terror threat

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St. Louis Man Busted Over World Series Tweets

His last job was as a social media manager

(Newser) - A few years back, Bobby Metzinger's "social media expertise" landed him a job in the field; now, it's landed him in court. Metzinger, a 30-year-old former social media manager for a marketing company, is reportedly a St. Louis Cardinals fan. As the World Series kicked off, Metzinger...

Sharp-Eared FBI Agent Nabs Suspect in Water Threat

Man said KC supply was going to be poisoned

(Newser) - Authorities in Kansas City, Mo., have arrested a 69-year-old man accused of phoning in threats to the municipal water supply, reports Reuters . But how they caught him is kind of remarkable: An FBI agent recognized his voice from three years ago—when he threatened to bomb the federal courthouse in...

Watch Out for Terrorist 'Dry Runs': Pilots' Memo

Union says they're testing to see how crews react

(Newser) - An internal memo from the US Airline Pilots Association suggests would-be terrorists are conducting "dry runs" during airplane flights to see how crews react to threatening situations, reports Tampa's WTSP . The memo cites "several" such incidents, the most recent on a Sept. 2 flight from Washington to...

TSA Agent in LAX Threat Previously in Public Spat

LAX terminals evacuated, 9/11 related note found in man's home

(Newser) - Federal authorities arrested an ex-TSA employee just before midnight last night, on suspicion that he'd made terrorist threats against Los Angeles International Airport. Nna Alpha Onuoha, 29, resigned his post as a screener yesterday, the LA Times reports, leaving behind a "suspicious package." That package turned out...

US to Reopen Most Diplomatic Posts

Facilities in Yemen and Pakistan will remain closed

(Newser) - The State Department plans to reopen all but one of the diplomatic posts it shuttered this week over a possible al-Qaeda attack , reports CNN . Only the embassy in Sanaa Yemen will stay closed over continued concerns of a terror strike. The Obama administration will reopen 18 other facilities throughout North...

Yemen Busts Huge al-Qaeda Plot

BBC says US special ops are preparing for missions

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda wasn't just planning a one-off suicide bombing of the usual variety—it was close to pulling the trigger on a highly coordinated operation in Yemen that involved blowing up pipelines and taking control of key port cities, reports the BBC . The news service also says US special operations...

US Warns Americans: Get Out of Yemen

US drone strike takes out 4 members of al-Qaeda

(Newser) - American concern about the threat of an al-Qaeda attack is only intensifying. The State Department today ordered all non-essential government employees to leave Yemen, and it urged all American citizens there to do the same, reports Reuters . The development comes after news reports revealed that one of the key pieces...

US Embassies Will Stay Closed All Week

But only as a caution, not because of a new threat, says State Department

(Newser) - Today's closure of US embassies and consulates has been extended through Saturday for diplomatic posts in 19 cities, the State Department has announced. But, it says in a statement , the extension is not due to a new threat, but "merely an indication of our commitment to exercise...

Interpol Issues Security Alert
 Interpol Issues Security Alert 

Interpol Issues Security Alert

It's worried about all the recent prison breaks; follows US alerts

(Newser) - Add this to a weekend already filled with security alerts: Interpol is urging countries around the world to show "increased vigilance" because of a recent rash of prison escapes that have freed hundreds of militants in Pakistan , Libya , Iraq , Indonesia , and elsewhere. The global security alert asks for help...

Travel Warnings Stem From Unusually Specific Threat

Affiliate of al-Qaeda reportedly in 'final stages' of planning attack on US interests

(Newser) - The State Department's unusually strong warnings this week about a possible terror threat—it announced that 21 US embassies would be closed tomorrow and followed that up with a global travel alert for Americans—came after authorities intercepted communications among what the New York Times calls "senior operatives"...

US Issues Travel Terrorism Alert
 US to Global Travelers: Beware 

US to Global Travelers: Beware

State Department urges caution throughout August

(Newser) - If you were planning to travel this month, the Obama administration thinks you should be nervous. The State Department today issued a global travel alert , warning US citizens that "al-Qaeda and affiliated organizations" may be planning to strike "in the period between now and the end of August....

Threat Closes US Embassies Everywhere on Sunday

State Department says it's out of an 'abundance of caution'

(Newser) - The State Department has ordered many embassies in the Middle East and elsewhere to close on Sunday in response to a terror threat. A State Department spokeswoman said the closings come out of an "abundance of caution," but warned that they could stretch on for days "depending...

Plane Grounded After Scary Note Found on Napkin

'I'll set this plane on fire' written in pencil

(Newser) - Things you probably don't want to read in a note on an airplane: "I'll set this plane on fire." That's what was scrawled in pencil on a napkin found by a woman on an Egypt Air flight from Cairo to New York, and it was...

UK: 'Specific Threat' in Somaliland

Urges Westerners to immediately evacuate

(Newser) - British diplomats say that there is a specific threat to Westerners in the Somaliland region of Somalia and have urged any British citizens in the area to leave immediately. In a statement emailed to reporters today, the British Foreign Office did not go into any further detail but noted that...

Fake Terror Tweet Forces Diet Guru Off Cruise

Parody Jack Kruse account threatened bioterror attack

(Newser) - Controversial neurosurgeon-turned-diet guru Jack Kruse was kicked off a cruise ship, where he was supposed to give a lecture, after a bogus tweet warned of a bioterror attack. Kruse was questioned after authorities were tipped off to a tweet reading: "Security confiscated dynamite. Talk won't be as explosive...

'Al-Qaeda Coming to NY' Web Graphic Rattles Officials

NYPD, FBI probing image posted on terror-friendly sites

(Newser) - The most popular Internet forums linked to al-Qaeda have gone offline over the last couple of weeks, but a disturbing image has surfaced on those that remain. "Al Qaeda Coming Soon Again in New York," warns the graphic, which contains an image of the New York City skyline,...

FBI Seeking 'Terror Trio' Believed Sent by al-Qaeda Boss

At least one man in suspected plot is believed to be US citizen: ABC

(Newser) - The FBI, CIA, and police are attempting to track down a trio of men they believe arrived in the US last month to launch a terror attack on the anniversary of 9/11. The men, who officials believe were sent by al-Qaeda boss Ayman al-Zawahiri, are suspected of plotting a car...

Bloomberg: Minority Surveillance Like Checking for Measles

Muslims have accused NYPD of racial profiling

(Newser) - The NYPD's increased undercover surveillance of Muslims and ethnic minorities since 9/11 is like screening children for measles, said Mayor Michael Bloomberg yesterday. "If there is a community where the crime rate is very high, to not put more cops in that community is ridiculous," said the...

Holder: No 'Credible Threats' for 9/11

Attorney general says government will remain watchful

(Newser) - For years each Sept. 11 brought warnings of heightened terrorist threats on the grim anniversary. But, thankfully, not this year. US Attorney General Eric Holder said yesterday that there have been no credible threats of terrorism against the US for next week, reports Reuters . "We don't have any...

9/11 Panel: US Is Still Not Prepared

Commission says too many gaps remain in national security

(Newser) - The 9/11 Commission takes stock of national security 10 years later, and the bottom line isn't pretty: "A decade after 9/11, the nation is not yet prepared for a truly catastrophic disaster," says a new report by the panel out today. Several key recommendations remain in limbo,...

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