online media

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The Internet Didn't Kill the TV Show

Economist argues online viewers more likely to tune in the old fashioned way

(Newser) - With Viacom's lawsuit against YouTube, and widespread speculation that the dearth of material created by a long TV writers' strike will send more viewers online, there are still some economists who think Internet video could stimulate rather than stifle TV viewing. The key is not to think of the online/on-air...

MSNBC Buys Out Online Indy News Site

Newsvine goes corporate, as media giant moves in

(Newser) - MSNBC will announce today its acquisition of online news site Newsvine, as the media giant attempts to revamp its image. While the move will only add 1 million monthly users to its already massive 29 million, Newsvine's user-generated content and annotated stories are expected to give MSNBC a leg up...

Senate Shield Law Would Cover Bloggers

Controversial new measure defines 'journalist' broadly

(Newser) - A Senate bill that passed the Judiciary Committee yesterday would give bloggers the “reporter’s privilege” of protecting their sources. The federal shield law defines journalism broadly enough to include bloggers who write about public affairs. Critics, including US attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, say the bill would undermine national security,...

YearlyKos Gets Ready for Its Closeup

With big day tomorrow, Bloggers ponder their clout with Dems

(Newser) - Bloggers contemplating the off-again, on-again appearance of Hillary Clinton at tomorrow's YearlyKos convention can't quite get over how much more respect—would fear be an exaggeration?—they're inspiring in Democrats this year, compared to the last go-round. Joe Gandelman at the Moderate Voice asks whether it means the Democratic center...

Wikipedia: Encyclopedia, Newspaper, or Cult?

All of the above, and an astonishing success

(Newser) - Novelist Jonathan Dee plumbs the phenomenon that is Wikipedia: First it was a populist encyclopedia, increasingly it's populist journalism, and all along it's been a religious cult, populated by cybermonks working in isolation, often putting in long hours in their bedrooms on school nights. The amazing twist, he notes, is...

TV Moguls Blast Web Rivals
TV Moguls Blast Web Rivals

TV Moguls Blast Web Rivals

Parsons: 'They are the Custer of the modern world. We are the Sioux Nation.'

(Newser) - A panel of top television executives at a Vegas conference yesterday went on the offensive against their digital rivals, blasting the perception that cell phones, the Web, and other digital formats are killing their business. Quite the contrary, pronounced Time Warner CEO Richard Parsons: "The Googles, they are the...

Bochco Switches to Shorts
Bochco Switches to Shorts

Bochco Switches to Shorts

Keep it snappy; I'm sick of this buffer bar

(Newser) - Steven Bochco, the brains behind "L.A. Law" and "Hill Street Blues," is the latest to move from the small screen to the short attention span. His new project is "Cafe Confidential," an online video featuring a series of brief clips from members of the...

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