink, there are different risks involved

(Newser) - There are the usual problems associated with binge drinking—and then there's an additional set of problems associated with binge drinking as you age. And that second set of problems is something we need to be concerned with, say researchers involved in a new study that found an estimated...

20% of US Adults Harmed by Someone Else&#39;s Drinking
20% of US Adults
Harmed by
Someone Else's
study says

20% of US Adults Harmed by Someone Else's Drinking

And that's just over the past year

(Newser) - We all know consuming alcohol can be bad for you; a new study finds it can also be bad for those around you. In the US, about 20% of adults say they were harmed at least once in the past year due to someone else's drinking, CNN reports. The...

Beer Before Wine? Turns Out It Doesn&#39;t Matter
Beer Before Wine? People
Vomited in Pursuit of Answer
in case you missed it

Beer Before Wine? People Vomited in Pursuit of Answer

Researchers find order you consume the beverages doesn't impact hangover

(Newser) - If you've attempted to "feel fine" by always drinking beer before wine, it may have all been for naught. A new study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition finds that the order in which you have beer and wine doesn't affect how severe your hangover is....

The Benefits of 'Dry January' Last for Months and Months

A New Year's resolution worth trying?

(Newser) - If you're still deciding on New Year's resolutions and pondering whether "Dry January"—that would be 31 days with no alcohol—is worth adding to the list, new research out of the UK suggests the answer is yes. The University of Sussex heard from 816 people...

Guy Sorry for Yelling 'Heil Trump!' During Fiddler on Roof

Surprise, kids! There was alcohol involved

(Newser) - File another one under Things That Seem Like a Good Idea While You're Drunk: Anthony Derlunas caused a stir Wednesday night in a Baltimore theater when he screamed "Heil Hitler! Heil Trump!" during intermission of a performance of Fiddler on the Roof—apparently inspired by the president'...

WHO: Booze Killed 3M People in 2016
WHO: Booze Killed
3M People in 2016

WHO: Booze Killed 3M People in 2016

A third of those deaths were from injuries

(Newser) - Drinking too much alcohol killed more than 3 million people in 2016, mostly men, the World Health Organization said Friday. The UN health agency also warned that current policy responses are not sufficient to reverse trends predicting an increase in consumption over the next 10 years, the AP reports. In...

Study: There Is No &#39;Safe&#39; Level of Alcohol Consumption
Study Has Sobering News
for Moderate Drinkers

Study Has Sobering News for Moderate Drinkers

There's no safe level of consumption, researchers say

(Newser) - People who think drinking moderate amounts of alcohol delivers health benefits should think again, according to a massive study published in the Lancet . Some 512 researchers analyzed more than 1,000 studies and concluded that the safest level of alcohol consumption is zero, the Washington Post reports. They found that...

Study Says Alcohol Should Be Limited to 1 Drink a Day
Want Long Life? No More
Than 1 Drink a Day

Want Long Life? No More Than 1 Drink a Day

More than that risks heart problems, researchers say

(Newser) - Here's some sobering news: A large international study says adults should average no more than one alcoholic drink per day, meaning drinking guidelines in many countries may be far too loose. The study found that people who down more than seven drinks a week can expect to die sooner...

There&#39;s Another Reason to Avoid Heavy Drinking
There's Another Reason
to Avoid Heavy Drinking

There's Another Reason to Avoid Heavy Drinking

Study finds it's a risk factor for dementia

(Newser) - A new study suggests that heavy drinking raises a person's risk for dementia, especially the early-onset variety. The research, published in Lancet Public Health , looked at 1.1 million French hospital patients diagnosed with dementia from 2008 to 2013. Of those patients, 16.5% of the men and 4%...

Top Cancer Doctors Have Some Advice About Alcohol

Drink less if you want to reduce your cancer risk

(Newser) - Name things that increase your risk of cancer. Cigarettes and tanning beds might quickly come to mind. But how about alcohol? A recent survey of 4,016 adults by the American Society of Clinical Oncology found that only 30% knew alcohol is a risk factor for cancer, reports the New ...

Norway Hands Out $30K DUI Fine
Hands Out
$30K DUI Fine

Norway Hands Out $30K DUI Fine

To world's second-youngest billionaire

(Newser) - A 22-year-old Norwegian student has been handed a $30,400 fine for drunken driving—but can still count herself lucky, reports the AP . Katharina G. Andresen is reportedly Norway's richest woman, with a fortune estimated by Forbes at $1.23 billion. Fines for drunken driving in Norway are based...

Sweden Rejects Baby Name From Beer-Loving Father

'Pilzner' is a no-go

(Newser) - A Swedish couple is fighting for the right to name their baby Pilzner, and, yes, it's because dad really likes beer. They plan to appeal a decision by the Swedish tax agency Skatteverket, which rejected the name as inappropriate for a child, reports the Local . "I only drink...

Chance the Rapper Show in Conn. Got Really Wild

90 hospitalized, many severely intoxicated, as cops cited 50 for underage drinking

(Newser) - First responders probably aren't among those who enjoyed Chance the Rapper's show in Hartford, Conn., where more than 90 people, many of them underaged, were hospitalized with severe intoxication. It was a "busy night," per deputy police chief Brian Foley—so much so that CNN reports...

Even a Few Drinks a Week Could Hurt Your Brain
Even Moderate Drinking
Could Hurt Your Brain

Even Moderate Drinking Could Hurt Your Brain

Eight to 12 drinks a week tied to increased risk of hippocampal atrophy

(Newser) - A variety of studies have linked heavy drinking to brain damage and dementia, but a new one suggests moderate drinking might also hurt the brain and perhaps lead to memory loss. Contrary to studies suggesting drinking in moderation might actually be good for you, the latest in the British Medical ...

Think You&#39;re a Happy Drunk? Not So Fast
Think You're a 
Happy Drunk?
Not So Fast

Think You're a Happy Drunk? Not So Fast

Those drinking and those observing perceive buzzed personality differently

(Newser) - Think you're a happy drunk, a real life of the party? Well, allow science to be your buzzkill. A study out of the University of Missouri published in Clinical Psychological Science finds there's a big difference in the personality you think you take on when you're drinking...

Cops: 'Genius' Drunk Guy Loses Keys, Swipes Forklift

Man 'needed something to drive,' took forklift because he knew 'how to drive one'

(Newser) - Florida Keys authorities say a drunken man from Rhode Island stole a forklift and crashed into a gate in Marathon, telling deputies he lost his car keys and needed something to drive, reports the AP . The Monroe County Sheriff's Office says in a news release that 44-year-old Edward Quinton...

In One City, Cops Crack Down on Drinking and ... Walking

Many accidents in Namibia's capital involve drunken pedestrians

(Newser) - Police in Namibia's capital are cracking down on a somewhat unlikely group, reports the BBC , following road accidents that are blamed not only on intoxicated motorists but on tipsy pedestrians. Police spokesman Edmund Khoaseb tells the Namibian that people who survive a run-in with a car will be given...

When Teens Binge Drink, It Could Impact Their Future Kids

Repeated binge drinking appears to affect certain brain functions in offspring, at least in rats

(Newser) - Alcohol and adolescence don't mix—especially not when the alcohol is in regularly large quantities. So said Loyola University researchers at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience this week, where they presented their findings, Science Daily reports. They've been studying the effects of binge drinking on...

Health Club Mogul Drinking Before Fatal Crash: Cops

Roger Wittenberns, girlfriend were allegedly speeding in matching yellow sports cars

(Newser) - Florida police say a heath club chain mogul and his girlfriend had been drinking when they hopped into matching luxury yellow sports cars shortly before Roger Wittenberns' speeding Lamborghini plowed into an SUV, killing the 82-year-old driver last Wednesday. Wittenberns, 60, and longtime girlfriend, Patty Ann McQuiggin, 61, were allegedly...

Man's Attempt to Get Friend to Stay at Party Kills Him

Jonathan Carlyle Merkley laid down in front of moving car

(Newser) - A birthday party in California turned tragic after the guest of honor was run over and killed by his friend. Police say Jonathan Carlyle Merkley was celebrating his 34th birthday early Sunday at a hotel near San Diego when a woman decided to leave the party. Merkley wanted her to...

Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>